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    Thanks for asking about GS3 everyone.
    DD sent me a photo of him enjoying his porridge this morning and says he seems happy and cooler this morning She gave him more Calpol at 4 am when he woke up hot and grizzly. Hopefully that's the end of it.

    Mimi, great that the leg rest is helping.

    Oma, I hope you are OK today.

    I hope the national trust talk is interesting Plant.

    Daisy, the barbecue will be fine without the patio being cleaned. Don't wear yourself out. That's an order!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning, the rain didn't hit us again yesterday.

      I have been doing coffee then I am doing it again this afternoon, that is a "one off". Tomorrow afternoon as well, there are all different kinds of exercise idea's for the elderly, a good idea, but, with a hot day forecast again I am not sure how many will turn up, I could be surprised.

      Oma, you were lucky B was there to get hold of your arm, are you bruised today?

      Gem, I hardly slept the night before last, not my thing at all, I was shattered last night and slept a full 11 hours!

      Daisy, I hope that you can get your grass cut, it is so hot here none is growing at the moment.

      Plant, I hope your foot problem gets solved, don't they provide support socks etc for moments like that? I went to get measured for mine yesterday, tights and sleeves, we were both surprised, I have managed to control my weight for over a year now, a record as Gem can tell you, but, lost more cm's in the last year, we expect that will be the sport I do.

      Mimi, my windows need a cleaning, I will wait for a cold, wet day to do them!

      I will get my lunch sorted before heading out again.


        MIL was not too bad , had a few grumbles but on the whole she was OK

        I'm a bit battered and bruised today but nothing major I will survive . As I say up at 3 with headache but that eased with some paracetamol.

        Do you know what kept you awake was it worry or just a restless night . Hopefully you will sleep better tonight .

        I don't suppose the patio being pressure washed will spoil the BBQ I bet no one takes any notice. Plus J is doing something for a good cause. His good deed for the day

        it always rains when our window cleaner comes , i really think hes the rain cloud man

        hope you enjoy your NT talk do you know what its on today ?
        Yes i drink lots of water everyday so i know it wasnt that
        Its worth trying those leg wedges to see if it helps your feet .

        Will you wait long for your sleeves and stockings ?
        Good for you maintaining your weight loss .

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, I think it was largely due to some small amount of chili in what OH cooked for tea. I was awake with bad tummy pains between 3 and 4. I was worrying about family stuff too and didn't seem able to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time once the pain wore off .

          GS3 woke from his morning nap with a temperature, which is exactly what happened yesterday.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oh Gem that’s horrible ,
            My DD has same trouble with Any kind of peppers in food
            Poor baby he’s heading for something isn’t he, maybe his teething isn’t helping .
            You just wish they could tell you what’s wrong don’t you .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Mimi, that leg rest looks very comfortable!

              Plant, Did you get your shopping done. What was the NT talk about?

              Oma, I bet after yesterday's tumble you were glad MIL was in a reasonable mood. Long may it last.

              Lizzie, you've done so well to maintain your weight loss. I bet the reduced centimetres means you've replaced fat with nice healthy muscle as a result of all your activities. I hope you got a good turnout for coffee today and people weren't put off by the heat.

              Gem, I hope GS3 is just feeling the heat a bit and isn't sickening for anything.

              I've got quite a lot done in the garden today. The dishwasher needed salt yesterday and we forgot to do it. All the stainless steel pans came out marked this morning, so I've cleaned them and they're all nice and shiny again now! I'm sure I cook better when the pans are extra sparkly! . OH is doing the patio. It faces north and that side gets green and slimy, plus all the moss that comes off the roof, it really did need doing, although I agree it won't make a difference to the barbecue!!

              I'm going to bake a birthday cake for DS1 tonight, then I'll only have to decorate it tomorrow.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Just having coffee, will have breakfast in a bit.
                I think we are going to Wakefield today.

                Gem, hope baby E is OK.

                Daisy, well done for getting the pans nice and sparkling.
                Pleased your OH got the patio done.

                Have a good day ladies.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning Ladies
                  up and sorted new furniture arriving soon , didn't want to scare the delivery men with my bed hair and rumpled face so quick wash and hair wash this morning, it's going to be another warm day . Had a good rain falk last night so boarders don't need watering .
                  Hope everyone had a good weekend xx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning, I wish we could have some of that rain, it rains in other parts of the country but not here, I did see the forecast that it will be cooler next week.

                    Oma, you will be excited with your new furniture. I never know how long my supports will be, they are made to measure so it depends on how busy it is.

                    Nanto, enjoy the day out.

                    I wanted to go to the second hand place as I must get some plants sorted in here, then I read that local roads are closed so I won't bother.

                    I am doing the coffee later on, we have no idea how busy it will be as it is the summer market in the village as well.


                      A Good Saturday Morning everyone,
                      What a week I have had with my Broadband again this last week everytime I try to log on it is taking so long to connect to the site that I want then this morning everything is back to normal its so strange has anyone any ideas ? I just can't work it out I keep getting a message saying "this page can't be reached".

                      Gems I do hope baby is feeling better poor little lamb must be feeling miserable my little GGS has been grisley all week he usually sleeps quite well but has had a few days not wanting his feeds my GS walked the floor with him on Thursday night as he was so unsettled.

                      Such a tradedy about the submersible at least according to reports they would not have known anything about it thank goodness.

                      I must get myself a leg rest pillow the results sound so good my ankles swell quite a lot with this weather my skin feels hot and itchy not very pleasant at all.

