We can choose to make an annual payment to have our green bin emptied every fortnight. It's worth it as the tip is quite a distance away. We have a sticker to put on the bin to let the bin know ! I assume they just leave the ones without a sticker, but most houses round here seem to have them.
I have taken the easy way out and ordered a Tudor maid's costume from Amazon. If I'm still at the school next year, no doubt I'll need it again then! Nanto, you'll have to wait until the 30th before you can see me in costume!! DD says A Great Fire of London day is quite a thing in the schools in this area.
I did a very simple pattern in red,black, green and yellow to acknowledge Black History month!! The others were obviously more inspired by the topic than I was!!! Next week we're using Berol pens and watercolour to paint part of a church or churchyard!! Will post a picture of today's effort later.
I forgot I'd put towels out yesterday and there was no way I was going out in last night's rain to get them in! They're still there and it's raining again, they'll be nice and soft after all the rinsing in the rain!
Do any of you ladies have tips for cleaning marble kitchen work tops....especially black ones! Mine never seem to look clean for long. Thanks !
Hope you all have a good evening x
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WG, we need a photo of the Tudor Maid costume I don't have a marble worktop so can't help you there.
Oma, good news that MIL was in a good mood. Who wouldn't be with that lovely food!
We have a garden waste bin which is collected every fortnight . Very useful as we don't have to take garden waste to the tip .
Mum was much better this afternoon. We had some distress, but not as bad as last week, and we had about 90 minutes of happy nostalgic chat. OH and I plan to take her out for a cuppa next week.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I was very busy today with the kitchen cupboards etc.
I have never heard of that Oma, it is just your hands that shake?
WG, you seem very busy with your art class.
It has been dry all day but started raining at 5pm, I had to go to the village for a Too Good To Go Box from a supermarket.
It is the first time I have one from there, I thought it was for tomorrow but it was straight away, I have never seen anything like it!!!! So much, I had 2 huge bags full. I was on my way home wondering what on earth to do with it all, then I thought about my friends with 2 young boys, they were so pleased and couldn't believe what I had paid! It included 3 cakes from a local baker, many pots of yogurt etc, 2 oven meal, huge ones, lasagne and some other dish, etc etc. They invited me to stay for my tea so that was nice. I could have saved it for DS1 and family but there were so many sweet dishes etc I don't think they would have been pleased, well, maybe the girls would!
Daisy, I usually get the olive trees packed in before it gets too cold then put them in a corner out of the wind.
I am going out for lunch tomorrow with 2 couples from the pool, I have known them almost 7 years now, that is how long we have been going to aqua, the man not quite as long as he started when he retired.
Gem, when the young man came to the desk with the crate I couldn't believe it was all for me!!!
I forgot to mention I came home with the friends voucher for the vegetarian items, so, all in all we all did well!!!
Good to hear your Mum was mostly happy today .
Its a annual fee for garden bins here too I think about £35 , Not having grass and only a small border down one side we don’t need a bin .
We need to see that costume 😁
What good value those boxes are , I bet your friend was very pleased you thought of them 😁
My tremors are mostly in my hands but sometimes my legs get a bit wobbly but that’s only occasionally .
Its not a bad evening it’s stopped raining and the wind has dropped but it’s chilly.
I forgot to mention over the green bins, when I was at my brothers I couldn't believe they hadn't a green bin! He was telling me they have so many leaves to clear. Here in the village the council place a mini compound for people to put their leaves in, similar to a play pen! I will take a photo tomorrow as there is one close to us, they must be very handy for people with a lot of trees in their gardens.
We have free green bins,they are emptied fortnightly until mid november.
Lizzie,those bags seem like a real bargain. It was nice for you to be invited to stay for tea.
Our visitors arrived. We managed to get the garden done and showered before they came.
It hasn't been bad weatherwise,and thats why we decided to get the garden done.
Never know how one day from the next will be with the weather.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
WeeGranny, I'm sure the Tudor maid's costume will be very fetching. I'd love to see a photo as well, please. Your art group certainly provides variety. Do you use Berol pens or watercolours normally? A friend of ours who paints in water colours was explaining some of his techniques the other day, and I remember thinking I'd better stick to acrylics. It sounded very complicated. I don't know about marble work tops but my DIL1 swears by Method granite cleaner for her black granite work tops.
Lizzie, your box from the supermarket sounds like an amazing bargain, and it was kind of you to share it with friends. What a good idea for the council to provide a communal leaf bin. I hope they use the leaves to make compost/leaf mould either to sell back to locals or for public garden spaces.
Nanto, you did well with your gardening today. It's been far too wet here, even though the sun came out for a while. It's just been pouring down again. Did your guests stay for lunch?
Gem and Nanto,you are lucky to get free green bins. Ours are just bags - not as big as rubble bags - and you have to pay for them. Some people seem to have 5 or 6!
Gem, I'm so glad your Mum was happier this time, and I'm sure she will enjoy going out for a cup of tea next week.
My car service was finished by lunchtime and the only extra it needed was a rear wiper blade. I did wonder, but thought it didn't seem very efficient because the inside of the rear window is heavily decorated with nose marks!
I took Eva out between showers and managed to do some painting as well this afternoon. We've had the wood burner lit all day, and it was hard to drag myself away from it!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning, Daisy, I read on the site that those leaf bins are emptied regular and it is all used for compost.
WG, I have been asked to do the coffee for the art group for a few weeks as the lady is having a knee replacement, I will see what they are all working on.
An old neighbour of us, he was a good friend of DS2, is organising a Christmas evening meal for my age group, the elderly!! I read it in our folder and those friends yesterday explained what he has done, his father is alone with not many people round him and there are more like him, this man has done a lot of work to get this evening organised, he can use one of the huge rooms where I do the coffee, he has been to the Rotary club etc for sponsors and local restaurant is providing the food! I wasn't going to go but when they told me all this I decided to go, I came home and asked my neighbour and she is interested as well. The couple I was at last night are going to be there helping. A good thing to organise.
When I was at the friends their eldest son, he is almost 16 years old, was telling me he is going to America for a year to go to high school there, he has been planning it a while, I knew that, now it is almost settled.
Good morning everyone.
The sun is shining where I am!
I think I need a new wiper blade too Daisy.
I hope you enjoy your lunch today Lizzie.
Towels in the wash here too Nan2!
This morning OH and I are going to sit with our neighbour, C from 3 doors down. The elderly couple we cat sit for. The usual family week in the Lakes is different this year as C who had Alzheimer's recently fell and broke her hip. Although she is now home she's not able to go away yet. The DD , E, and family (who don't live locally) took the first half of the week, then the father, R and son, T, the second part. Then E came to look after her mum so her dad and brother could get away. We were asked to sit with C, for a while to give E a break, so we are. They are a lovely couple and their unmarried son such a good son, we want to help in whatever way we can.
School pick up this afternoon.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown