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What are you Doing Today?

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    Good morning everyone. My apologies for total absence yesterday - I'll write about it later. Nothing bad's happened but we left home at 7.30 and got back just after midnight!

    Just to say - Plant, so sorry to hear about your GD's MIL. May she rest in peace.

    Oma - what wonderful news about Clare.

    Lizzie - what en emotional day for you and what a lovely man to give you the flowers.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      It seems to me a social influencer is a bit of a non-job, caters for people who can’t think for themselves.

      I am going to pop out to pick up some shower crème, I usually have some in store but have slipped up this time and I want one to take away. We havre had rain overnight but now have watery sunshine.

      Gemini, I hope the patio men can have a few hours without rain. Have a lovely party tea.

      Nanto, I fancy a jacket potato now you say you are having one.

      Glamm, what a good job your son and DD are looking out for your son, otherwise she would take him to the cleaners, as they say.

      Grauntie, you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Daisy, we all have days when we can't post here. Life gets in the way doesn't it? What a long day!

        Plant, it is non job I agree! They do seem to make money from it though.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Plant my Great niece is a trainee accountant , her Mother my niece has her own accountancy business
          So they are money savvy,
          I agree it’s to my mind as you say people who can’t think for themselves and feel they must follow someone ,
          Look how much these Kardashian’s make and they are nobodies 🙈
          We live in a strange world that’s for sure 🙄😁
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Patio and drive repair all done 😊 No parking on the drive until tomorrow night.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good afternoon.
              Water butt nearly full! Such excitement. 😁
              OH mending nicely, and I have now chucked out the patterns I used when we were making scrubs for the NHS. Very bulky as I had to print them. I came across these whilst searching for my set of circular knitting needles. I had most sizes. They seem to have disappeared but I can’t help thinking they are looking at me looking for them and laughing. 🙄
              I have an actual Drs appointment this afternoon for what I think is an ear infection. I didn’t even have to insist! I’m thinking it has something to do with the local area website publishing the fact that the practice has been put into special measures yet again. I went in on Wednesday to make an appointment and was told to come back before 8am Thursday morning to try for an appointment or ring 111…so it was a very fast about-face!
              I shall now make scones in the air fryer as per WG’s suggestion.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                WG weat last can get face to face appointments but only if you book on line I find ,
                They say ring on a morning at 8.30but never have any , yet no problem booking online , madness isn’t it .
                Let us know how the scones turn out 😁
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Gem, glad the patio work is all done.

                  GM, hope the ear infection clears up quickly.

                  Nothing much happened here today.

                  Most exciting thing was the postman coming.

                  Had quite a bit of rain today,but not as much as yesterday.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning. Its not raining.

                    We are doing the rounds today.

                    Farm shop,garden centre and then the supermarket.

                    Thats our day sorted.

                    Hope you all have a good day.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning all.

                      Busy day for you Nan2.

                      Grauntie, I hope the ear clears up soon. Face to face appointments still cause amazement don't they?!

                      We had a lovely evening celebrating GS1's birthday. I love seeing all the GC together. But not the youngest, it was past his bedtime so he stayed home with daddy

                      No plans today. It's fine and the sun is shining just now.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good Saturday morning. The sun's shining here, but everywhere is very wet after heavy rain yesterday.

                        Grauntie, I hope OH is keeping his chocolate out of the freezer from now on. It sounded like a dental massacre, poor chap. How is your ear? It's amazing (or sad?) how excited we can get over a full water butt!

                        Glam, how is your GS's move going?

                        Gem, was GS1 still super-excited last night, especially after his early wake up? Enjoy the sunshine.

                        Nanto, your day is well-organised. I hope you find everything on your shopping lists.

                        Plant, are you all packed up and ready to go on your holiday yet? Wouldn't it be lovely if the weather stays nice and sunny for you.

                        No particular plans for me today. I've got a few loads of washing to do and there is plenty of dust around the house if I feel like dealing with it.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Leave the dusting and do some painting Daisy! Or read, or something nice

                          Tiredness hadn't hit GS, Daisy, so he had a great night. His mum was pretty tired though!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I shall be sorting out things I need to take on holiday although we are not leaving until 2pm tomorrow to drive to Poole. We are overnighting in a Premier Inn there to be ready to catch an early boat to Cherbourg, then it is a short drive to the house we are staying in for a week.

                            Gemini, your GS1 will be very excited looking forward to his party with friends, a noisy one I suspect. Pleased to hear the patio and drive is finished, all ready for next Spring.

                            Daisy, a very busy and late night for you both, I hope you have recovered now. We shall be in your part of the world tomorrow, will you wave us off?
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Morning ladies

                              GS is a lucky boy all those celebrations today and yesterday I bet he’s bouncing 😁
                              Can you park on your drive today now it’s had time to set ?

                              hope you get sorted with your packing today ,
                              it’s all the little things you have to remember like Meds Phone Charger etc isn’t it 😁

                              Have a YOU day today the washing can wait till tomorrow , it’s a nice day have a walk with Eva instead 😁x

                              how are both patients today , hubbys tooth and your ear ?

                              A well organised day , will you have lunch out at the Garden centre today ?

                              I had a really bad night last night , couldn’t get comfy right Hip knee and ankle ached all night ,
                              We we’re both up at 3 then I went back at 5 till 6.30.

                              I have done my weekend blitz but slowly , I have ironing to do but that will have to wait till after lunch .
                              We went to Lidl for fresh bread and it took ages for me to walk around so resting up for a while till pain killers kick in then I will be fine , just one of those flair ups that happen from time to time

                              Hope everyone is ok , it’s a lovely morning and quite warm in the sun .

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Plant, we were all excite about our Premier Inn stay the night before our Florida holiday. It makes the holiday start sooner

                                Oma, we are not to drive on the drive until tonight, but OH wants to leave it longer We have brought my car on though, via next doors drive avoiding the end of ours (with their permission of course!) It will be handy for getting the baby into his seat when we take him back tomorrow.
                                Sorry about your flare up My shoulders and back have been hurting a lot this week too.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

