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Good morning everyone.
I hope you have a lovely relaxing time Qwerty. It's just what you need!
Thursday is my usual day to take my mum shopping. DD1 and GS are meeting up with us for coffee while we are out. DD doesnt see mum as often as she could, given that she doesn't work anymore. I think she wants to see her with me there for protection, as it has been a while! !“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Pleased to say GS was fine on his first day at school. He was there for the morning. Today its the morning + lunch. Tomorrow the full day. I'm hoping it's a turning point for him to start eating. Hope you all enjoy your day."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Morning all I have been AWOL for a little while so need to catch up - well actually it would be better described as missing in action so much has gone on. My little people all returned to school happily. Joe is in his last year of primary and is really looking forward to finally going to secondary school. Sadie has just been a bit bored in the last couple of weeks and Ben, well, cheeky monkey, his mummy was away in Ghana working and he was not too impressed with the child care arrangements made for him by Daddy so he phoned around and made his own! He did ask if he could stay here for a couple of nights but with husband's shifts and my work it just was not possible.
The last two days I have had the roofers here doing the soffits, fascias, gutters and down pipes. £2,000 EEEEEK
I put some washing out this morning as I couldnt put it out while the roofers were here and shortly afterwards looked out to see it chucking it down. Someone hit the side of my car during the night and knocked the wing mirror off. The boiler broke down and we had to call someone in so no hot water. I dropped a bottle of nail polish remover on the table on a white table cloth and didn't get it off fast enough to prevent it taking the varnish off - not the biggest problem it is not an antique or anything. It is one of those tables that fold small and you put the chairs underneath in the hole. I fell down the stairs this morning. My fault for wearing sloppy slippers.........
I only have 8 weeks left before I return to my company and I must admit I am winding down now, I cannot really be botherd to go out in earnest searching for people and things. Looking forward to our meet up in a couple of weeks. Yes ladies Plant and I are in the correct hotel (unless they have moved it
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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I know Oma, like to ensure my life is not boring. I know about the slippers, we live upstairs, but I needed to go down to the car and just plain forgot to take them off. I kind of slid down on my bum and righted myself at the bottom of the stairs but shouldn't have because I managed to head butt the door. I had a very fleeting horror that my feet would hit the door and they would fracture again and I would have to go through all that again. they haven't been giving me any trouble recently, well I wore proper heels going to dinner in Newcastle but I took flats with me and I must admit I did change into them on the walk back to the hotel but other than that I have been OK but only wearing mid heels not killers.
Husband said that it was probably safer for my head to hit the door as there is less there to damage - I will not tell you what the name was that I called him but it was not nice...........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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OI you are supposed to be my mate!!! As for the the tender loving care in that area Oma if only, if only..........
My bum is not badly bruised to look at it is just tender to sit on and it is the base of my spine that took most of the bumping around. I do have some nice bruises on my right calf which I don't understand but then I am like the princess and the pea and bruise very easily.If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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I'd suggest we invest in those slippers with the little grippers on the bottom (bottom of the slippers not our bums) lol.and we may then be able to keep ourselves up rightwe do seem to be having a few falls and trips these past few weeks,I have been for my CT scan for the dreaded shoulder/arm break and now have to wait to see chap about the possible replacement of the joint something I am not looking forward too I may decide to leave well alone and bear with it.
My young people go back to school to-day much to DDs relief they have been costing her an arm and leg in days out this past week but we funded a couple of days for them to go off to Southport and Blackpool as DD has a weeks holiday
but the weather has not been very nice for them has it,it seems as though the rain may stay off to-day though just in time for them to return to school.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
Morning ladies cold and grey hear , I'm off to Dunelm for new bedding this morning , going back to two single Duvets the Super king size is just to heavy and big for me to iron and put on bed .why we changed in the first place I have no idea as singles worked fine for us , plus when I'm hot I can just put mine on the floor instead of throwing it on him in doors and chocking himIm not fat just 6ft too small
Grey here too. I have awarded myself a day off today, not doing much. Got a bit of the dreaded HW to do and boiler man coming (second time in less than a month so methinks some money spending might be taking place in the near future). I have a cockerel sitting on my table in my sitting room! No not a real one, one made of odd bits of tin. He is for the garden, husband has recently been buying obscure things for it, I think he is losing his marbles. I said last night that he should have a name and decided on Charlie. Husband said he should be called Arthur. Why? Husband said because if he starts crowing too early in the morning he is going to chop his flipping head off and then he with be "ARF A" cockerel. What do I do with him?If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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Zizi that sounds like a nasty fall, slippers are so dangerous on the stairs, I know two people who have fell on the stairs and seriously hurt themselves, so pleased your alright..
Hope all the GC starting school this term are enjoying it, mine don't go back until next week, still got a few bits and pieces to buy for uniform, E's is costing a fortune even has the have the school badge on her PE kit which isn't too cheap either,
Cold and dark hear too, sun is trying to shine through so fingers crossed got a couple of loads of washing that could go on the line if it stays dry...How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E