GS2 and his wife have gone home, GD1, her OH and H have gone home too. Just GD2 and her partner left now. GD 2’s partner cooked us a lovely meal of fish pie with a pastry lid, mash and broccoli and we all had ice creams for pud. We are having some rain, not much, we are forecast to have a thunderstorm.
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That meal sounds perfect to me Plant.
We had a fair amount of rain but no thunder ( so far) either here or where DD lives.
We had a nice afternoon. GD seemed happy today and relaxed with us all and loved being with the baby.
It was just OH, me, DD and GS1, DD and SIL3 and baby .“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Plant, I love fish pie, and your GD2's partner would be welcome in our kitchen any day!
Gem, I'm so glad GD was relaxed and happy today. I hope the break does her good.
We had a dreadful journey up to DS1's - nearly two hours in crawling traffic and then the M3 closed - again! And I was driving OH's car. I'm not a timid driver, but I hardly ever drive his car and this is the first time I've done a longish trip in it. I was quite anxious driving in roadworks with narrow lanes and being next to huge container lorries, and then having to follow the sat nav when we had to go off the motorway. DIL had done a nice snack lunch and OH and DS1 went out to finish installing the decking behind the garden shed. It started raining about 4 o'clock. Light at first but then heavier. DIL and I were just about to go indoors when Eva knocked a glass off the table with her tail! She really doesn't look after her tail very well, or even be aware she has one!. The decking was finished about 6 o'clock and DIL made a delicious chicken roast for dinner. We got home about an hour ago, and I'm definitely ready for bed!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning one and all. It's not so uncomfortably hot here at the moment but there is a chance of rain later.
How everyone's weekend.
We went to DS and DIL's for a BBQ . Our GD picked us up in her new car .
DIL had decorated the garden with balloons and banners and . We were given yet more cards and presents. Eldest GS was there but could only stay for a while as he had to go to work.
DIL's dad and his partner was there as was her brother with his adorable 2 year old daughter. Sadly his wife wasn't there as she was at a weekend hen party.
The weather wasn't perfect but we managed to have a good time regardless of the on off rain showers.
Plant its lovely to have the family around even if you are, as you say, in slow motion today.
I might clean the windows today, I only said might mind you ! Going to check the weather forecast first, no point in going through all that kerfuffle for nothing.
Have a good time everyone
Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Dull here, not sure of the forecast. I have to take the car for an MOT this morning, I shall wait whilst they do it. GD2 and her partner will be staying here until the end of the week, which will be nice. H will be here today as well today, I expect I shall see her at some point, apart from that, no plans.
Nanto, lovely roses. I don’t know about everyone else but our roses are a picture this year.
Mimi, your family are spoiling you, quite right too. How lovely to be picked up by your GD.
Daisy that does sound a nightmare journey for you but a lovely day with the family. We had friends who had a very butch Labrador and they used to shout TAIL and he used to sort of fold it up when going through doors. He did eventually had to have the tip of his tail removed and ate the dressing they put on it.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning everyone.
What beautiful roses Nan2!
Daisy, what a tiring day, no wonder you were ready for your bed! Roast chicken dinner sounds good though.
I think its lovely that your anniversary celebrations are still ongoing Mimi
I hope all is OK with the MOT Plant.
We are going to see my auntie today and have lunch with her. I am hoping her knee is up to coming out in the car with us. If not we will have lunch at the bistro where she lives. I have no objection to eating there, it is nice. Auntie doesn't get out apart from to her son's down the road once a week and to her eye appointments though, so we like to get her out when the weather is good.
Have a good day and week everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning ladies
You have been spoilt , I saw the photos on FB your looking good young lady 😁
I love fish pie too without prawns of course , I know lots of people put prawns in ,
Nice to have GD2 for a little while longer
Hope the car passes it’s MOT x
Hope your Aunty is ok to get out it will be a nice change for her , does she use a wheelchair ?
So pleased GD had a nice time and was relaxed
What a nightmare journey , poor Eva and her tail it’s the enthusiastic wagging 😁
Did you sleep well?
Beautiful graphic
Hope you have a chilled day 😁
We went to our local farm shop this morning early for meat and sausages ,
Fresh bread and some veg and of course had to buy some cakes it would have been rude not too 😁
Coming back along the highway and they have so many diversions with roadworks and bridge works ,
Ok if your local as we know the route but strangers will find it so confusing ,
We had heavy rain last night but we all needed it didn’t we , no thunder or lightning, I was disappointed I like a good clap of thunder and watching the lightning .
GS coming for lunch , so far we have fed him Tuesday , Thursday,
Friday , Saturday , came to the cafe with us yesterday and feeding him today . I swear he’s moving in 😁Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good Morning everyone, I hope everyone .
enjoyed the week end and Fathers Day celebrations mine raised a glass for their dad and talked about their favourite memories growing up it was a lovely afternoon
We have had some major thunder storms here rain was flowing down our Road causing flooding onto the main Road at the bottom,Morrisons/Iceland and Costa Coffee all flooded,so much stock ruined I feel so sorry for them.
Jims bungalow is now up for rent all his personal bits and bobs have gone to him at the care home and Age UK are taking the furniture this week,my Simon has bought his new washing machine it has not been used and only installed 6 mths ago Jim never got around to using it as his niece took his washing Jim said it was to complicated for him to switch on .There will be a lot of interest in the bungalow I hope we get someone nice,I'm sure we will.
DD has booked a holiday to Side in Turkey for end of September for 14 days with her partner
this will be their first holiday together they really deserve the break they work so hard.
The past week or so I have been so tired and going off to bed for a sleep early afternoon after my lunch goodness knows what is wrong with me its not as though I feel poorly I feel fine just mega tired. I think I need to find something to boost my energy levels and give me a lift.
I had a little surprise visit from DGS3 and his new baby boy on Friday he had him for the day whilst mum was at work the baby is just a delight such a happy little chap he is 4mths old now and has found his voice so when you are talking to him he is trying to make sounds back at you just so cute.
Today I am going to clean the inside windows after all the rain we have had these past few days I would like to take down the vertical blinds my friend says they are easy to take off and wash but DS1 thinks they may loose their stiffness and go rather raggy has anyone taken them down and washed them or have you cleaned them when in situ,it looks messy taking them down but I can manage to do it if the best option.
Off now to start on wetroom tiles and floor taking down the shower curtain for a quick wash through then have a wee rest with a cuppa.
Take care everyone xx
Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Good Monday morning everyone. It's cooler today, but the sun is shining. I'm keen to get out and do some gardening while OH is free to help me, so I'll make this quick.
I've been to the surgery for my annual MOT and was a bit fed up to find their scales weigh 5 lbs heavier than ours! I'll stick to ours.Otherwise all ok.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy, i would stick to using your scales as well.
Hope all is well with your MOT.
Glamma, a few years ago we took the vertical blinds down in the conservatory.
Advice was to put them in a pillowcase and put them in the washer on a gentle wash.
They were a mess when we got them out. We ended up getting some new ones.
Bonus was, we got a different colour.
Its been an easy day today,just pottered getting a few little jobs done.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Oma,your GS is definitely stealthily moving in
I often wonder about Clover too.
Daisy, your scales are certainly the correct ones!
Glamma, I have been very tired recently too. Perhaps it's the weather draining us.
We took auntie G out to lunch. She has had a knee injection so is able to get about again with stick or walker on wheels. We went to a very nice farm shop with a cafe and all had a nice time. Auntie is so bright and on the ball.
We have just returned from doing our good deed of the day! Our neighbours 2 doors down needed assistance with applying cat flea spot on their cat. Three of us did it and it was easy peasy. I think she was in shock at so many of us!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Mimi, what a great week-end you had. It's a bit of a 'down to earth with a bump' if you cleaned windows today. You deserved at least one day to recuperate from all your celebrations, and I would have suggested at least a week to recover.. xx
Nanto, those roses look like a celebration is in order as well! I like roses, preferably scented, but we've only got three in our garden as I find them quite hard work and prone to all sorts of horrible pests and diseases.
Plant, I hope you car passed it's MOT like I did this morning! That Labrador was very clever, and being a Lab he would eat anything including the dressing! I fear Eva's tail isn't trainable. I'm sure she doesn't even know she's got one - she's very careless with it!
Gem, how was y our Auntie? I hope you were able to take her out, but even if you ate in the Bistro I'm sure she loved seeing you both.
Oma, one of these days your GS will arrive with his suitcase! How great that he clearly loves being with y ou, and no doubt the delicious meals help as well. He's such a nice lad.
Glamma, we'd have welcomed your rain. It seems to be feast or famine, doesn't it! I hope your DD and her partner have an amazing holiday in September. She works so hard and certainly deserves a good break. Y our GS3's little boy sounds an absolute delight. I bet you enjoyed great cuddles with him. I hope you get really nice neighbours who welcome Oliver as much as Jim did.
We've had a long and busy day on the garden. We planted three plants which were birthday presents, put netting up for the new clematis and a new-ish passion flower to scramble up (that took ages!), staked all sorts of things that were likely to get bashed down if we get the promised storms tomorrow, and also all the tomatoes. I mowed the lawn (what's left of it!) and we've had dinner. I'm going to portion up some dog food now, so a busy day, but at least we've got something to show for it!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)