Heavy rain and thunder and lightening now.
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Sunshine and showers here.
OH and I went to the cinema to see "Eddie the Eagle". It was a nice "easy" film to watch and we both enjoyed it. I hope the one other man keeping us company in an otherwise empty cinema did too. We thought we were going to have a screening for just the two of us until our companion arrived at the last minute!This happened to us once before when we were literally the only ones in there and I began to think we were at the wrong screen!
I was relieved when the screen lit up and I knew we were okay!
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Clover, we met Eddie the eagle when he was an after dinner speaker on one or our cruises. He was very entertaining and a lovely man. He used to go running round the deck in the evening but would willingly stop and chat. When we asked him if he would ski jump again he said that he had had laser eye surgery and now would be able to see the jump. In his Olympic jump he had thick glasses and goggles which used to mist up between the two. He wasn't able to see the jump below! We will look forward to watching the film.
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Morning ladies been to M&S it rained as I was half way there , no hood on coat and no umbrella 😯 DD had to go down hospital yesterday and collect some different pain killers as his pain isn't responding to what he's taking , Took one at 11.30 and slept till 7 am so had a decent night if nothing else .
Gem that baby is hanging in there isn't he 😊Im not fat just 6ft too small
Poor B, Oma, persistant pain must be getting him down. It's good that the new ones gave him a good nights sleep, I hope they control the pain better as well.
I have predicted the baby will arrive tomorrow. GD is with me all day tomorrow anyway, and DD1 goes to Scotland for a few days on Thursday, and is desperate for her nephew to arrive before she goes! I see my mum on Thursdays so it's easy to take her to see the new baby. Tomorrow would suit us all“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Today went differently to the way it was planned! I was to have GS until late afternoon,,when DD was collecting him and going out for tea with DD2 and GD. However, DD2 started to feel unwell, diarrhoea, feeling nauseous, and some tightenings. She thought it may be early labour, but whatever it was didnt feel too good and thought GD should come here. Her sister went and stayed with her until SIL arrived, then she brought GD here.
The plan was me going out with 2 friends for dinner tonight. The reality was me, OH and 2 GC to feed! We got pizzas and did salads and baked potatoes. GD is tucked up in bed here. Her poor mum has been sick lots of times. I think it is the bug GD had on Saturday night. What bad timing. Poor DDI hope it stops soon and she gets a nights sleep, especially if labour is on it's way.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone.
My grandson arrived at 1.18 am! They were only in the hospital 90 minutes before he was born.
Lovely midwife, calm and easy delivery of an 8 pounds 12 ounce baby! She rang me from home at 8am!
GD is happy and excited. I showed her her brothers photo, taken at a few minutes old, on my phone when she woke, and gave her a big sister card. OH is still sleeping, but once she is up and we have all breakfasted, off we shall go to visit the baby
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown