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    Morning all, we didn't get up till gone half 9 but we both had a bad night's sleep

    I was surprised with my grocery shopping yesterday , not only did I get a lettuce but tomatoes also ( I can hear you all now getting your coats on ready to come and raid my fridge 🤣)

    We dont have anything planned for today, just staying in as it's very cold outside
    We are both sat on the sofa OH is monitoring his blood pressure (Drs orders) and I have my head bent slightly to one side as I have just put ear drops in my ear I did lie on my side for a while trying to encourage it to work its magic.

    Gem that's a beautiful picture, just look at the expression on his little face . Simply adorable

    I gave all my baking tins and food processor to DD just before we moved. Its been years since I have done any baking

    Oma if B runs out of things to do I could find him a few jobs , what is he like at wallpapering and taking down a blind and putting up a curtain rail ?

    Have a great day everyone
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Hes rubbish at decorating I do the papering but anything else he’s a dab hand ,
      I will rent him out by the hour 🤣🤣🤣

      He decided to get rid of one of his big mixers he has 2 , and one of the 3 waffle machines he has , apparently they all do different waffles 🙄

      Anyway we put them on Face Book Market place for free .
      Instantly we were inundated with people asking for them ,
      The first one said they were in our shopping centre having a coffee could they come there and then ,

      When they came they were a young Ukrainian couple who were setting up home here ,
      She could speak someEnglish but he couldn’t , what I gathered is they had fled the country , If I had more to give them I would they were very grateful.
      Pleased they went to a good cause

      We now have space for B to buy more rubbish to fill it again 🙄
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Gem, absolutely love the photo.

        Been very cold here and had the odd little shower.

        Bought a few bits at the farm shop and at the garden centre.
        Looks like the new butchery is well under way to being ready.
        Men were putting shelves up on the back wall.
        We went to Wakefield Asda because we were already in the area.
        As usual,quite a few things had gone up in price. But.............
        2 weeks ago i bought a box of 240 Yorkshire tea bags. They were £7.50.
        Today,they were down to £5, so i bought another 2.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Get them while you can Nanto , I bet they are not that price for long .

          Gem your Mum looks like she really enjoys seeing babies , I love the photo where she’s giving him a kiss 😁🥰
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            It's been chilly here today. I took Eva for a long walk this afternoon - we were out two hours - and I never felt warm the whole time.

            Nanto, you're good at finding the bargains.

            Oma, you live and learn. I had no idea there were different waffles, let alone different waffle makers. I'm sure the young couple were delighted with everything. It must be so hard to start again from scratch, especially in a strange country.

            Mimi, how has your ear been today? I hope the drops are helping. xx

            Lizzie, I hope you've had a lovely time joining in with GD2's birthday celebrations.

            Plant, I haven't done any painting for a while - it's even been too cold to sit in the dining room just lately. But I am enjoying my new keyboard. It makes such a difference. Before Christmas I sorted out the baking and roasting tins and put those I only use occasionally in a cupboard in the utility room. I've only used one of them once so far, but it freed up cupboard space in the kitchen and made it easier to get things out of the cupboard above the ovens.

            It will help your GD1 a lot the childminder still being able to have H, despite her spots. I do hope she's soon better though. You feel so sorry for them when they're feeling poorly and miserable.

            Gem, did you have a walk round the golf course with S? If it's as cold as here I hope you wrapped up warmly and got a bacon butty and a coffee in the club house afterwards.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning all!

              Oma mum loves babies, we all do, we are a real baby adoring family!

              We have to grab bargains like those teabags when we see them Nan2, that was a good saving.

              Daisy, I hope it warms up for you soon. In the end OH decided against golf yesterday. She did some ironing while watching snooker. I made some sort of sense of my AGM notes and we played Scrabble and watched TV.

              We are out to lunch at our friends J and M's house today, which will be nice. Apart from a meal at DD2's, recently it seems to have been us doing all catering! Nice to be the guests for a change.
              Apart from changing the bedding this morning no other plans today.

              I hope everyone is well today.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning.Looks a bit warmer today,sun is shining.

                DS2 and his partner went to Torremolinos yesterday. They are staying in a hotel we recommended.
                We've been a few times. They are there for 3 nights.
                I think they are like us,like short breaks.
                They have just messaged to say its t-shirt weather. Happy with hotel and the location.
                I think some people get put off by the name Torremolinos,but its a really nice place.

                Baby potatoes,gammon,carrots and cauliflower cheese on the menu. Served with parsley sauce.

                Gem, it is ovely when you are the guests. Enjoy.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning ladies
                  Its raining again , not heavy but enough to make it misserable.

                  I think it was really cold yesterday we had heating on quite a bit ,
                  Once your cold you feel your never going to warm up don’t you .

                  Good that H can still go to childminders , if the other children have it it’s not going to make a difference ,
                  How is she with it ?

                  Nice to be looked after for a change , how is DD now is she ok ?

                  I like my Gammon with new potatoes but nothing else , I know people like eggs and pineapple with it but it’s not my taste .
                  I bought two smoked Gammon slices on Friday we may have them tomorrow .

