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    Good Tuesday morning, everyone. We have sunshine this morning, although rain is on its way later.

    Nanto, I hope the tea didn't scald you. It's surprising how far a relatively small amount of liquid can travel!

    Gem, I hope you have a lovely day with GS1, but taking it easy sounds good, and eating out will save you from cooking. I hope your paperwork comes through today - waiting it so frustrating. Is OH playing in a competition? How is Henry this morning?

    Plant, it sounds like a busy day for you. Enjoy the coffee morning. What varieties of tomatoes is GD growing?

    Oma, it's a bit frustrating that you've got sunshine but it's still cold. We're all in need of some good weather I think. I'm pleased you're feeling a bit better, but don't be tempted to overdo things. Although I'm sure B will be telling you off if you try and do anything silly. x

    We're having a lazy start to the day, with nothing planned except putting the house back together. We moved various pieces of furniture round for yesterday, and the kitchen and fridge are still a bit chaotic - at least I won't need to cook today. We have got all sorts of left-overs. Trifle for breakfast anyone?

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning, sunny here but very windy with it. I have been to have my blood taken, I phoned the surgery, the assistants must have been having a break as I got a doctor on the phone, she said they will check my thyroid, also a few other counts, I can phone for the results of Friday. I am having my hair cut later on and picking something up at DS1, I could easily go in the car if it is blowing like it is now.

      Gem, enjoy your day with GS1. The children are back to school here today, holiday in a fortnights time.

      Daisy, I admire you for doing all that cooking and

      Nanto, you are always organised with your meals.

      Plant, enjoy your day with GD, have they a greenhouse for the tomatoes?

      I had a walk yesterday afternoon to the other side of the village, there is a garden centre, run and developed by people with a (mental) handicap, they love working there and do such good work. On of the men I do the synrgy circuit with was telling me that his son has a small business there just 2 days a week, the other days he works in IT. The man goes to help him when he is there. The people there help as well, he makes childrens beds to order, I saw a few yesterday, very nice as well, high with play space etc underneath.


        Anytime is Trifle time in my opinion, who says you can’t have it for breakfast 😂

        I bet those beds are lovely , my DS had one when they first came out his had a small desk under and a seat , saved a lot of floor space .

        Ive been down to Lidle and then into B&M but that was enough for me for one day ,

        Phoned Drs as my usual Pharmacy didn’t have the pills the Hospital diabetic nurse has me on but I phoned Boots this morning and they can have them in by end of week when mine run out , so they sending the prescription to them .

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I could definitely eat trifle for breakfast.

          It's good you are taking it easy Oma but I'm sure it must be frustrating for you.

          Yes taking the car if its very windy is a good idea Lizzie.

          GS1 has brought his new VR with him. He us stuck in his helmet thing and I can just hear everything! He has a golf game which he is going to show OH later.
          I am getting on with some emailing while he is busy.
          Henry much the same . He sleeps lot which is good, then has a wander round. He was outside for but but its very windy so we brought him back in.

          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma, DS2 had one of those beds, it was high!! He had to change the sheets himself!!! It had cupboards and a desk underneath, that is going back a few years, the ones the man makes are all "children" themed.

            When I biked to the village there was a man laid on the pavement.
            I stopped to help, he was either Turkish or Moroccan, I asked if he was ill etc, in Dutch and English, I asked if I could help but he waved my hand away, they maybe don't like help from women!
            I waited until he stood up and saw that he could walk, he had special shoes on, if that was the reason he fell or not I do not know, I even looked at the Ramadan site when I got home to see what time they have to pray.
            Last edited by Lizzie48; 11-04-2023, 11:26 AM.


              Daisy, GD has 6 plants in fibre pots, they have not outgrown the pots yetbut are getting a bit leggy indoors on a window sill. I have told her to put them out in the day and bring them in at night until they are ready to grow in the growbags. I will bring one growbags up to my greenhouse and the other we need to find some supports for her to grow them up outside. I am not needed at GD’s as her OH has called in sick so she will not need my car to go and fetch H from childminder.

              I could certainly eat trifle for breakfast.

              Pleased to hear you feel a bit better Oma BUT don’t overdo it.

              GS2 gave me some exercises to do for my painful upper arms and shoulders and another to strengthen my legs, I am feeling I have done some exercise.

              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Plant, I hope the exercises continue to help. My DS2 is having to take his tomatoes in at night - I think they're in 3" pots at the moment. He treats them like babies!

                Lizzie, I hope the man was ok. I wonder if he'd fainted because of fasting. It was kind of you to try and help.

                Gem, I'm sure S will love the golf game on GS1's VR. It sounds as though Henry is still living his best life - eating, sleeping and only going out if he feels like it.

