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    That's good news Oma.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Had a good games afternoon, won one game of Rummycub, good company and we had birthday cake. Just had a face time with GD she was sitting in the shade eating lunch. Pleased to hear you have been discharged Oma. My doctor rang and she wanted to talk about my Vit D. Apparently I am storing too much calcium, they have reduced the dose and she wants another blood test in a fortnight. This all seems to come about in my opinion since they took me off warfarin for a different blood thinner in the way of an injection. We shall see what the blood test comes up with.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Cool this morning. It ought to be warmer for July.

        Plant well done for winning a game.
        Hope the doctor gets you sorted out.

        No plans for today, to a general kind of day.

        Dinner is steak,onion and mushroom pie with mash and veggies.

        Just seen the weather forecast, apparently its going to warm up tomorrow.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone.

          Nan2, it would be good if it warmed up a bit. Not as high as last July though!

          Oma, so good that you have been discharged and that you worked out what was making you so ill in the first place.

          Plant OH played Rummikub with some of our friends when we were away last weekend. For some reason it didn't appeal to me, because it is numbers I think. They all enjoyed it though!

          Baby GS day today. He and I may go to the library this afternoon, depending on his nap times etc. So much time with babies seem to revolve around naps and meals, even at 11 months
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Thursday morning, everyone.

            I didn't manage to get back here yesterday - nothing exciting but busy and by 9.30 I was ready for bed. It's unusual for me, but I woke at 6 am so got up and cleaned the kitchen (much needed!). I'm taking Eva over for a play date with Cooper today. He still won't get into the car which is severely restricting his doggy social life, so a day with Eva will be good for him. I need to do some shopping while I'm out and then I'll come back and tackle the dratted ironing!

            Lizzie, what a horrendous storm you've had. I hope DS1 and DIL landed safely eventually. Your GDs are good helping with the kitchen cupboards. It must seem quiet when they go home, though.

            Clover, good for you going to the theatre on your own. I hope you enjoy (although I know it's sad at the end) Blood Brothers, and also feel proud that you've taken the decision to go. I remember seeing a production of 42nd Street sometime in the 1980s in London, and loved it. Gem's comment about being cinema/theatre buddies made me wonder if there is a theatre group locally to you.

            Plant, I felt cold last night as well. It's quite a change in the weather, isn't it. Did the Doctor suggest going back on Warfarin?

            Oma, good to know everything has checked out ok after being so worried about all the symptoms. Hopefully it will alert the medics if other patients have the same side-effects.

            Nanto, I hope the weather forecast is right - it's quite chilly today. It would be good if it was a bit warmer for our holiday! I never know what to take clothes-wise. OH always laughs at me - I take everything from warm joggers to shorts, wellies to sandals, raincoat to light cardigans! But I'm the one who take Evas out in all weathers, so I don't take any notice when OH says things like "I'm not taking a lot of clothes"!!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy, is it all cars Cooper is averse to or just their own car? I can see that must be difficult. I hope he and Eva enjoy their play date!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning Ladies

                To much Calcium can be as bad as too little , hope the Dr can get it levelled out for you , did she mention your skin condition ? You could do with that sorting couldnt you .
                Hope GD is enjoying a relaxing holiday still needs to chat to granny though doesn’t she 😁

                Your right timing is so important with Babies , you have to work around meals and naps as you say ,
                Fingers crossed you manage to get there .

                Off to MILs this morning , meals on wheels as usual .
                Rang yesterday with another list of things she wants so B went to the shopping centre for those .

                DD and family go away on Sunday morning so we have dog for the week ,
                She has arranged for a dog walker who takes her neighbours dog out to walk Storm for a hour each morning Monday - Friday .
                I don’t mind walking him but she insisted so I only have to do his evening walk .

                GSs prom tomorrow he’s so looking forward to it although his girlfriend will miss it she went on holiday yesterday .

                our post crossed , strange about Cooper isn’t it ,
                Im like you I should have been in the scouts , be prepared .
                B said I would put the whole wardrobe in if I could , when we went away for the weekend I took 3 different coats just in case , they never came out of the boot 🙄😁
                Last edited by Oma; 06-07-2023, 07:29 AM.
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Daisy, it is strange about Cooper. The Dogs Behaving Badly man had a case of a dog who wouldn’t get into the boot of the owners car. He got into the back seat, kneeling over the back of the seat facing the open boot, food in hand and the dog with the owners help got into the car. It is strange what has spooked Cooper. When you are packing a caravan, you can take what clothes you like, I used to like packing the caravan, do you leave some stuff in there all summer, like condiments.

