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    So much cooler today. It rained overnight and has been raining on and off all day. Everything looks so much fresher and I won’t have to water tonight.

    Yesterday, DD and I booked a holiday cottage for us all in October. It’s just outside Tintagel in Cornwall. It will be nice to have something to look forward to after a few stressful weeks.
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Sky very dark and lightning and thunder in the distance but not enough rain
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Very warm and muggy here as it is when a storm is brewing. There is nothing forecast here though.
        Our friends popped in this afternoon and sat in the garden with us and had cold drinks.

        Enfys, it's lovely for you to have a holiday to look forward to.

        Same here Plant, too cold last week, too hot now!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Evening ladies ,
          Yes we have been to the shows the last two nights but after a very hot day we have decided to give tonight a miss .

          we went into Rippon this morning there was a market on , had a nice browse but then it became too hot so sat in Costas and had a cupper before heading back .

          It got up to 27 this afternoon , far too hot to sit out in.
          could do with some rain to cool it down ,

          Just came from Dinner talking to a couple in the lift they were having to go home early , their DD had rang to say there had been thunder storms and all their downstairs had been flooded .
          Not what you want to hear when your away is it , poor people .

          we heading home tomorrow , I will try catch up with everyone’s news then xx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, how awful for the people in the lift having their home flooded like that. . Enjoy your breakfast in the morning before you head home . Safe journey. xx

            Enfys, it's lovely to have a holiday to look forward to.

            Gem, I'm glad you managed to have a relaxing day in the garden. after a busy birthday yesterday. x

            Plant, did you get any more rain eventually? We've had rain on and off until mid-afternoon then it cleared up. It was very warm and humid - for me that's bliss. It feels as though we're abroad on holiday! I know most people hate that weather though, so I sympathise. Where abouts in Anglesey are your Dd and SIL going to?

            We got some gardening done. We planted what was left of the seedlings, an enormous Senecio Angle Wings which was a birthday present. It might need winter protection so I put it in a pot - I'm not taking chances after last winter! Also a lovely Osteospermum and some bedding plants. The garden smelled gorgeous after the rain, but the lawn is saying "more, more"!!

            I did a couple of loads of washing and got one lot dried outside. It wasn't the best drying day.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              We didn't get any storm yesterday,not a drop of rain.
              Its very warm already this morning.

              Oma, thats awful about the couple being flooded.
              Have a safe journey home.

              One job today is going to Farmfoods.We need to stock up on ice creams.
              Not sure if we are walking up or going in the car.

              Dinner is homemade chips, Birds Eye fish in batter and mushy peas.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Nanto, Those ice creams might melt if you walk.

                We had a storm yesterday afternoon but not enough rain, I will check to see how deep it went.

                Oma, how awful for that couple you met to have their home flooded whilst they were away.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning, it is far too warm for me!! 30+! I go away on Wednesday so I am hoping it is cooler, they forecast 26 degrees so I will have to wait and see!

                  I can't go to the pool as there is no way I could get my tights and sleeves on and out, my arms and legs are swelling all the time! There is no wonder I like the cold weather.

                  Oma, I hope that you have a good drive home, I called in Ripon with a friend a few years ago when we were on our way back from Beamish.

                  I have been to do the coffee, I really enjoy doing it there, nice people to work with. I like the other place as well so I am happy.

                  I need to get a few things sorted out for Wednesday.


                    Good Monday morning, everyone.

                    It's warm and humid here, and as the temperature is climbing, I'm glad I took Eva out early. I was surprised how many people had the same thought!

                    Lizzie, I really feel for you in the heat. It must be so uncomfortable, so I do hope it's cooler by Wednesday. It sounds as though your coffee duties are fun, and I'm sure they're much appreciated too.

                    Oma, I hope you've enjoyed your week-end away. Are you now thinking of getting a swing in your garden?

                    Mimi, I'm not sure when you are due back home, but I hope you've also had a great time and plenty of celebrations.

                    We've been trying to decide what to do to fill in a gap at the back of our border, and have finally decided on a clematis, so I'll pop down to the garden centre to see what they've got later. Looking at how to prune them, I think I'll get a late-flowering Group 3.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Temperatures rising here.

                      We went in the car to Farmfoods,hubby said its too warm to walk.
                      Good job we did go in the car,we got quite a bit of stuff.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Afternoon ladies ,
                        We are back home , unpacked and washing in a lovely day for drying quickly .
                        We had a lovely time met some really nice people .
                        Entertainment was good and food lovely .
                        Im sick of eating now though😁

                        Its awful having those on isnt it ,
                        My friend has stage 3 Lymphedema and is having to have both legs bandaged each day for the next 2 weeks to try to help
                        Not great to have this heat when like that is it .

                        I had to Google Senecio Angel wing , it’s a beautiful plant ,
                        My DD calls the garden centre the plant rescue centre so SIL doesn’t know how much she’s spending there 🤣🤣

                        Did you get to see H when she was next door ?
                        How is your skin in this heat is it playing up x

                        Have you recovered from all your Birthday celebrations,
                        Did you get sorted with the bank ?

                        My DD went for a spa weekend with her long time friends and Lucie GSs girlfriend ,
                        She sent me a photo yesterday they were both hung over and looked rough 😏

                        Think in this weather it was wise to drive to Farmfoods
                        wouldn’t like to carry heavy bags when it’s so hot .

                        I wonder how the couple in the lift are ,
                        They were driving home last night they must have been dreading it poor people .

                        How lovely to have a holiday booked and now you know what’s wrong with you , you can relax and enjoy yourself ,
                        You need it after your worry 😁

                        Just put the whites on the line , I will leave the darks till tomorrow now .

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, I can only sympathise with your poor friend! So warm in those wraps.

                          Reading about your DD and the plant centre, last year I was stood behind a young lady with so many plants, in fact I helped her load her (huge) car, I asked if she had a bag for me as I didn't have one with me, she had one so then I helped her, she said " I have to be home before my DH arrives home as he thinks I have come for just one plant"!!!


                            Sorry for the late check in ladies!

                            I'll reply properly when baby had his nap.
                            I had reflexology this morning then went to collect baby from his new nursery.

                            Back later!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Welcome home Oma.
                              i feel so sorry for the couple having to go home to their flooded house.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Hi Ladies ,something gone wrong with BB will sort and be back on line soon xx
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

