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    Welcome home Plant xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, your GS1 definitely loves Nana's restaurant
      Enjoy your tea out.

      DD had a call from the dentists saying her appointment was cancelled. As she was already on the way they are coming here for a visit anyway.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning everyone. It was a dark and stormy night here last night - entirely fitting for Hallowe'en. But as today is the Feast of All Hallows (or All Saints) the sun has pushed through. There are a lot of trees down in the Forest, but I was lucky going to pick Cooper up and all the roads were passable.

        Plant, I'm glad you're home safely and have enjoyed your holiday. How sad and poignant it must have been to visit the War Graves cemetery. I'm glad, though, that you were able to find your OH's uncle's grave. I was really upset when I was doing family history and found out that my uncle, also killed in WWI, had no grave. Just a name on a wall. It seemed like the ultimate waste of a young life.

        Lizzie, thank you for the photo of the lovely autumn colours. I bet you're pleased you don't have to sweep the fallen leaves up like Oma, though. Do you enjoy going to the hairdressers?

        Oma, your GS is such a lucky boy. It's always interesting to see what he fancies when he pops round for a meal. Just don't tell my GDs because we've developed a routine of having sausages, eggs, chips, baked beans and peas, followed by various treats with vanilla and double chocolate ice cream! All quick and easy and something I've always got in the fridge, freezer and cupboard! Your gravy sounds wonderful - gravy tastes best when you can almost carve it.

        Nanto, between your slow cooker and now your air fryer, I think you've got this meal preparation sorted. x

        Gem, I hope you're having a lovely morning with GS3, and his mum and his mum's trip to the dentist is ok.

        Grauntie, I'm sorry but I laughed out loud at your rather short horse riding hobby. Some things just aren't meant to be. Perhaps it would have worked if you could have mounted from the other side, but the horse probably would have been very confused. It's a good job you're not of a nervous disposition, otherwise your trip to the bowels of the chemists for your flu jab could have been most unnerving!

        No plans for me today, other than keeping Eva and Cooper happy with regular treats and trips to the garden. OH and our neighbour are wood turning this afternoon. I'll take Cooper home before it goes dark.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          GS has been fed , had a Hot Chocolate for pudding 🙄 got his pocket money then headed back home .
          We are getting both him and the Girlfriend next Tuesday ,
          Could we do Arrabiata pasta and Garlic bread for them , so at least we know what they want and it’s a easy

          We bought a Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser a couple of weeks ago
          Both GS and SIL have called in for several Hot Chocolates since ,
          SIL had decided he loves them so much he is going to buy his own ,
          GSs favourite is white chocolate one , SILs is Chocolate orange ,
          Myself I like the dark chocolate drink .
          It does make a lovely smooth drink ,

          Thats what GS had for pudding 😁

          The sun is out lovely to see after all the dark dreary days we have had .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Daisy, I was very pleased with the hairdresser today, it was getting too long for me!

            I have just been down into the shed to help my neighbour sort a few things out, it goes faster with the 2 of us!!

            Oma, I have never heard of a chocolate velvetiser.

            Plant, my mothers father was killed in action in 1917, there is a plaque for him in one of the graveyards. My mother would have been 9 months at the time.

            Private Ernest Glentworth

            BIRTH unknown DEATH 12 May 1917 MEMORIAL SITE* Arras Memorial
            Arras, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

            * A structure erected in honor of someone whose remains lie elsewhere.


              The Velvertiser is a Hot chocolate maker

              Had a lovely tea out with our friends , the next table were celebrating a birthday and offered us Birthday cake ,
              We we’re all full so declined but thanked them for the offer very kind of them 😁
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              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Lizzie, it must have been so hard for your Grandmother, like so many young war widows in WWI - I'm not sure if they even got a War Widows' Pension? When I had short hair I used to have it cut every 6 weeks or it would be a nightmare. Now I have it done about every 4-6 months. I didn't grow it as a cost cutting exercise, but it certainly is more economical!

