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    Plant, I think you have 3 choices - ask a family member to change your bed, buy a smaller bed as you suggest, or find a reliable person to do a bit of cleaning for you, and include bed changing in the jobs!

    Did you get any gardening done Daisy?

    My drive was very foggy in patches, but I prefer fog to darkness if I have to choose. I got there and back in one piece before dark Auntie was fine. In fact I had to go searching for her! I was a bit earlier than I'd said and she was with her friends in the cafe. She had finished lunch, so I wasn't disturbing her. It turns out she had already been down for coffee with them that morning. Good social life these seniors have!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      As you can imagine, reading about Johnny Irwin was particularly poignant for me, and I can't imagine how his wife is feeling. Sorting out the finances is definitely one worry less for both of them, but coping with his illness and having three very young children - well, I can't imagine it and can only hope they have got plenty of family support.

      Plant, would a "small double" bed help - it would be a bit easier to change, but bigger than a single bed? I bet you all enjoyed the roast dinner yesterday. Does H enjoy her food? Such a lot of toddlers seem to go thought picky phases, don't they.

      Gem, well done on negotiating the fog - I'm glad you're back safely. Your Aunt seems to be enjoying a good social life. She must be very glad she made the move when she did. Was your SIL's car ok? I forgot to ask - how did S get on in the invitations match at the week-end?

      It's been a busy day here. It was very wet this morning, but OH went and planted a tin full of daffodil bulbs I found in the summerhouse yesterday. I got quite a bit of housework done, and cooked our main meal for mid-day as OH went out early this evening. This afternoon I decided I'd take Eva in the car to the nearest car park and then do a longer walk in the woods. She did a lot of running yesterday and I didn't want to walk her on hard pavements. I had literally just got out of the car and locked it when the heavens opened! At that stage there was no way I could explain to Eva that I'm a woose and was getting back in the car, so off we went. By the time we got to tree cover it had eased off a bit, so I plodded (or squelched) on and let her have a run round the campsite and a paddle in the river. She enjoyed herself, and I eventually dried out!

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Very sad news about Jonnie.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning. Raining this morning.

          We will see abit of action in our house today, having a new boiler fitted.
          Can't see me getting much done until thats done.

          Have a good day ladies.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning everyone.

            I love that cute graphic Nan2. I hope the boiler fitting goes smoothly.

            Daisy, daffodil bulb planting what a lovely activity - thoughts of Spring!
            SIL's car was fine thank you. OH did well in the invitation day, but they weren't the winners.

            A day of grandsons today!
            DD3 and baby are coming for lunch, then I am collecting GS1 from school. The two won't overlap though, as DD3 has to be somewhere at 2pm.
            Golf again for OH and awful weather is predicted today.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gem, weather is awful here, been raining since 5.30. Its very dark here. Glad SIL car was OK. Busy day for you with DD and baby, then with older GS.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning, sunny here and not as cold as yesterday morning.

                Daisy, I see so many bulbs still in the shops. I thought about your DS when I read about Jonnie.

                I have been to the gym early, I prefer it early, not too busy and we all "know" each other.

                I came home from the pool yesterday and something was "peeping" . It sounded like the smoke alarms but it wasn't them so had a look and it was coming from the corner where the super wifi is, I went on Google and yes they can peep, some people can't sleep because of the noise they make, it said to reset it etc, I did that, still peeping. I phoned the provider and she said the discs are guaranteed for 2 years so I could take it to the shop and it would be replaced, it was late by then or I would have gone straight away. Fast forward, a very annoying peep all the evening. On my way to bed I thought I would pull the plug out, lo and behold, I heard the peep, it wasn't the disc at all but my weather station!!! It is as good thing I didn't take it back to the shop or I would have sworn blind it was making a peep!!!!

                Thinking of the pool, the young man that does our lessons has psoriasis, he has done the lessons a few years and told us that at times it was worse than others, I have noticed since the summer that his skin is clear, I met him on the way out yesterday and asked him if I could ask a personal question? I think he wondered what it was, I asked him what he had done to get his skin so clear, he didn't mind me asking, he told me he has had injections and it works for him. A good thing as he is still young.

                Gem, enjoy the GC today.

                Nanto, good luck with the boiler fitting.

                I think I will get out for a bike ride.


                  Good Tuesday morning everyone.

                  Nanto, we really need that warm, cheerful graphic this morning. I hope the boiler fitting goes smoothly - it's not the time of year to be without it for any length of time. But at least you know it's not likely to let you down during the winter.

                  Gem, I don't think OH was getting excited about Spring when he was planting the daff! It was more like him wanting to get on with some wood turning! Glad SIL's car was ok. As long as S enjoyed the day, that's the main thing, but it's nice to win as well, and I know she generally does well in competitions. The weather doesn't look very promising for today's gold though! Enjoy your grandson day. x

                  Lizzie, how annoying that peep, but quite funny as well! Thank goodness you found out before you took the wifi back to the shop. Those odd bleep and peeps can be hard to pinpoint. I feel desperately sorry for Johhn Irwin and his family. It's heartbreaking. How interesting that the young man's psoriasis has been cleared up with injections. I'm so glad for him, because it's such a horrible thing and seems to keep coming back no matter what. Funnily enough my OH's has been much better for a couple of years and we don't know why - just pleased, of course.

                  It's pouring with rain and very windy here. The roads are flooded and parts of our garden are under water. We should have been having Cooper for a play date with Eva but we've put it off till later in the week. Neither of them want to go in the garden when it's raining! I've got a few jobs to do round the house, so today's a good day to get on with them. I was going to do some shopping on my way to collect Cooper, but it can wait until the rain stops - or the Ark arrives!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Morning ladies
                    A slow start for me for some reason , I just can’t get motivated ,
                    Things are done but it’s taken a while ,
                    Washing done and dried and housework sort of done , a few bits of Hand washing to do , they are in to soak so I will rub them through shortly .
                    Its grey dreary and damp , rain forecast all day .

