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    Thank you for your apology Aggie. I know it takes time to adjust to a new format, and I think that you are doing well actually. I noticed recently that you post in places other than this chatbox now!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Aggie , the more you are able to get on here, the easier it becomes. Nothing stays the same, especially cyberspace 😜😜😜 we couldn't return to the old type of forum if we wanted to !

      I found it quite trying personally having to check daily on GN when I am working with Gemini and Daisy on this website. It was made far more difficult as we had such limited access and could only delete post and people who spammed and advertised and not get rid of their IPs or details, so hours later, up they pop again. Grrrrrr.

      I'm pleased to punch they are closing as for me personally I could do without the hassle.😈😈😈😈. More time to concentrate on moving forwards with GRU. Xxx
      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


        Aggie I for one have missed you very much and your humour keep going on here I still struggle with some things so just tend not to do what frustrates me, I am sorry that the name Grannynet will be no more of course I know why but it was my first forum and I have some fond memories and the coming together of ladies on tour, but I love my GRU it is just relaxing and I feel safer here knowing the admin on here are on the ball and know exactly what it takes to run a happy site xx
        Last edited by Qwerty; 12-11-2015, 12:05 PM.


          Morning / afternoon all quiet day for me again good lord what is happening to my busy life 2 free days in one week, both of for flu injections tis afternoon, sorry some of our little ones arnt so well our twins were on antibiotics and inhalers last week for chest infections but this week they are in fine form so light at the end of the tunnel, good that other LO's and big ones are feeling better..


            I must confess that I messaged Verity and asked her to close the forum , she did answer and say it will be closed within two weeks , this was last week . I just felt it was a travesty now . I do my best to post on here , but life gets in the way sometimes


              Elisi here! Just fiddling about in Admin, as you do We've got our flu jabs at 2.30 Qwerty! Good luck with yours, I always get a fever afterwards and don't feel up to scratch, which I suppose means I would get the flu really badly if I didn't have the jab!

              Aggie, Verity and Charlotte were waiting until their Contract with VBulletin and their host had run out. You cannot just close something if you have an annual Contract, or, indeed it is quite difficult. You have Contracted to pay monthly their fee, and/or annually or bi-annually. You stay in cyberspace until that contract (whichever one it is) runs its course.

              This is what I mentioned some time ago when we created GRU, that GN would close, but not until it was clear 1) no members left and 2) advertisers not interested and 3) their Contract terminates.
              run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers


                Aggie we look forward to your posts, even if you don't manage to get on here daily.Nor do I, we all have lives consumed with various responsibilities of one kind or another. I'm still discovering new things on here so your not alone, as they say practise makes perfect. Just to say I greatly appreciate all you moderators do for this forum, and enjoy coming on here to speak to my "friends". Sad to see the demise of GN but it was inevitable. I dont always post everyday, but know your all here when I need to share all things good/bad, happy/sad. Personally things happen in life and one just wants to close off and dont feel like sharing, this is in no way a snub to anyone.We all deal with stuff in different ways. On that note, have had concerns about ZIZI, has anyone heard from her I'm not aware she has posted any further about her holiday.Knowing she had felt very unwell a couple of times was worried all wasn't well.
                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                  Libra, I have been worrying about Zizi too I hope she is OK
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I always look forward to your posts Aggie.Real life does get in the way sometimes. I have a bit of catching up to do on here, been a bit of a busy week.We seem to have had a lot of visitors this week.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      Libra, I have been worrying about Zizi too I hope she is OK
                      She is better now, she posted on her Tobago thread this morning.

                      It's rough out there toady. I haven't been out, I'm just judging by the rain hammering down on the bedroom window.
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Good morning everyone.
                        Cute graphic Nan2!
                        No rain here atm
                        Off to collect GS soon. He has been very poorly with a chest infection all week, so hasn't been to nursery or seen friends. DD feels he's well enough to come to Grandmas, and could do with the change of scene. I'm sure she can do with a break too!
                        OH and I are eating out with a group of friends tonight for a friends birthday.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning, you bright and early risers! I think we're just about to get a share of Mimi's rain.

                          Gem, is hope little GS is feeling better and I'm sure he'll love lots of cuddles with Grandma today.

                          We're off to an exciting morning at the supermarket, and I really must get a new squirrel-proof bird seed feeder - the magpies and jackdaws are insatiable and scare off the little birds!
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            I am off to the Warfarin Clinic, might pop into Vyella/CC shop after which is close by, well you have to don't you.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Plant - indeed! I'm quite tempted to pop into EWM when we're out shopping - the friends I had lunch with last week both turned up in really lovely jumpers/jacket from there.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Has to be done Plant, yes!

                                I'm looking forward to my GS cuddles, Daisy I usually have him once a week. I had him a Friday, then Monday last week, and now today, it seems long time since I saw him!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

