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    Oma, the friend won't remember I have been, I realise that.

    I was reading just the other day "Are you one of the people that always says sorry?", I am one of those people.

    A good thing that the dentist could fix your tooth.


      Ah well, i had to put plan B into action.
      SISin laws street is on slope,and they couldn't get up it.
      We could have gone on our own,but we didn't bother.
      Ah well, we'll go on another day.

      Oma, glad the dentist could save your tooth.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Nanto, what a shame you could not have plan A but I am sure there will be other days.

        Pleased the dentist could fix your tooth Oma.

        Had my blood test this morning and chest X-ray this afternoon. Hospital very quiet, DD took me because I had a migraine this morning. I have had two now since I had that eye test with the opticians new X-ray machine. I had to follow bright crosses and there were flashes. I will not be paying for that test again. I also had double vision for a second so DD didn’t want me to drive.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Plant, I'm glad your DD drove you in.

          Good news about the tooth Oma. I had one like that which limped along for many years, I finally lost it last year.

          Disappointing when you think you are having a meal out Nan2. I'm sure you will again soon.

          Lizzie, my mum is like your friend with her memory. If she goes to the loo she will be happy to see me when she gets back to her room and think I have just arrived no matter how long i have spent with her.

          I left the opticians many £££s lighter! I have decided to go with the varifocals as I am always losing my glasses at the library, putting them down. I carry them a lot when shopping too, so it seemed the best option. I do get a 20% discount with the Boots over 60's club which helps a bit.

          Mum was not too good. In bed, totally deaf, so much so we couldn't have a conversation. Much deafer than a week ago when I last saw her. A bit of cough and rattley chest too. I talked about it with the staff and they will contact the GP. She may need more antibiotics. She did eat the cream cake though.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Wise to get your DD to drive you ,
            I have the same examination once a year with the diabetic clinic the lights are very bright and do give you a headache
            I wonder how they do it for people with epilepsy as bright flashing lights can trigger a attack.

            Your poor Mum , good to know she ate her cake though.
            Hopefully another course of antibiotics will help , it must be such a worry for you with her age.

            Glasses are not cheap are they so any discount is a help.

            My Dyson stick has gave up the ghost , last week a part broke off the handle and this morning the bottom bit with the brush broke away , it’s starting to take longer to charge too.

            We decided a new one was needed , we have decided to try the Vax stick cleaner it comes with two batteries ,
            We have had a Dyson for about 20 years in one form or another so it’s a leap of faith for us going for a different model.
            Its being delivered tomorrow only time will tell if we like it or not.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, hope you like the new hoover when it arrives.

              Gem, sorry to hear your Mum wasn't too good.
              Hopefully,another course of antibiotics will help her.

              Snowed really heavy this afternoon,a lot lighter now,but still covering everywhere.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I've got back online a bit too late to comment on everyone's day, but I have read what you've been up to.

                We had rain most of the day, sometimes very heavy. It was a wet walk for me and Eva just as it was going dark.

                Apart from having a coffee with a neighbour who called round, I've spent most of the day setting up our new phones with numbers etc. I've still got OH's own list to do. It was quite frustrating having to press the keypad up to 3 or even 4 times to get certain letters! I'm relieved everything seems to be working ok, though!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning, Gem, I love my varifocals, I put them on when I wake then take them off for bed, never been any bother at all, thinking about that, they did get covered in snow the other evening!

                  Your poor mum, yes, it sounds like my friends memory, dreadful disease!

                  Oma, I have had the same Miele 25 years this next month if it holds out that is, it has done its work over the years, especially when I had fitted carpets and a dog with long hairs!

                  Plant, my optician has those flashing light tests.

                  I am going to the gym, I thought I may be sore after the better moving yesterday but I am fine. Then I want to go and start the coffee morning, one lady will take over for me as the fridge man will be here later on.


                    Good morning. Still snowing,but its not as heavy as it was at 5am.

                    Very quiet,no school children and very little traffic.

                    Hubby has asked for jacket potatoes with cheese and beans. Need to use up some coleslaw,which we like as a topping.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning ladies.

                      Snowy scene here too this morning Nan2. It's not snowing now though .

                      Oma, we bought a new battery for our Dyson stick yesterday. If that doesn't last long it will be a new one for us too. We have had it 6 years or so.

                      Busy lady Lizzie!

                      I am going to aquafit this morning, in my attempt to do 2 classes a week when possible. Just GS2 to collect this afternoon as GD has a karate thing after school.
                      The snow isn't thick so hopefully the roads will be clear when I go out.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gemini, so sorry your mum is still not well, hope another lot of antibiotics will help.

                        Daisy, I hope you will soon be finished with setting everything up, are you happy with your signal.

                        Nanto, what a lovely picture, we have very light snow but it is not settling as everywhere is very wet, just hope it doesn’t freeze. Your planned meal sounds good.

                        I have a V6animal Dyson, my GD has just bought a Shark stick vacuum. Living on my own, it doesn’t get used much.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Morning Ladies
                          We had a thick layer of snow but the roads are melting with the traffic and the suns out .
                          The rail and Metros are all suspended for now , it seems worse in some areas and not the others,

                          I bet you will be so relieved when the phones are sorted and everything is up and running smoothly x

                          Hope it’s nice and warm at Aqua ,
                          We bought a new Battery for ours last year too.

                          Went to Farmfoods this morning it’s only 3 miles away , two ways to go one is a longer rout around the outskirts or a long straight road through a village ,it passes the recycle centre and steam railroad but there is no turning back once your past a certain point .
                          We took that road and it was a mistake ,
                          Took us 45 minutes to travel 3 mile all for the sake of a 20 yard road works at the very top of this road causing massive tail backs , Busses cars vans all at a stand still , all because of this little bit of road repair ,
                          We came back on the outskirts 🙄
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            A late 'hello' from me today. It was the usual Friday morning scramble to get the bins out and the groceries in, and then I went to collect Cooper for the day. Had a chat with DS2 who was working from home and have finally got a minute to sit down!

                            It's bitterly cold here, but no snow, and not even any rain at the moment. Even the dogs didn't want to play in the garden today! Cooper is literally ling on my feet, snoring!

                            Gem, well done on getting two aquafit sessions in this week. We've had a GTech for several years and replaced the battery a few months ago. Then it broke - first the handle and then it just stopped working. We've bought a new one, but the pet version. It's sturdier, and just a bit heavier, but very easy to use, and of course, we now have a spare battery as they are the same.

                            Oma, how frustrating that a very small section of road works causes so much disruption. My pet hate is temporary lights when they're not adjusted to take account of the flow of traffic. It can be clear in one direction and a long queue in the other! It's a good job you had an alternative way to go home! Yes, we are relieved the phones are sorted out. I've just got to put OH's contacts in now.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Nanto, sorry I meant to say what a lovely and appropriate graphic for today! A good day for jacket potatoes!
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Aquafit was fine, cold when I got in as usual but we soon warm up with the exercise.

                                There is a World Book Day sale at GS's school after school today so we shall stay for that.
                                Sunny here so all snow fast disappearing.

                                ​​​​​​Mum seems a bit better today apparently. The GP says give the antibiotics the weekend to work as she only finished them yesterday, and if no better to call them again on Monday . Fingers crossed.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

