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    Good morning everyone.

    Nan2, who knows about appointments these days? No one can get them when they need them, and other times you get unasked for things. I got a text about an appointment to recheck my cholesterol levels , at the surgery at time which didn't suit me. I phoned and asked if there was any reason for the appointment, and why I hadn't just got a blood test form as usual to take elsewhere. She said , no that fine and they got one ready for me to pick up.

    Oma, I hope you are feeling OK, and having an enforced rest from housework!

    This afternoon I am picking GS2 up early as they break up for Easter at 2.15. GD's friend's mum is dropping her back just before 3. As we would have to go back to their house to wait for GD anyway we will stay there until DD and SIL get in from work.
    It's my turn to cook. I'm doing chicken cacciatore so I think I will prepare that this morning, and some mash, so just need to heat it and do veg when I get in.

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Our post crossed Oma. I think you did the right thing in deciding to go home. Just take it easy xx
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma, I hope all the tests are going well and you will be home soon.

        Will this rain never stop! Long journey for us tomorrow, I am being picked up about 9.30, so not too early. I like to leave the house clean and tidy so that is what I will be doing today.

        Nanto, It is a worry when you get an appt you were not expecting but I am sure it is nothing for you to worry about if you have had regular checks.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Just got your post and I agree Oma, home is good whilst you are waiting for the angiogram. Do take care and look after yourself.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Oma, I would have opted to go home as well. Take care.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good Friday morning everyone. We've just had really heavy rain, now the sun's shining! It will have to shine for a long time to dry up all the standing water.

              Oma, I'm sure you will be more relaxed at home, and B will do a good job of looking after you. But don't think twice about calling 999 if either of you is the slightest bit worried. You'll be more comfortable there than in a hospital bed with bright lights, noise and bustle all around you.

              Please, please take it easy though. Tell B that ALL us grannies will be coming up to keep you in order if you so much as lift a finger. Sending big hugs. xxx

              Plant, I hope the weather dries up for you for your long journey tomorrow. You must be relieved you haven't got too early a start, but there always seem to be odd jobs you can't do at the last minute.

              Nanto, it does sound as though that appointment has been generated by a computer as a routine. I hope you've decided on dinner - it's not like you not to plan ahead. x

              Gem, how is the sciatica today? I'm sure the GCs will be looking forward to their Easter holidays. Chicken cacciatore sounds very exotic and delicious. Did S get to play golf earlier in the week? Our local courses are waterlogged. Open but no trolleys which puts a lot of people off.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                We've had our usual Friday morning madness! Groceries delivered, bins out and then I went to collect Cooper for the day. I didn't even take a coat (well, I was in the car!) but half a mile down the road the heavens opened and I was driving with wipers full on, trying to avoid potholes and rain water pouring across the road. Got to DS2's, and they had had just a bit of light drizzle!

                Cooper and I got back here just as the first bin lorry turned into our cul de sac, so we sat in the car with Cooper giving them a good barking at until the lorry had disappeared from sight! The neighbours immediately behind us are having solar panels fitted today, so lots of noise and a blaring radio to entertain the dogs!

                OH's eye is still very red and a bit sore - usually it's ok by now - and he's feeling a bit shaky. I think he got up quickly and rushed round too much first thing this morning - usually he takes morning very gently so I've bullied him into sitting with his feet up in front of the television. He didn't object at all!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I like to leave a clean place to come back to so both bathrooms cleaned and kitchen floor washed, bed changed, sitting room and bedroom vacuumed, I just have to dust sitting room and bedroom and sort the packing. I am taking it easy this afternoon so packing will be done this evening. I have counted and re-counted my tablets, always afraid I will not have enough. Looking forward to seeing GS3 (your friend) as he is coming with us.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant, I'm sure holidays get more complicated as we get older, especially if you need to take medication with you. I always try to err on the side of having far too much than not enough! I remember Nanto (I think it was) saying she practically hoovered her way out of the front door when they were going away, and I agree. It's nice to come back to a clean and tidy home. But I wear myself to a frazzle before we go, and I wonder if it's worth it!

                    How lovely that your GS3will be with you. Please say 'hello' to him and say I hope he's enjoying life in London.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Daisy, chicken cacciatore is one of my regular repertoire of meals, it's very easy to make! I usually serve it with mashed potatoes or rice. We only have 3 small wizened mushrooms so OH will buy some on the way to golf this afternoon and I will make it when I get in tonight. The mash is made and broccoli, carrots and green beans prepared and ready to cook.

                      Plant, it's nice to come back to a clean and tidy house. Give our love to your GS3!

                      Daisy, I'm still in a lot of pain .
                      Your poor OH, I hope he feels better soon
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gem, it may be easy to make chicken cacciatore, but it sounds very impressive. I'm sorry you're still in so much pain though. Are you able to sleep ok?
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Hallo everyone, Oma, do take it easy and as Daisy said, if in doubt phone for an

                          Plant, I always liked to clean through before going on holiday, a neighbour once asked why? I think just to come home to a tidy home. Have a nice holiday with the family.xx

                          Daisy, we have the same weather, I just went on the bike for cucumbers, lovely when I set off, it did manage to pour down though. I am hoping it is dry for the girls cycling home from school, it is a longer ride for them today, I know they both have class friends that live here in the village so they will have company.

                          Gem, the schools don't have Easter holidays here, just the Friday and Monday then 2 weeks at the end of April.

                          I went to do coffee this morning and remembered to take a photo of the plant.

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                          This gallery has 2 photos.


                            Daisy I sleep OK. I am taking cocodamol, just at bedtime.
                            Always 2 weeks school holiday for Easter here Lizzie.
                            The plant looks good!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Lizzie, the plant does look very healthy with lovely shiny leaves. I hope your GDs escape the rain cycling from school. We've had a constant processions of rain showers and fleeting glimpses of the sun. It's chilly, too.

                              Gem, I always think it's worth taking painkillers to get a good night's sleep. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                The plant has lovely glossy leaves it must be happy 😀
                                Enjoy your weekend with the girls x

                                You must be fed up with that pain now it’s gone on so long maybe you need to see someone about it see if anything can be done xxx

                                I can imagine Cooper telling the bin men off 😀
                                poor J he doesn’t usually have this much bother does he , could he have a eye infection ?

                                Enjoy your holiday , Give GS a hug from me such a nice boy x

                                I agree I like to come home to a clean house , I clean right through make sure I have washed dried and ironed clothes the night before as I know there will be lots coming home with me so don’t want to add to the pile ,
                                Hoover out the door
                                B said is that so the burglars don’t call you for having a untidy house 🙄
                                actually there’s a method in my madness , when DD got burgled the footprints in her carpet and clean floor in kitchen led the police to the burglar as it had rained and they left footprints ,
                                So that’s my excuse 😂

                                I have had a Nana nap but still feel washed out ,
                                GS1 came with some flowers bless him .

                                I didn’t know but DS was in the Hospital yesterday having his nose reset , they had to break it again to do that ,
                                He said it hurt but not as much as he thought .

                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

