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    Daisy it's her DD Bs sister who she has fallen out with .
    It happens all the time his sister is very huffy and his Mam is well as you know difficult so they clash a lot πŸ™„

    Enfys hope the injections work . I find them really good but they don't work for everyone do they.
    I agree if they don't need to see you till December they can't be concerned otherwise it would be a quick appointappointmnjoy your break away and relax xx

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      It's a beautiful morning and there isn't that chill in the air.

      Shopping being delivered between 9 and 10.

      Hubby out later, so one of my jobs is washing the hard floors.

      Enfys, good that doctors don't seem to be too concerned.

      Dinner is chips, beans and fried eggs.
      One of hubby's favourite meals.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Sun shining, haven’t poked my nose out yet. Must get some jobs and errands done early as I want to see Andy Murray finish his game.

        Enfys, very pleased you have been given the all clear, you can now go away for your treat without worrying. My memory bear would need a big suitcase, would be nice to have a little one to fit in a suitcase.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning Nanto/ Ladies

          Ive said it before you can’t go wrong with chips egg and beans , a comforting childhood meal 😁

          Done a white wash and general clean around , want to go back to Dunelm ,
          Didnt have a chance to look for what I wanted when we took GS as we were more focused on getting his bedding sorted .
          Looks a nice day ahead already warm .
          Its GSs prom tonight .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            our posts crossed , The bear is lovely Im sure you could put him in a backpack when you go away 😁
            Enfys nice to have a small one you can take with you x
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good morning, hot again here after the storm!!! Enfys, it won't be anything to worry about if your appointment is for December. A young neighbour had an operation on her bowels on June 6th, she went back for control and got the bad news that the cancer has spread to her lymph system, she starts chemo next week, a 12 week plan!!! The poor woman, she is young as well, 58 years old. I want to go and get her some flowers this morning.

              Gem, how long do they expect recovery to be with your new knee?

              I got some alterations done yesterday then spent the afternoon looking at cycle parts sites!!! GD2 and myself managed to fit the new grips but the gear grip was worse for wear, I managed to find them on line and ordered one, when GD2 arrived home from her sleep over she surprised her father with her "new" bike, he thought she had taken the wrong bike from the friends! He didn't think it would be repaired etc so quickly, then all the polishing and oiling we did made it a smart bike. I have ordered a crate for her then they will both be fine for a while.

              DS1 and DIL just had a one hour delay from the storm which was good.

              I am going to do the plants, there is no art group until September so just the plants to do.


                Good morning all.

                One of my favourite meals too Nan2.

                Enfys, I hope the knee injections work well again. They can last a good while. I think I will need one in the other knee at some point.
                Nothing to worry about I'm sure re gynae appointment. They wouldn't wait until December otherwise. Enjoy your time away!

                Today is a free day as I had GS2 on Wednesday. It is my sorting out the tombola day! I have a couple of signs to print off, and all the prizes to number then the tickets to fold and put into the drum. I need to get the drum from DD2. At the moment I am unsure if she is dropping it here or I am picking it up. I have all day so can easily go over.

                Golf again for OH.

                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good morning, lovely morning here. My friend has just rung to,see if I’d like to go to the garden centre with her..of course I would. The housework can wait.

                  Lizzie, so sorry for you neighbour, but hopefully she is young enough to get good results but I do feel for her πŸ’

                  knees already feel much better, such a relief. The doctor also told me that if they get really bad I can have injections every 4 months but I think it will be fine with every 6 months, fingers crossed.

                  Habe a lovely day everyone, 🌞

                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Good Friday morning, everyone.

                    The sun's shining and it's much warmer today.

                    Enfys, I agree. The housework can always wait. Enjoy your trip to the garden centre, especially since your knees are already feeling less painful.

                    Gem, I hope your Tombola preparations all go smoothly and don't take up your whole day.

                    Nanto, egg, chips and beans - you can't go wrong! Great crowd pleasing dinner. I think if we all lived in your road we'd be lining up outside with noses in the air, like the Bisto kids.

                    Lizzie, I do hope your young neighbour's treatment goes well - such a shock for her though. I can well believe your DS thought it was a different bike - you've done well with it.