                      Still no luck with a flat for DS1 nothing new come on the market at all its so frustrating for him he is so desperate for a place of his own where he can take little one but I enjoy having her here every Thursday she is a joy she seems to have grown up so much since she started school and mixing with other children of her own age.

                      Nothing else exciting to report only that I am going to clean my inside windows today before the sun comes over to my side of the cul-de-sac I been promising to do them all week and kept putting it off .

                      Keep well everyone xx
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Good morning everyone.

                        Oma, I hope your furniture arrives on time and you are pleased with it.

                        Have a good shopping day Nan2.

                        Lizzie, you could become a professional coffee lady!

                        Daisy, is it your barbecue today?

                        Today DD and SIL3 are hosting a summer solstice garden party! Family and friends, some of whom they haven't seen for a while. It starts at 2.30 and we will be bringing baby E back here in time for bedtime and keeping him for the night.

                        Baby was up and down with his temperature yesterday , as he had been when we had him on Thursday. And as on Thursday refusing solid food, he normally eats everything. He did eat little pots of fromage frais and a pouch of baby food I had in for him on Thursday. Yesterday all DD could get him to eat was yogurt. All his food is organic, home cooked, veggie and quite chunky so the illicit cheesy veg baby food pouch given by me must have been soothing! He certainly ate it all when he had refused all his usual food. He is fine this morning but was fine the last two mornings, and downhill after his morning naps!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Mimi, I have ordered one of those leg pillows, thanks for the information.

                          Daisy, the NT talk was a Poet Taxi Driver. He was very amusing and we all came away having had a good laugh. I did get my food shopping done. When I came back from the NT talk all three GGC were here, My DD and Sil will deserve their holiday.

                          Gemini, baby is certainly not right, H has veggie food, not easy for my DD. I hope the little one feels better today.

                          Daisy, Hope the weather stays fine for your BBQ. Will you be having 3 dogs. Our NT talk was very amusing, he is known as the Taxi Driver Poet. The audience was very much depleted, he said when they here the word Poet they stay away. Well they certainly missed a very amusing talk.

                          Glamm, we certainly have missed you, I hope your Broadband will stay connected for you. Sorry to hear DS hasn’t managed to find a flat, I hope one comes along soon. I am sure you enjoy your time with GGD.

                          Nanto, enjoy your trip to Wakefield.

                          Lizzie, I really need to loose some weight, well done you. You will be known as the coffee lady locally.

                          Oma, I hope the furniture arrives on time and that you are happy with it.

                          I am doing virtually nothing today as I had a very busy day yesterday. I took GD1 and H home, stayed on a bit, came home and poured myself a large (with tonic) G&T and sat on the terrace in the last of the sunshine and slowly dank it.

                          Have a good weekend everyone

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good sunny Saturday morning everyone.

                            Glamm, your broadband sounds a pain. It's worth checking what speed broadband you are paying for and running a broadband speed check a couple of times a day for two or three days. If you're getting slower speeds than you are paying for, then ring your provider and tell them. We found this helped, at least for a while. An easy (free) speed checker you could use is:

                            Check your broadband speed test using our easy and accurate broadband speed checker.

                            The main things that can result in slow speeds are a poor signal via y our phone line, or issues with your laptop, eg malware can slow it down, or being short of RAM "working memory". But it's always worth contacting the provider.

                            Have you got new tenants in Jim's old home yet?

                            Gem, our barbecue is tomorrow (for DS1' birthday on Monday). I made a birthday cake yesterday so only have to decorate it, and am baking a few goodies this morning. I'll also make a barbecue sauce for spare ribs, and a marinade for the chicken. I don't know how many dogs are coming, as Cooper is still refusing to get into the car! What a lovely idea to have a summer solstice garden party. I hope you all have fun and little GS3 is ok. Hopefully he is just off his food because of the heat, but it's good he's taking fluids.

                            Plant, I thought the NT talk sounded interesting. What a pity people were put off by the word "poet". I would imagine it to be light hearted poetry as opposed to Keats, Shelley etc!

                            Lizzie, we can't win with the weather can we! It's either downpour after downpour or a heatwave!

                            Oma, I hope your new furniture has arrived safely and you are pleased with it.

                            Nanto, enjoy your day in Wakefield. Are you shopping or just browsing?

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Furniture arrived at 8am very pleased with it ,

                              Anything baby will eat is worth a try just while he’s off colour ,
                              Love the sound of a summer solstice garden party 😁

                              That Broardband has been a pain hasn’t it , hope it’s sorted .
                              poor DS not having luck with a flat is he , is he still living in DD other house for now.

                              You should get yourself one of those mobile coffee carts you would make a fortune 😁

                              poor Cooper he must have taken a real dislike to cars , maybe should put the trailer on the back and strap him in that 🤣🤣🤣

                              The speaker sounds like he did a good job of making you all laugh ,pity people didn’t attend . Not all poets are serious look at Pam Eyres 😁

                              Did you decide on Wakefield or somewhere else ?

                              We popped down to Lidl this morning and getting into the car looked to the side and a woman was grinning at me ,
                              Took me a few seconds to realise it was a former neighbour I hadn’t seen since moving 18 years ago .
                              Was so lovely to see her we chatted for ages catching up ,
                              I was sure she had moved out of the area turned out it was her sister who had moved not her .

                              It’s absolutely boiling hot today .
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                New suite
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                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