                  Well it was a circus in ours last night ,
                  Making a cup of tea and squeezed the tea bag went to put it in the kitchen bin and it dropped on the floor ,
                  Bent down to pick it up and fell forward doing a perfect forward roll good enough for the gymnastics at the Olympics , banged my head on the door frame ,
                  laying there and B said what did you do that for !
                  Because I felt like it idiot 🙄😁

                  Getting me up was hysterical ,we laughed so much we couldn’t do it
                  I ended up shuffling on my bum into the sitting room and hauling myself up on the sofa .

                  Never a dull moment 🤣🤣🤣
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oh dear Oma! I hope you didn't hurt yourself.
                    DD1 is fine thanks. It was her birthday on Friday and she has had a lovely celebrating weekend with friends . GS brought her breakfast in bed on her birthday morning Her sisters and I are having a late celebration with her next Saturday night.

                    Nan2, sometimes people get preconceived ideas about a place and don't get to see what they are really like. I hope your DS has a lovely time.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning, sorry Oma, I had to laugh reading about your fall!!! I can just imagine you doing a perfect forward roll!!

                      I am competing with your menu today Nanto, actually got pasta sauce (to feed 10) in the slow cooker.

                      I went to the shop at 9am, very cold, in fact when I was driving home last night the gritters were out, why I do not know as it was dry, they maybe knew something I didn't!

                      I enjoyed the meal at GS1, GD2 had a great birthday, she had a friend there for pizza last night, they had been to JumpXL, a huge hall with trampolines, I don't know whether they went on their bikes or if someone took them, they enjoyed it whichever way they got there. She got a new, state of the art, IPad!!!! In fact it is similar to a Macbook. She is paying so much herself out of pocket money etc. They are going to a huge theme park tomorrow, 2 whole days! They will stay in a hotel on the park. They will enjoy it there, DS1 still loves all the rides. The weather looks good for them as well, dry and sunny, they won't feel the cold.


                        Lovely sunny morning here, I am off to watch The Nutcracker at our local theatre with DD. This treat is a birthday present which was cancelled when Covid struck. H was next door yesterday so I popped into see her, she was just lying on DD lap covered in spots, not a happy bunny.

                        Oma, I didn’t know you were a gymnast good job you were not hurt, just your dignity.

                        Lizzie, sounds like your GD had a lovely birthday celebration. I bet she was excited to get a new Ipad.

                        Gemini enjoy your lunch at J&M’s today, things are almost getting back to normal for you both.

                        Daisy, I do have a large pantry type cupboard in my kitchen which contains wine in a rack and on the floor, my window washer, cookery books, photos, but mainly lots of kilner jars, some full, a large jam pan (which I am not going to use again, but……) I can’t throw things away as DD borrows them, her cupboards are nice and tidy.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          The kids love these trampoline parks don’t they , sound like she’s having a lovely Birthday week 😁
                          My front roll wasn’t a pretty sight , Im a big lass to be doing acrobatics 🤣🤣🤣

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good sunny Sunday morning everyone. Yes, the sun is shining, although there was a light frost last night. Hopefully gardening later on today! Eva is still tired after her long walk yesterday - she didn't even get up for breakfast first thing!

                            Gem, yes, it's time you were entertained - you've been very busy just lately with a lot of guests. DD's birthday came at just the right time to cheer her up after the hospital appointment, and how sweet of GS2 bringing her breakfast in bed. He's such a little love, isn't he.

                            Plant, poor little H. I remember our GS2 was very poorly with Chicken pox, but he was younger than H - about 6 months old, I think. I'm sure lots of cuddles will help though. Perhaps you need a dedicated cupboard for things you will never use, but your DD will want to borrow!

                            Lizzie, what a lovely birthday your GD2 is having.

                            Oma, next time you're doing acrobatics in the kitchen could you arrange for B to film it for us, please!! Thank goodness you weren't hurt. It must have looked very funny, but fancy B asking what you did it for - clearly for his entertainment! My OH would have said exactly the same though!

                            Nanto, ho lovely to have a few days in the sunshine. Your DS2 will love it, and it's great when you can recommend somewhere with confidence. Lunch sounds delicious - can I pop round, please?
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              My Sister has just rang me Her my BIL who has just came out of hospital and the two Daughters who still live at home ( Old Maids 😁) have all tested positive for COVID

                              It gets everyone eventually even though my Sister doesn’t go out and BIL has been in Hospital ,
                              District nurse has been going in giving BIL a course of injections , she could have brought it in

                              They have managed to avoid it till now at least they have all had their jabs .
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, I hope they are not too poorly with it. It does seem to be almost going around now grabbing all who have escaped it so far!

                                The Nutcracker Plant, lovely!

                                Lizzie, your GD is having lovely birthday celebrations

                                We had a lovely lunch at our friends house and a good catch up. On the way back we called in to check on the house of the friends who are away in New Zealand ( and elsewhere) All was fine.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