                    GS turned up unannounced for tea last night from college, just as well we always have stuff in for him
                    He went away to Golf putting range fed watered and money in his pocket a very satisfied lad 😁

                    Hope they don’t take long with the boiler fitting and it goes in without a hitch .

                    have a nice day with both GSs How are they all ? Hope baby is ok now xxx

                    Not the best weather to have two dogs running around your feet , even worse when the garden is flooded , all those wet paws when out doing their business,

                    That young man must be pleased the injections worked, it must be uncomfortable, my DS gets it on his elbows ,
                    When he was young we tried everything. Luckily it seems to have gone for now.

                    Strange beeps can drive you mad ,
                    One night I could hear this beeping but couldn’t find out where it was coming from ,
                    B couldn’t hear it as he’s deaf as a post at times and certain noises depending on the pitch he can’t hear .

                    I was up and down all night checking fire alarms the cooker etc anything I thought could be that .
                    It sounded above my side of the bed at one point ,

                    I couldn’t sleep for it ,
                    The next morning B went all over the house and I said it sounded like it was in our bedroom but nothing could be found ,
                    Eventually we located it in the loft , all the boys old toys were up there one was a bin lorry and it had slipped from the pile and had landed on the button that makes the reversing beep 🙄😁

                    Hope everyone is ok today
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Lizzie, smoke alarms beep like that too, very confusing for you. I know there are injection for psoriasis but they do have side effects for some people. I am so pleased for him.

                      Dark rainy day here, I want to pop out but not if it is still raining. My DD finished making up my bed for me, I don’t like her doing it, she is a busy person with child minding. I am considering buying a large single or a small double bed, but to replace my bed with the same quality bed it will not be much under £3,000. I will go and see what JL have to offer.

                      Daisy, you must be getting waterlogged, at least we have a sloping garden into the woods. I hope the rain stops soon.

                      Gemini, lovely day for you seeing your youngest and eldest GS’s. My OH gave up golf before I met him because it was consuming him.

                      Nanto, good luck with the new boiler fitting.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        It has never stopped raining , it’s so dark too
                        Daisy if Noah and his Ark turns up send him this way 😁😁
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Well the rain finally stopped and we've had sunshine ! Crazy weather! Just as well because the bloke turned up to clear my gutters and clean the windows. He couldn't get the vacuum thing for cleaning the gutters round the back because of the scaffolding, but he climbed the ladder and cleared them the old fashioned way! WIndows sparkling now, just hope the rain stays away!

                          Decorating may be delayed because the painter has called in sick! At least all the furniture is in the middle of the room now, thanks to DD and GS! I just supervised!! Got GS for a meal tomorrow.......we've agreed on Toad in the Hole with gravy! His Mum asked what veggies he'd like with it, he just looked at me and raised his eyebrows! He knows veggies aren't compulsory in my house!

                          May take myself off for a quick walk while it's still dry. I got a bit wet going to the shop for my paper this morning.

                          Have a good evening ladies x

                          p.s re psorias. I've had it since a child, at one point my body was covered and I had pure tar treatment. Still get twitchy when I smell tar! I've been told it never actually goes completely and there will always be a patch somewhere. Mine was on my elbows, but at the moment it is on my head, not the easiest place to apply ointment. It's always better in the summer, but winter and stress seems to bring it out.
                          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                          Theodore Roosevelt.


                            All went well with the new boiler fitting.
                            Tidied up now,except for the cupboard under the stairs.
                            Hubby going to paint it inside in the morning.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              WeeGranny, I think a lot of people find the same with psoriasis. It doesn't seem to work like that with my OH though. He gets it on his knees if he's been doing DIY jobs that entail a lot of kneeling, but otherwise we can't link it up to anything else. I hope your decorator can get started soon so you can get the rooms back to normal. Did it stay dry for your walk?

                              Nanto, glad the boiler fitting went smoothly for you.

                              Oma, we've jumped on the Ark and are on our way, lifebelts at the ready! x We had a few minutes sunshine but otherwise some really heavy rain, and a glorious rainbow but there were houses in the way and I couldn't get the whole rainbow in one photo! I bet when the boys were playing with that toy it needed a constant supply of batteries to keep the bleep going!

                              Plant, I'm sure your DD doesn't mind making up your bed. I know she's a very busy lady, but you are her mum, and it gives her a few minutes to chat with you, and I bet you offer her a cup of tea, coffee or something in a glass!

                              We finally got round to putting all the garden cushions up in the loft this morning. We had bought huge cushion bags for them, but they were too big when the cushions were in to go through the loft hatch, so we ended up throwing the cushions up one by one and then putting them away.

                              Lizzie, did you have your bike ride today?

                              Gem, did you have a lovely "Grand son" day? Was S's golf cancelled with the weather?
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                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I'm glad the boiler went in with no problems Nan2.

                                Daisy, we put the garden cushions in the loft at the weekend.
                                Golf was not cancelled and OH's team won! She came home with Prosseco and chocs from M&S.

                                ​​​​​​DD3 and baby seem fully recovered from their colds. Baby seems much bigger every time I see him!

                                My drive to collect GS1 generally takes me 10 minutes, but I go early so I can arrive in plenty of time to get a parking spot along the street where GS meets me now he's in Year 5.
                                Today there were big traffic hold ups and I could hear sirens I took a different route and still got stuck. I was terrified of not being there now I don't pick him up from school. In the end I pulled into a car park, quickly paid and walked the rest of the way. Thank goodness I was there before he was. And thank goodness I had my raincoat!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

