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    Morning ladies

    Lizzie nice to hear you had a good time, Thats one party that young man won’t forget 😁
    Hope whatever you plan with the girls today the weather is good for you.
    Did you wear your new dress ?

    I did my fridge on Friday only because it was a mess and things just not on the right shelves , B just opens the door and bungs thins in any space . He does the same with the food cupboards 🙄

    How lovely something to look forward too 😁

    Hope you enjoyed your Dinner what have you planned for today , is the weather ok for yous ? X

    Hope GD got there safely ,how is H doing with your DD , I suppose she hasn’t really had time to miss Mummy much yet 😁

    Its a bit overcast and breezy but not cold ,
    B finishing off painting the gates , hasn’t been able too with all the rain this week ,

    Ive cleaned my kitchen bin and the recycle bin out , when I emptied the recycle bin into the wheelie bin there was a can of coke that had been put in still with coke in so it was all over the bottom ,
    GD put it in on Friday obviously thinking it was empty ,

    DD coming over again today ,she came yesterday but rang last night she has been growing some veg etc and pulled spring onions yesterday so giving us some .
    Apart from that a quiet day I think .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning everyone.

      It looks like November out there at the moment! Dull and windy.

      Daisy, how lovely to have the week away in Devon to look forward to. You are right to make the most of the caravan and the summer.

      Lizzie, the boy must have loved his party - and been very surprised!
      How lovely having both girls staying.

      Nan2, that dinner sounds nice.

      We went to Ingleton yesterday, where there was a 40's day event. Lots going on. I enjoyed the singer singing all the wartime songs in the square when I was sitting outside a cafe having a cuppa. I had exceeded my walking ability walking from where we parked and looking round so I encouraged them all to go off for a walk. There were several rain showers during the day interspersed with sunshine. Umbrellas or raincoats were definitely needed!
      We played board games later in the afternoon .
      I have enjoyed having Lottie the dog here. She is my size of dog ( border terrier)

      This afternoon we are all going Lancaster to the Escape Rooms. 2 groups of 4 in one room each. No one but OH and I have ever done one and we weren't very good, so who knows how it will all go?!

      A meal out tonight ( our last night) to celebrate the 2 birthdays.

      I'm not sure if anyone has anything planned this morning but I intend to do no walking apart from that necessary to get me where I need to be!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Just had a knock on my french window, turned around and there was H grinning at me, she was with her Papa, she marched in, looked at Nanto’s bright good morning and stuck a sticker on me. No missing her mum yet. GD FaceTimed us from the hotel, such a long flight she could hardly speak she was so tired. 4 pm her time and it was so hot. I can’t understand why they couldn’t have gone to Cornwall. Her OH is a collector of countries visited I think. No plans for today, although I need to sweep the courtyard.

        Lizzie, that sounds like a lovely party, what a surprise for the young man.

        Gemini, apart from the walking, it sounds like an enjoyable break for you and S. I hope you manage to escape.

        Daisy, pleased to hear you are having a weeks break in the caravan. Hope you have some good weather.

        Oma, I am ‘everything goes in it’s place’ in cupboards and drawers otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find it.

        Nanto, my GGD loved your bright “Good Morning” Enjoy your tasty sounding meal.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Good Sunday morning, everyone.

          Nanto, a lovely cheerful welcome to start the day! The weather sounds about right for braising steak. It's must cooler here, but ok when the sun comes out.

          Plant, I'm sure H's mummy and daddy are pleased she's not missing them, but I'm equally sure she will be delighted to have them home again. We've been to Cuba at this time of year (same weather as the DR) and it is hot! But hopefully they've got a lovely pool to cool off in and lots of interesting cool drinks as well.

          Gem, what a pity your knee demanded a rest, but it sounds as though you would have missed the singing if you hadn't stopped for a cuppa. I hope it feel ok today. Good luck with the Escape Room. I'm sure I'd be rubbish at it - I'd have to be rescued. I hope you all get out in time for the birthday meal this evening. Border Terriers are cute little dogs (my BIL and his OH have one) and, as you say, not too big. My BIL's can lift paint off doors with his bark though - you'd think it was a pack of ravenous beasts!

          Lizzie, your GD must be so pleased to have you there to see her receive her certificate. I hope her parents are enjoying their trip to Wales. The new bike sounds a great success - a good find.

          Oma, oh how I hate finding sticky liquid at the bottom on the recycling bin. We put a plastic bag in ours and reuse it until something horrible happens to it! Not really in the spirit of recycling but our recycling is collected in clear dustbin bags anyway. I hope B gets the painting finished - it's annoying when the weather suddenly breaks like that before a job's completed.

          My DS1, DIL and their two sons have gone for a week's holiday in Cornwall. It's the first time all 4 of them have gone away together for a while. They're staying just a few minutes from Fistral beach, so they boys are hoping to do some windsurfing/surfing - the boys have a lesson booked - and the boys are also doing an Escape Room later in the week. Gem, they could probably do with any advice you can give them! I don't know what else they're planning, but GS1 has taken his own car so they can out out and about without mum and dad!

