Morning all, sorry not been on much, just busy busy.Hope Brian is feeling better now Oma.The sun is actually shining here today, blue skies and just a few wispy clouds.
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Sunny day here. Why couldn't it have been yesterday?!!! It rained throughout our friends wedding dayWe all had a lovely time though, despite the weather.
I wish you luck and energy Daisy, with all you have to do! I have a long list of chores too, but not the same pressure of having to have things ready for someone staying!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem it rained cats and dogs when we got married and I was nearly in tears. Husband said "do you want to get married?" So I said of course, he said "the. What does it matter what the weather is like?". MOurs was a small wedding with just the boys, his mum and sister, my parents and two friends and we have a picture with all of them holding oversize umbrellas over us in the pouring rain!
So how many people/vans/days/hours does it take NOT to change a street sign? I can give you that information. Over two days, almost four hours, Seven people, two grabber lorries, one big van........ Yesterday three blokes trying to use a grabber to wrench the sign out of the ground, failed. Today two blokes trying to dig it out, failed. Along comes the grabber lorry again to try to wrench it out of the ground, failed. Shiny new sign in place next to mangled old sign which there was nothing wrong with in the first place! Excellent use of council tax.....If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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We have had a very lazy day , Put all the towels in a boil wash after we had our showers this morning did a quick flick over with the duster to be honest it didnt really need it then we have just sat and watched TV pottered on hear, had lunch the plates and cups from lunch still in the sink havent even done them, generally slobbed out . Cant remember the last time i did that, The sun is shining its very quiet around hear feel so relaxed . wont be like that tomorrow when the two youngest charge through the doorIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma - if anyone deserves a lazy day, it's you! But honestly, girl!!! Leaving plates and cups in the sink! What is the world coming to when even the Cleaning Freaks slob out!
I managed to get quite a bit done today. My study/extra bedroom hasn't been this clean in ages! And I managed to mow both lawns and do some photography for things OH wants to put on that auction site. Ready for bed now!
Night, night everyone. x
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning Nanto and everyone else!
A relaxing Sunday would be great, but I must get the rest of the house tidied up today. Only one more load of washing to go in. OH has said he'll do the supermarket shop if I make a 'good' list! The hardest part of having visitors is deciding on meals! But the sun's shining, and I hope to get an hour in at the allotment this afternoon. What is everyone else doing today?"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
It's a grey day here. Hubby is going to be hedge trimming, I feel like slobbing today, no-one is coming to Nanna's house so I think a bit of knitting, a dog walk but nothing very exciting. Looking forward to DS and DIL returning from their holiday tomorrow night. I shall go over in the morning and put some milk and bread in their house. Got some nice pigeon breasts for lunch I shall flash fry them in garlic butter mmmmm.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
Yay, Oma, you need more relaxing and 'slobbing out' days!
Ironing, Daisy!! Some e mails to catch up on too, and dinner to cook. We have eaten out the last 2 nights, so I should actually cook tonight! There will be time to relax in the garden a bit too, but after a sunny start it's looking cloudy now, so not sure about that!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning every one , Sun is out hubby sunning himself in the garden had a bad night last night neither of us had much sleep so a bit drained today , nothing either of us could put our finger on just one of those nights , sitting down stairs drinking tea and coffee at 4am , thats what i get for slobbing all day 😕Youngest are not coming over till later this afternoon so give us a chance to recharge our batteries. Have a nice day whatever your doing xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Found this and it amused me:
Dust If You Must by Rose Milligan Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed;
Ponder the difference between want and need?
Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish, and life to lead.
Dust if you must, but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes, and the wind in your hair;
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
This day will not come around again.
Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go (and go you must)
You, yourself, will make more dust.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
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The sun shone till 11am, then clouded over.Have managed to get washing dry. Made an easy dinner today,chips,peas,steak and onion rings.Both of us enjoyed it.
Bought these in Asda yesterday, used one today,freezed the others.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
I am planning to have a "Bulding Sites Are Not Playgrounds" video so I have been writing the storyline for today, also updating my CV. I saw a job as a community liaison person in construction in London, just curious really. Then I updated the freezer list and retyped it. Had a conversation with neighbour about our purchase of the freehold. Too long to go into but suffice to say one quarter of the residents I.e. one couple have been a bit underhanded and I have found out as he sent me an email when he was a tiny tad drunk (well that is the way it reads) and he sent it on top of another one he wrote to someone else and reading the email trail he has completely given himself away two faced idiot........
Husband just in from work, very flipping lively he is too. Doesn't he know I need peace and quiet on a Sunday afternoon?If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Well that's youngest GS looked after the other week, GD spent yesterday and most of today with us (she has just gone home now) and on Thursday/Friday we have got eldest GS and GD staying with us again.
I love them to bits and I love all the cuddles and laughter but boy can they eat !!
GD has just eaten a huge roast , chicken, sweet corn, potatoes peas and sprouts (all her favourite veg) and then two bowls of strawberries and ice cream . I don't know where she puts it all !Bring me sunshine in your smile.