                    Oma, what are you shopping for at Dunelm? By the way, I keep forgetting to ask - how is your new furniture? Are you pleased with it? I hope GS1 enjoys his prom. What is he wearing for it?

                    Plant, you do need a mini-bear to pop in a suitcase when you go away. Enjoy the tennis this afternoon.

                    We're getting ready today for our holiday. Last time we went we were so busy for the 3 days beforehand we ended up packing the van and travelling and setting up on the same day, and we were both shattered. So we've kept yesterday and today clear and OH cleaned the van inside and out yesterday, and did the jobs like chemicals for the loo, charged the battery up and other odd jobs. Today we're putting clothes and non-perishable food in and all we'll have to do tomorrow is put in chill stuff and get going. I've nearly finished the ironing as well. I cut the lawn yesterday and watered next door's garden (they're on holiday as well). I bought some larger plant supports for our beautiful Hydrangea Annabelle because she got beaten up by the rain this week.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      You are well organised this trip , did you get Evas liver treats done ? , A nice way to celebrate your wedding Anniversary x

                      I wasn't looking for anything in particular just wanted to see what was new
                      Didnt have time when with GS, Nothing caught my eye.
                      We then went to Sainsburys only for Salad cream so I thought , ended up with a trolly full as usual .
                      GS has bought a lovely suit , i will only see pictures though as hes leaving with a group of friends from one of the girls houses . DD will take pics.

                      I didn't have a good night so thought I would have a nana nap but it's so stuffy and warm i couldnt rest .
                      Looks like rain but a very muggy day , I hope tonight is better for sleeping .

                      Pleased the injection is working , it's such a relief isn't it .
                      A nice slow walk around the garden centre and maybe tea and cake after 😁

                      What would the girls do without you .
                      Us grandparents are a push over arnt we 😁

                      At least you have a free day to get on with things at your own pace xx

                      Is H still happy to be with her Grandparents,
                      I bet they are worn out now 😁
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Prom day 😁
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                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          He's looking very smart Oma.

                          DS1 and GD2 invited themselves to dinner.
                          Told them they were welcome to come,but also told them it was chips,beans and eggs.
                          They enjoyed every mouthful.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            I'm having salad but would much rather eat that Nanto , lucky DS and GD 😁
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Very smart young man Oma I hope he has a lovely time.
                              S got a photo of her godson at his prom last night. Tall and handsome, where do the years go??

                              Nice to have company, especially when they are happy with what you plan to serve Nan2.

                              Enfys that is wonderful. I have had the injection several times and never felt any instant relief like that. They obviously work well for you

                              Lizzie full recovery takes about a year, but I should be able to return to aquafit and drive within a few weeks. I would hope to be pretty much back to normal activities before Christmas. They make you climb stairs (with crutches) on day one, so there's no sitting about!

                              Have a lovely holiday Daisy! You sound very well organised.

                              All tombola stuff is done and signs printed.
                              It is such a lovely day here it's hard to believe tomorrow's forecast is so bad!
                              I got washing dry on the line and sat in the garden for a while during the afternoon.
                              Spaghetti Bolognese ( with lamb mince) for tea tonight. My turn to cook so I will get on now!
                              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Oma, doesn't he look smart! And so grown-up. I hope he's had a great time.

                                Nanto, lovely to see DS and GD2 unexpectedly - and luckily an easy meal to up the quantities of. I bet they did enjoy every mouthful.

                                Gem, well done on getting all the Tobola things organised. I hope the weather forecast for you is wrong and it's wall-to-wall sunshine.

                                We're well organised - for us. We sat in the garden this evening with a couple of glasses of wine and enjoyed the sunset. Then is was all hands to the pump (well to the hosepipe) to get the garden watered - front, back and all the pots. It was 103.0 when we finished and by then didn't feel like dinner! A bowl of cereal and some toast did fine, though.

                                The bad news (as for as I'm concerned) is that there's no WiFi at the camp site. . I'm hoping that information is out of date and it's now been set up, but if not, I won't be around much next week. I'll pop in when I can.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

