We had a couple of showers this morning. I was in and out of the hospital in 5 minutes! Their new appointment system saves a lot of hanging about. I was surprised but by this afternoon the grass was dry enough for a light cut. I did a few jobs round the house as well, while OH cleaned the outside of the caravan. He very kindly gave my car a quick clean as well as it was covered in so much pollen it actually looked yellow in places.
Eva was tired after her social day yesterday, but I took her round the block this evening.
Tomorrow morning we're going to a funeral. It's a lady I used to work with. It's so sad, it has been arranged by her solicitors as she doesn't seem to have any family. I only ever remember her talking about her parents who are obviously no longer with us. There is a group of us going from College, so although it's a sad occasion I look forward to seeing some old friends. OH is coming with me, which is very king of him as he didn't know her very well. Then is will be a quick dash back from Bournemouth to go to dog training. Our lovely neighbours will take Eva for a walk with their dog in the morning.
I've got out of the habit of early mornings, so having to leave the house by 8 am is a tall order! I'll pop in here later.
I won't get the blood test results until I get an appointment for my annual MOT at the surgery!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Daisy, how sad that your deceased friend doesn't have any family.
Were going for a pub meal today,but friends want to go with us.
But, they can't make it today,so its on tomorrows to do list.
So dinner is bacon,beans and new potatoes.
No plans for oday except for a few odd jobs.
I've changed my ringtone on my phone. Hubby hasn't heard it yet.
When he does hear it,he will say what the b***** h*** have you got on there.
Gem, we didn't have any rain yesterday,although it was forecast.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
What Ring tone have you chosen?
we having something with chicken , well chicken is out the freezer but no idea what to do with it yet .
How sad the lady has no family , it happens a lot when someone dedicated their life to their parents then they go and they are left alone ,
We have had several appeals in our local paper lately where people have passed and they are looking for any remaining relatives.
sometimes it’s just people have lost touch or moved away isn’t it .
Its a nice bright morning ,waiting for Dog and the man to repair our oven the fan keeps sticking and B keeps having to give it a stern talking too😁
My Darling niece is 50 today , my Sister and myself were pregnant together my niece was born a month before my DD
Nanto, my DD has a barking dog for her ringtone, makes me jump.
Nice and b right here too Oma, my hairdresser is coming at 9.30 so I am up early for me. I am going to a WI Coronation Tea, that is the third. Not sure if it is inside or out.
Daisy, I don’t like early mornings, need to get a shower before hairdresser comes. Sad day for you attending a funeral of a friend
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Daisy, it's lovely that you and other friends will be there for that lady.
Nan2, intrigued by what your new ringtone could be !?
How are feeling today Oma?
Cold but sunny morning here.
Aquafit this morning. Only one of my two friends are going this week. We have coffee and a good chat afterwards.
On the way back I want to go to Sainsbury's to buy a birthday cake and bottle of Ballantines whiskey for OH. I can't really put those on the Tesco order when OH will be taking it in
This morning Tesco are delivering and Evri are collecting a parcel. The Bon Marche dress which was too big. OH will be in.
Not sure if we have any plans this afternoon. Hopefully Evri will come during the morning so we are free to go out if we want to.
Have a good Thursday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Moaning each.
Speaking of ring tones, I wanted to have ‘hello, is it me you’re looking for’ (Lionel Richie) for a doorbell ring. I didn’t get round to organising it but there is still time.
Sunny here, sea wall walk with dog I think, it’s the least muddy. No food in fridge and DD2 and boys coming for dinner so the dreaded shopping is on the list.
I’d rather be digging.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Hallo everyone, it is dry here today, but, rain forecast again I see.
Did I mention I was in the lift with a (n) (elderly) neighbour on Monday evening? She was covered in blood with her head bandaged, I asked her what had happened, she didn't seem to understand, the lady with her explained she had fallen and landed on the back of her head, how she didn't seem to know. I was talking to neighbours and somehow or other she was waiting for the lift, what happened no one knows, she fell backwards and banged her head on the emergency tap used for the fire brigade!!! No wonder her head was split open. She has been very bad on her feet lately though.
Gem, I hope aqua went ok, I am having problems with my foot after mine, I can't really wear my shoes and soles in the pool can I so I will just have to grin and bear it as I do enjoy it.
