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    It turned out to be a lovely, warm, day, 20 degrees when I was out on the bike, I had ordered GD1 some sport leggings, I picked them up this morning and took them, then, she has lost her key for her bike lock. had to walk to school until they found the spare one, me being what I am said she needed a spare and would go and get her one, I cycled back here, with her key and went to get the spare, a couple of years ago it would have cost €4,50, now €10, I have told her not to lose it again! I took it back and went into their village, never realising it was the Sint Nicholaas parade, I had to escape the crowds. I don't think it happens very often when they get this temperature.

    Glamm, I am pleased your son is getting a life back. I like charity shops, at the moment I try to give them a miss or I will just buy something. I helped in one for a few years and it was so tempting to buy things, it was very handy for toys etc when GD's would be here.

    Gem, I still have my Yorkshire accent, any UK person I speak to here know exactly where I originate from, better than that, my DS1 has a very strong accent, when he wants to use it that is, he has met people from his work , worldwide, they all say they can tell where he is from! They are very surprised when he tells them he is Dutch.


      Glamma good news in your post today.

      Oma, hope they can sort your tooth out there and then,when you go for your appointment.

      We didn't eat out today,just shopped at the supermarket. Did a very big shop as well.
      On the way home we called to see DS1. Stayed and had a cuppa and sat chatting.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Glamm, how good it is to hear your GS is settling down and taking up new interests as well. What a lovely week you've had with your friend. I never seem to find the bargains in charity shops, but perhaps I'm too impatient to look round properly.

        Plant, cut glass is lovely, but seems very unfashionable now which is a pity. It's great playing UK Gold in the car, because you can turn the volume right up and sing along to your heart's content!

        Lizzie, 20C well into November is certainly warm! I think the UK had the warmest Armistice day it's ever had yesterday. I don't think we ever totally lose our accents, and it's interesting you've still got your Yorkshire accent even after all the years you've lived in The Netherlands. Years ago, I remember meeting an English man in Marseilles who had lived in France for about 20 years, and spoke English with a French accent!

        Nanto, that sounds very much like a "stocking up for Christmas" shop. I bet you were ready for a sit down and a cuppa after all that.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          We had a good day on the garden today, and now we're both exhausted.

          I tidied out the summerhouse and got the huge pots of Canna Lilies in there. OH did lots of weeding the the front garden and dead headed a lot of the buddleias. He chopped up all the leaves I'd taken off the lilies and composted them, and covered the wooden table and chairs up for winter. I mowed the lawn but it was too wet to do the edges neatly, so I've left them for tomorrow, hopefully. We dug the French Tarragon out of the herb trough and potted it up to go in the summerhouse and lots of little odd jobs. So a good day's work, I've just got to make the effort to cook dinner now! I think I deserve a glass of wine first, though.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Lizzie, when e lived in Wateringen, the Sint arrived by helicopter! It was brilliant. The company OH worked for had a party for all the children and the parade passed the offices in Amsterdam, great fun! The children loved the chocolate letters and I loved the marzipan animals! Am I right in thinking that the naughty Black Petes aren't there any more? I videod him arriving in Hoorn one year and I used to show it to my class for years afterwards just to show them how different countries celebrated Christmas.

            GS went off to football after a bacon butty and I met him later to go to the driving range. It was really busy and when we finished there was quite a long queue waiting for a bay.

            Doggo couldn't quite work out why I had come back. He kept looking at DD and SiL as if to say she was here earlier and now she's back again! He'd had his treats when I picked GS up, so probably realised there wouldn't be any more. Came and licked my hand and then took himself off to his bed. He's a funny old thing! Going round there for dinner tomorrow so that'll confuse him even further!

            Been a glorious day here today, been out without a coat! If it's like this tomorrow I might get out with my camera, the colours round my way are beautiful.

            Have a good evening ladies xx
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              WeeGranny, it's interesting to see how other people celebrate Christmas. That sounds great fun for the children, and marzipan-loving grown-ups.

              You timed the driving range well, avoiding that queue. Dogs definitely expect you to keep to a routine! When we have Cooper here he starts to fidget and want to go home about 3 pm because when he was a puppy I'd be taking him back then so I could pick GD2 up from school!

              Yes, definitely worth going out with your camera. I was wishing I'd had mine with me yesterday when I saw so many deer!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                WG, we are not even allowed to say "black" anymore, they are dark skinned and Piet is just pale faced! Ridiculous, it is a tradition. They do have some lovely parades, the "boat" was in Scheveningen today, as well as other cities. We still have the chocolate letters and the marzipan. In fact the shops are full of them at the moment.


                  Storm does the same 5pm he's back and forward
                  to the window waiting for SIL or DD picking him up .
                  DD takes him for a walk at lunch time so when he's here 12.30 on the dot he sits by his lead 😁
                  You must be worn out all that gardening .

                  your GS sounds like mine loves getting fed st Grandmas 😁
                  Enjoy lunch tomorrow x

                  Strange about the accent . My MIL if you listened to her you would never guess she was German she has a broad Sunderland north east accent , yet my neighbours mother came to England the same time and never lost her German accent .

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning, Oma, it is when I speak English that I still have the Yorkshire accent. My Dutch is no problem.


                      A bit foggy this morning,but its started clearing now,i think.

                      This afternoon we are going to hubby's sisters house.
                      We have to make an appointment. Never know if her hubby will be at work or not.
                      Will ring before we set off,just to make sure he isn't working,although he's supposed to be off today.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies

                        It’s quite foggy and misty here at the moment .

                        my SIL on Bs side is like that , you have to phone first as you never know if they will be in , not that we go really B can’t stand her but she always tells everyone to ring first .

                        Not much to do today just hoovered stairs and towels in the wash after our showers that’s about it for today .

                        Going to pop to DDs this morning ,when we were at the Chemo unit on Friday for coffee morning one of the gifts I won was a 3 pack of what I thought was drinks Mulled wine, Spiced cider, Fizz , from Next .
                        Turned out to be Defusers,
                        I can’t stand strong smellies but DD loves anything like that so she can have them .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning to all.

                          Some people keep their original accents their whole lives don't they Lizzie, whilst others take on the local one. They generally say an adult won't alter their accents, but children do very quickly.
                          I think we need a topic on this!!

                          Daisy and WG you are both busy bees!

                          Nan2 we have that same fog here this morning. Driving back last night, over an hour through forest and countryside was scarily foggy in patches
                          . At some points visibility was a couple of feet. If I had been the driver we would have spent the night in the car parked up somewhere!

                          OH is playing golf again today. Rare for her to play both weekend days. This is an invitation day for members who have helped the club on any way over the year. You have to be invited to play and there is a buffet afterwards.
                          DD and GS1 are coming over this afternoon and I am cooking tea.
                          Veggie sausages and mash, veg and Yorkshire puds.
                          There will of course be an apple based pudding, probably a crumble.

                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem how is DD is she ok ?
                            HowsDD3 and baby xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, DD1 hanging in there I think, wanting to get Thursday's appointment over with.

                              Baby much better, just a bit snuffly.
                              DD'3s cold improving but she has her period now! The first one after a baby is always a rough one.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I have been invited next door for lunch, GS1 and family will be there too and baby H.

                                Gemini, tough time for your DD1, I hope all goes well on Thurs.

                                I watched the Remembrance service last evening, it always brings a tear to my eye when those petals fall on those young heads. This morning I have the service at the Cenotaph on the television, very moving. There is a service on our front common today.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