                Oma, I hope your prescription arrives ok and on time.

                Our GDs have those mid-rise beds. They have cupboards or drawers underneath, and GD2 in particular has a 'den' there usually for cuddles with Cooper. GD1 likes to read in her 'den'.

                So, I didn't have trifle for breakfast. I had summer pudding! And I enjoyed it. We had chicken salad for lunch - all leftovers and I'm quite sure I can put dinner together as well. It has started to rain, and it's gone cold, too.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oma, the tea didn't go on the floor. We had just eaten breakfast.
                  I always use a tablecloth when we are eating,so i quickly mopped it with that.
                  Had to give the table a polish after though.

                  Plant,hope the exercises help.

                  Gem, did you get the certificate.

                  I ordered 2 skirts on friday from Damart and they were delivered this afternoon.
                  Haven't tried them on, but i know they will fit.
                  I have quite a few skirts all the same style but in different colours.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    I have 6 pair of trousers from Damart ,
                    I like Slimma pull on ones but they all seem to be packs of two one black one navy ,
                    I only want Black , so I looked in Damart and got almost identical ones from there and with a discount code they were cheaper than Slimma ,
                    Also have a couple of nice cardigans from them ,

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, i get my trousers from Bonmarche.I don't have to shorten them.
                      A few weeks ago i went in for a pair in black and a pair in navy.
                      They didn't have my size in navy,so i could do with going back in.
                      Most of mine are black,but i like to have a couple of pairs in navy.
                      I always get my cardigans from Damart.

                      The rain is pouring down tonight.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        It started to rain her about lunch time, and it's been dark, dismal and wet from then on! And cold with it. I was glad when the heating came on! I've had a lazy day doing a bit of tidying up, but not much! We had a chicken salad for lunch and weren't very hungry this evening, so I made us a sandwich and we had some of the trifle. We both enjoyed it more than we thought we would.

                        I've got several pairs of black trousers which I hardly wear. They are from various places and different styles, but if I want to go out in them I almost have to get dressed in the hall by the front door otherwise no matter how careful I am they end up covered in dog hairs, and Eva's hairs show up a mile off on black. For some reason I'm not keen on navy blue, which is silly as I wear blue a lot!

                        Nanto, that was good service from Damart. Are they summer skirts?

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          The sun is shining.

                          Daisy, I call them all year round skirts. I like them because I don't have to shorten them. I do like the style of them though.

                          No cooking today, we are having a pub meal with sis in law and her hubby.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone.

                            It's sunny out but it was a wet wild and windy night. I was cold and had to pull the fleece blanket over my side of the duvet and put bedsocks on!

                            Have a nice pub lunch Nan2.

                            I have a few pairs of Bon Marche trousers and jeans as I can get the right length from there.

                            Aqua aerobics this morning. It should be less painful than the last time I went 2 weeks ago, but I will still have to be careful. Coffee with my friends afterwards.
                            This afternoon we will be registering my mum's death, then going over to the vicar then funeral directors.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies

                              Nanto I like Bon Marche trousers too bought from them for years ,
                              I like that I can get the length without taking them up ,Slimma and Damart do the same ,
                              enjoy your pub lunch x

                              Be careful at Aqua , a sad afternoon but you will feel better once you know it’s all settled
                              Its all the red tape and hoops you have to jump through isn’t it xx

                              Black trousers and dog hair dont go do they ,
                              Storm it blowing his coat again it’s everywhere , even when he’s not here we still have bits of him floating around 😀

                              Its raining then the sun is shining then rain again , doesn’t know what it wants to do .
                              Nothing planned today I’m going to phone Hospital see what’s happening about the scan but apart from that just go with the flow x
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Wednesday morning everyone. It's blustery here although the sun's out. Rain due later though.

                                Nanto, enjoy your meal at the pub. It's great having a few things you can wear any time of the year - the skirts sounds perfect.

                                Gem, take care at aquafit. As Oma says, a sad afternoon for you, but it will ease your mind to get everything arranged. The Registrars are usually very sympathetic and respectful.

                                Oma, I hope you can get some news about the scan today. Don't be afraid to say just how breathless you are getting. I can imagine (with horror) what it's like when Storm blows his coat - he's probably got a coat thick enough to withstand Artic temperatures! Eva's coat harbour hairs of every colour you can imagine on a dog, and all textures from very fine to really coarse. There's no escape from them.

                                Looking at all the comments on buying trousers that don't need shortening, I think some shops are missing out on good business! Why on earth do most of them only sell trousers and jeans to fit 9'10" models!! I'm lucky in that mid-rise medium length jeans usually fit even though they might be a bit baggy on the legs, but my nightmare is cardigans, jumpers and long-sleeved tops - the arms are always too long. You can't win!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