I went to the dentist this morning, he has been our dentist for 40 years now and is stopping, he sold his practise last year and was working 2 days a week, he was saying there is so much paper work etc compared to a few years ago that he has decided to stop. I always liked him, he patched my mouth up after I had broken my jaw, I was always very grateful to him for that.
Daisy, I hope the funeral went well, one of the ladies for the organisation I volunteer for was telling me she attended a funeral the other week, only 9 people there, the lady in question had a family but she had been very awkward over the years so no one bothered, very sad!
I got a call this morning, the group of people I do the coffee for on a Monday, they are having a reception tomorrow afternoon and as I am now one of them??? I am invited!
it's not too late to change the door bell , I would love to see people's faces being greeted by Lionel Richie 😍🤣😍
Your poor neighbour the head does bleed a lot , it must have really hurt
we had a change of Dentist last year when our retired . A lovely young Asian lady who is very smiley but so tiny I'm not sure she could tug big Teeth out. Infact she couldn't with mine that's how I ended up at the Dental Hospital she could only get half of it out .
Man came to fix the oven , a huge 6ft German who was terrified of Storm Once Storm had a sniff around him and he realised he wouldn't hurt him he relaxed but kept glancing over at him as Storm lay In the dinning room watching so eventually i brought storm into the living room snd closed the door . Not everyone is comfortable around dogs are they .
B gave the car a good wash and pressure hosed it then waxed it .
Came in and the heavens opened 🤣
To say he wasn't pleased is a over statement, I won't repeat what he said
We are having day of sunshine and showers here. Downpours then sun. We needed our golf umbrella at the garden centre! We bought clematis Montana (I love them) as ours died last year.
Oh that poor lady Lizzie What a shame that aqua classes are hurting your foot.
Oma I know Storm is a gentle giant and I love looking at photos of him, l but I too would be a bit scared if I met him I think!
Nan2, I could do with changing my ringtone too.
I hope you got the supplies in before the GC arrived Grauntie!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Hello everyone - I'm just a little bit late to say "Good morning", aren't I!!!
Nanto, what a pity your friends couldn't go to lunch today, but at least you've still got the outing to look forward to tomorrow. My ring tone is the very boring "old phone" one, but if I have anything else it makes me jump!
Oma, when I read your comment about Nanto's phone and chicken, I thought for a second you had a chicken ring tone! Silly me! The poor oven man being worried about Storm, but as Gem says, a lot of people are wary of larger dogs. Is your oven ok now? You don't have much luck with them, do you. I can't imagine at all what B said when the heavens opened on his sparkling clean car. At least he could see if the waxing had worked properly.
Gem, clematis Montana are one of my favourites, too. Although I think I might get a Viticelli when I finally get my decorative arch - they're very dainty and pretty.
Grauntie, I'm sure doggo wouldn't mind the mud! Has he (?) settled down ok? I hope you got the fridge stocked up before the GCs came and emptied it again. I think that would be a great ring tone.
Lizzie, dentists are like hairdressers (a bit!) in that when you find one you like you don't want to change. That poor lady sounded in a bit of a state. Do you think she was concussed? I hope she got it checked by a doctor. Thinking about your foot hurting at aqua, if you're a confident swimmer could you do the class in deeper water so you weren't touching the bottom of the pool - or would that be out of the question?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
We left home early this morning to get to the funeral. The rush hour traffic around Bournemouth is awful, but in fact we got there in good time, which gave us chance to say 'hello' to friends who were there. The funeral was simple but very much what she would have wanted - she was a quiet lady, and I always thought she was a bit shy socially. She had obviously had good neighbours who were all there, and one of them had picked a large jug full of bluebells from her garden. She had sung in the local symphony choir for over 30 years, and there were quite a few members there today, so with the College group, neighbours and singers the chapel was nearly full. The hymns were beautifully sung, too.
One friend had come over from the Isle of Wight and was staying with another friend overnight so we went back there for a quick coffee and a chat. We just got back home in time to have a sandwich before I took Eva to training. She had had an amazing time in the Forest with our neighbour's dog but was tired out. Even flyball was hard work for her. She'll sleep well tonight.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "