Good Tuesday morning, everyone. We have sunshine this morning, although rain is on its way later.
Nanto, I hope the tea didn't scald you. It's surprising how far a relatively small amount of liquid can travel!
Gem, I hope you have a lovely day with GS1, but taking it easy sounds good, and eating out will save you from cooking. I hope your paperwork comes through today - waiting it so frustrating. Is OH playing in a competition? How is Henry this morning?
Plant, it sounds like a busy day for you. Enjoy the coffee morning. What varieties of tomatoes is GD growing?
Oma, it's a bit frustrating that you've got sunshine but it's still cold. We're all in need of some good weather I think. I'm pleased you're feeling a bit better, but don't be tempted to overdo things. Although I'm sure B will be telling you off if you try and do anything silly. x
We're having a lazy start to the day, with nothing planned except putting the house back together. We moved various pieces of furniture round for yesterday, and the kitchen and fridge are still a bit chaotic - at least I won't need to cook today. We have got all sorts of left-overs. Trifle for breakfast anyone?
Nanto, I hope the tea didn't scald you. It's surprising how far a relatively small amount of liquid can travel!
Gem, I hope you have a lovely day with GS1, but taking it easy sounds good, and eating out will save you from cooking. I hope your paperwork comes through today - waiting it so frustrating. Is OH playing in a competition? How is Henry this morning?
Plant, it sounds like a busy day for you. Enjoy the coffee morning. What varieties of tomatoes is GD growing?
Oma, it's a bit frustrating that you've got sunshine but it's still cold. We're all in need of some good weather I think. I'm pleased you're feeling a bit better, but don't be tempted to overdo things. Although I'm sure B will be telling you off if you try and do anything silly. x
We're having a lazy start to the day, with nothing planned except putting the house back together. We moved various pieces of furniture round for yesterday, and the kitchen and fridge are still a bit chaotic - at least I won't need to cook today. We have got all sorts of left-overs. Trifle for breakfast anyone?