                Oma, that hot chocolate velvetiser would be such a temptation. I'm sure I would like the dark chocolate as well. How kind of the other people to offer you all birthday cake.

                Eva and Cooper had a lovely time, playing and teasing each other with toys - they are like mischievous children sometimes! I took Cooper home about 3.30 because I wanted to get back across the Forest in daylight. At least the wind has dropped for now.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I'm glad you had a good meal Oma. I wouldn't have been able to resist birthday cake!

                  How sad that your mother's father died when she was a baby Lizzie.

                  Very wise getting back before dark Daisy. I know we can't avoid dark driving in winter, but I avoid it when I can, especially in areas like your forest.

                  I didn't have GS1 in the end as he was off school with a cold.
                  DD and baby ended up staying all day and DD was able to pick up SIL from work, saving him the bus journey.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning everyone.

                    Aquafit class this morning, and we have friends coming for a meal this evening.
                    OH is doing sweet and sour Quorn as one of them is vegetarian. I'll make apple crumble for pud, with custard or ice cream.

                    Happy Wednesday everyone ​​​​​​
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning.Nice bright start to the day.

                      GS2 and partner coming for dinner.
                      I was going to do lamb,but daughter in law to be doesn't like it.
                      So,beef it is,in the slow cooker.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning ladies
                        a nice bright morning.
                        Waiting for Dog to arrive ,
                        Washing done and dogs dinner sorted .

                        Just had a cup of tea and my hands started to shake a lot so I managed to pour the hot tea down my front and hands ,
                        I now have very red tummy and hand , had to put some cream on and change my blouse .
                        Its nothing new I do it often 🙄

                        Going to be a wobbly hand day , most days are but some worse than others 😁

                        I hope it all goes well for you today and the side effects are not too bad xxx

                        It must be funny watching them two tease each other with toys , does cooper still destroy toys ?

                        Must have been nice having the little one all day 😁
                        Hope GS1 is feeling a little better today poor thing xx

                        Ive been meaning to ask are the tablets working with the rash ?

                        Hope you have a nice visit with GS and partner Im sure they will love the beef x
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oh dear Oma, not nice to begin the day with scalding!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good Wednesday morning everyone. It's sunny here at the moment, but the forecast is more high winds and rain later.

                            I went to be early (for me) last night, slept like a log and woke up feeling a bit headachey. Sometimes you can't win.

                            Nanto, I'm sure the beef will be delicious. I wonder if it's the smell of lamb your GS's partner doesn't like? You'll enjoy having the lamb another day.

                            Clover, I hope everything goes smoothly today. Sending hugs. xx

                            Oma, I hope you can have a restful day now your chores are done. You don't want any more accidents with your hands.

                            Dog training for me this afternoon, otherwise, just a couple of loads of washing to get done and I'll prepare a casserole for tonight.

                            Gem, there seem to be a lot of colds around among the children. I hope GS1 feels better today. I bet you see changes in Baby E every time - they grow and learn so quickly at that age, don't they. It was a bonus for SIL, not having to get the bus home.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Oma,take care with your hot drinks.
                              Very kind of the other diners to offer birthday cake.

                              Clover,hope all goes well today.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Hallo everyone, lovely and sunny after heavy showers during the night.

                                I have had a cleaning and polishing morning! It all smells lovely and clean.

                                Oma, I hope the scalds are not too sore, what do you put on them?

                                daisy, enjoy the dog training.

                                Gem, many have colds and flu here at the moment. I hope GS1 is feeling better now.

                                Nanto, I hope DIL enjoys the beef, I know a few people that won't eat lamb as they are so young when they are slaughtered.

                                My mother wouldn't have remembered her father, I know her mother re-married when my mother was 5 or 6 and my mother had a step sister and brother.. I seem to remember her saying they were in a "tied" cottage at the time her father was killed so they would have had to move out, how sad really, you lose your husband then lose your house.