                  Oma, I hope your Mil greets you with a smiling face today. I hope GS enjoys his Prom, shame about his girl friend. My doctor has no answer about my psoriasis, just sunshine. The practice pharmacist has prescribed yet another cream. Oma I would never take a tablet to loose weight, you need to stop your OH from cooking such lovely meals.

                  Gemini, I love Rummikub but I do know they make an alphabet one, perhaps you would enjoy that one.

                  Nanto, dinner sounds good, it is ages since I ate red meat but your dinner is sounds as if I am missing something. Strange you should have a picture of bears.

                  I have just had a visit from a very talented lady, she has made me a a Memory Bear from one of my husband’s jackets. I am so pleased with it. It is made like a Steiff Bear. I had just kept his favourite jacket, amazing what she has done with it, I am so pleased.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    I agree , These tablets are Diabetic tablets but are now being prescribed for weight loss ,
                    Not a good idea in my opinion ,

                    I was on them from December just a small dose 3 ml then the Diabetic nurse upped them to 13 ml that’s when the problem started .
                    I never lost weight with them so they must be giving a very high dose for them to be working as diet pills .

                    I suppose they may work for some ,
                    I read they are giving them as injections where I was taking pills maybe there is a difference that way.
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      They seem to be using people as guinea pigs. Memory bear delivered, it is quite big, H loved it and wouldn’t part with it, she has gone for a sleep now so bear returned to me. I will take a picture.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        The bear sounds lovely Plant.

                        We got to the library after lunch. Baby enjoyed it and I got to show him off to a couple of people I know.
                        I hoped he would sleep on the way back. He's in his cot now but fighting sleep. He only had an hour, perhaps slightly less , this morning so he really needs some afternoon sleep. He has a cough ( he's well apart from that) I think that woke him this morning. Fingers crossed he's nodding off now!
                        After that walk Grandma is feet up with a cuppa!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Would like to see the memory bear Plant , I bet H thinks it’s hers now 😁

                          They get over tired and fight it don’t they ,
                          Feet up and maybe a cup of tea and a biscuit is well earned 😁

                          MIL was very pleasant this morning after her initial few moans so we stayed a little longer and had a good chat .
                          Did a few jobs and B sorted her phone again , seems to do it every week , lord knows what she does with it.

                          Shame she isn’t like that all the time .
                          His other sister that lives near her has fallen out with her AGAIN 🙄
                          This sister is an idiot put them together and sparks fly so it’s no surprise really ,

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, glad MIL was a bit pleasanter today.
                            Hope GS enjoys his prom. What a shame his girlfriend will miss it.

                            Lizzie, lovely to get your kitchen cupboards sorted.

                            Plan, some family members had memory bears made from mam and dads clothes.

                            Had an easy day today,just done a bit of cleaning and tidying up.

                            DS2 popped in for ½ an hour on his way home from work.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Well, I’ve done it again……..another absence for a few weeks. The trouble is the time is just whizzing by and another weeks is gone before I know it. Hope everyone is ok. Just seen you are having a new knee, Gem, good luck for when the time comes, just in case I miss it.

                              I had my knees injected again at the doctors this morning. It made such a difference last time and they’d just started to,play up again so I was pleased to,get that done.

                              Also had a call from hospital re my scan. All ok with colon, it is just a fatty lump,which they are happy to leave alone but something was showing in my womb which they were pretty sure was a fibroid. So I was being transferred to the gynaecologist team. Just had an appointment through for 1st December! I’m guessing that means it’s nothing nasty as I’m sure I would have been seen earlier if it was. And so it goes on, but I’m thankful for all the prompt attention and good results.

                              DD and I are away next week for a couple of days as it’s my birthday treat to Highclere Castle. Really looking forward to it, and seeing DGD again for lunch i her restaurant.

                              Plant, your memory bear sounds lovely. A very kind lady on here made me a dear little bear after P died, from me of his favourite shirts and he lives on my bed and I also take him with me if I go away anywhere. He’s small enough to pop in a suitcase.

                              I hope all is well with everyone, will try and do a catch up…….note to self…must try harder and not be away so much. 😀
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Enfys, goodness me, you more than deserve your breaks and holidays, but it's always great to hear from you. I. hope the knee injections do as well this time as last. It must make such a difference. Yes, I'm sure you would have been seen earlier if they were worried about the possible fibroid, but it's such a relief to get 'good' results, isn't it. xx

                                Oma, a nice change that MIL was cheerful, despite falling out with her sister.

                                Nanto, memory bears seem to be very popular. Lovely when our grown up children pop in like that.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