          We were up and about early this morning to load the trailer for a tip run. The washing machine's churning away and I'm just off to portion up dog food for the coming week. Exciting, eh!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Lottie IMG_20230702_125839208.jpg
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Hello Lottie 🥰😁
              you know your walking limits best to rest and enjoy the music rather than push yourself and regret it later .
              Enjoy the Escape room I bet there are lots of laughter and frustration 😁

              I can just imagine Hs cheeky face at the window 😁
              Your GD will need a day to recover from the flight , I couldn’t do a long flight like that 3 hours is my limit and that’s pushing it for me .
              I have put a bag in my recycle bin , saves the hassle of all the bits and any spills .
              I don’t know why I haven’t done it before , I have a big roll of bags ideal size for it so no excuse

              I have just done the worst job in my opinion , I have cleaned the cooker hood and replaced the filter.
              I hate doing it it’s so greasy and awkward to get into .
              B usually takes it all apart and cleans it but as he was busy I did what I could .
              Its not perfect but it’s clean and looks ok it will do for now .
              I have to stand on the step ladders to get to the top and sort of duck my head under the hood ,
              B can just reach up with no bother .
              The downside of being a midget for me I suppose 🙄

              It’s a funny old day , bright and sunny one minute then the wind is getting up and clouding over , then back to sunshine .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Thank you all for my birthday wishes....and the e-card! Very quiet day mainly recovering from a trip to Legoland in WIndsor with the class that I work with in a local Infant school ( near Plant!). I was exhausted by the time we got back and I couldn't have a lie in on Saturday because the painter was coming to do a bit more work on the outside of the house!

                Legoland was fun, but some of the queues were quite long, an hour for the Skyflight! The children were very good throughout the day and I didn't lose any of my little group! Phew! Went on all the rides except one. The teacher had a route mapped out which was just as well. It was so nice just to be a helper rather than an organiser though!

                DD and family have gone to Rhodes, so I am now on dogsitting duties! I was out before 8 this morning for a walk. This is the same dog who was on his last les just a couple of months ago! Hopefully he'll get less enthusiastic about early morning walks as the days go by.

                Off to Slovakia with GS at the end of the month to visit DS.Then DS is back sometime in August and we've booked a long weekend in Aldeburgh while he's here and I've booked a holiday in Crete for myself in September.

                I try to keep busy and am almost finished our post box topper which, hopefully, will go on display later this week. Sadly my art class only has two more sessions to go before we break up for the holidays. I'm really enjoying this class, good teacher, which is a bonus. We're working with soft pastels at the moment and he is very good with advice etc.I'm also involved with a couple of other groups in the village and getting to know more people. Still finding lots of different walks in the area and usually with a cafe somewhere enroute! Reading will aslo finish soon for the holidays, but I shall start again in the Autumn

                Think it's time for a coffee, so just to say thanks again and take care, all of you. xx
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  Busy time ahead for you WG, but exciting.

                  Oma, when i clean the extractor its like climbing Mount Everest.
                  We don't use filters though,we have the ducting that goes outside.

                  Gem, enjoy the last night of your weekend. Say Hi to Lottie for me.

                  Plant, pleased your GGD liked the graphic.

                  Its quite cool here.Sun keeps popping in and out but its windy.

                  Daisy, hope the family enjoy their holiday in Cornwall, and you have your holiday to look forward to.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    we have ducting too but this cooker hood requires filters too , our old one was those metal grid type that you just washed , we had to change it and this one works differently ,
                    Its a pain in the bum to be honest having to buy and change filters .

                    What a busy lady you are but good for you getting out and about and joining in 😁
                    Hope you enjoy your visit to your DSs xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      WG, what a busy lady you are. I remember going on school trips, very exhausting! Pleased to read you didn’t loose anyone. I must stop and have a look at your post box topper, do you take it in turns? Art class sounds very inspiring.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        What a fabulous afternoon at the Escape Rooms!
                        We are ready to go out for dinner now.

                        I will catch up with you all later!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Hallo everyone, Daisy, a lovely plan for the holiday, WeeGranny as well, good for you getting out and about!

                          Gem, I hope that you managed to enjoy the weekend, when do you do and see the specialist for your knee?

                          I am waiting for the girls, GD2 has a birthday party at Jump XL and GD1 has gone to Schiphol with the parents of a friend to pick him up, I hope they are both back soon.

                          Well done Oma for getting the hood cleaned, always messy work.


                            Lizzie I see the specialist on Tuesday. The pain has been mostly my back and hip this weekend, but probably due to the knee in the long run. I have had a lovely weekend though

                            We had a lovely meal tonight.
                            Off to bed now. We have to leave around 10 in the morning as OH has to go to Whetherby for golf in the afternoon. I am meeting friends for lunch in York so I will catch up with you all later tomorrow!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning, Gem, your back pain etc could be from walking "wrong" with your bad knee, if mine plays up I get a pain in the "bum" muscle!

                              It was 11pm when the girls got home, they kept in touch and said it was later, the father of the birthday girl cycled with them until they were almost here, that was very thoughtful.

                              It is the certificate presentation this afternoon, friends are invited then the friends are taking both the girls out for a meal, as I said, it is B&B here!!!! DIL2 is coming, DS2 has to work but I am pleased she will be there.


                                Sun and showers this morning. Had a few lovely rainbows.

                                Lizzie, hope all goes well at the presentation.

                                I've got a cupboard with loads of plastic boxes in. Tupperware,ice cream cartons and spread cartons.
                                I save them mainly for freezing homemade stuff. I think i have saved too many,so going to get rid of some.

                                Dinner is new potatoes,bacon and veg.

                                Gem, have a safe journey home.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

