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    Good morning everyone.

    I'll take some of that pud off your hands Nan2

    Dull start again. It's not very warm these days!
    Day 2 of GS3 this week.
    Golf for OH this afternoon. Unless it warms up considerably baby and I won't be playing in the garden!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      I need to put the cleaner around today, serious neglect of housework lately. Sunshine here atm looks like I will need to be watering this evening.

      Nanto, Nice lunch for GD and her dad. Sticky Toffee pudding, Yum.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good sunny Thursday morning, everyone. Yes, we still have sun, and it's quite warm - the thermometer says 17C but it feels warmer in the sun.

        Plant, our house has been suffering serious neglect since Easter. I do odd bits, but it needs a proper Oma-style going over! Is there a medical reason why you can't have light treatment because of your age, or is it a "policy" linked to budgets? I do feel for you. I know when my OH's psoriasis was at its worst it got him down, but yours sounds much worse. Has the doctor tested you for food allergies?

        Gem, I hope it does warm up for you and GS3 so you can get out in the fresh air this afternoon.

        Nanto, I can't believe there will be a single crumb of that sticky toffee pudding left! I'm sure your GS and her dad will make sure of that.

        OH's eye seems much better today. It does vary from treatment to treatment, and thankfully this seems a 'good' one. He's gone off to a meeting and then to get some bits he needs for the kit car. We've got Missy (neighbour's Sprocker) staying for a couple of nights. She's such a good dog and no trouble, but I did take them out very early this morning. Eva was a bit naughty, barking with excitement and when they both disappeared at high speed I thought it was time to put Eva back on the lead. Missy's recall is excellent, no so problem. By the time we got back to the car park about 8.30 it was packed with cars and everyone seemed to have at least two dogs in tow. I'll have to go earlier tomorrow!

        I'm hoping to catch up with the neglected gardening today - the tomatoes are still waiting! Everywhere is very dry and we had to water last night - especially new plants and the pots.

        I hope everyone is ok and the weather warms up for those shivering in some parts of the country.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning Ladies

          I think it's not on you can't get the light treatment you need because of your age .
          It's no less of a problem than say in your 20s is it .

          If it's the same weather with you as it is with us you won't get out with the baby , its quite chilly I think .

          I'm with the rest send any spare pud this way 😁

          Poor J doesn't know from one treatment to the next what his eyes are going to be like does he
          I bet Eva's enjoying Missys company the run will burn some energy off her 😁

          Been to MILs took enough meals to see her over the next 4 days .
          spent ages trying to sort her landlines out. She said it wasn't working .
          She was with Post Office then changed to Virgin .
          Well post office has now disconnected but Virgin hadn't left a cable to connect her to them .
          we didn't realise this till B rang Virgin .
          Well of course it was a Indian call centre and they couldn't understand us . B had them on speaker phone and she's shouting well they all foreigners why can't we have a English speaker . I had to tell her to shut up as they could hear her nightmare honestly .
          Didnt get sorted so B just going to get cable and sort it himself saves all the hassle.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Afternoon all

            I'm just popping by for a quick catch up.

            Today hasn't gone to plan. Showered this morning, put on clean clothes only to squirt toothpaste down my top and trousers so I had to change into another set of clean clothes

            I said to OH over breakfast, the milk in the fridge will be just enough to last until tomorrow morning and we can get a pint from the Co-op when we come back from Cambridge on Monday and the milkman will be around on Tuesday with our usual order.
            I then decided to wash out the fridge and yes, you can guess, I dropped the b****y milk ! Broken glass and milk everywhere! After a few choice words I set about cleaning it up which involved washing the kitchen mat ( which is sitting outside in the sun ) .
            Then I went to the Co-op to get some more milk which wasn't without its own drama. Coming back through the pub car park ( short cut ) I tripped and almost dropped the milk . God knows what I must look like on the CCTV cameras , old woman stumbling in pub car park at 11am in the morning!

            Oma I notice that you are still having dramas with MIL

            Hands up here for sticky toffee pudding if there is any going spare please Nan2

            Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you after our wedding anniversary ( ours 50 years and SIL 38 years) weekend away
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Mini, not a good start to the day was it. It seems to be dropsy time, I was sweeping up glass at 10pm last night. Have a lovely weekend away.

              Daisy, my home was getting like that, but today I have got it under control, feeling quite pleased with myself actually. You lead such a busy life and with the garden as well at this time of the year, I am not surprised you get behind with the dusting. There is a little poem, “dust if you must”

              I am not even able to go on the list for light treatment because I would never get to the top, it is only fair too that the young people with terrible skin conditions should be treated first. I need to see my doctor about my feet swelling and yesterday part of my foot was blue/purple, circulation I presume. If someone could find a cure for these skin conditions they would make a fortune.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Oh what a morning Mimi!!

                Have a lovely dual Anniversary weekend away. CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🍾

                I'm glad you managed to get both dogs back to the car Daisy.

                What a faff about MIL's phoneline Oma.

                I spent most of baby's morning nap time on the phone to the Halifax fraud department, trying to convince them I was simply trying to do my job as executor of a will, not launder money or something
                He says I may have to go through the same thing tomorrow when I do another payment. I'm glad my mum didn't have more than 3 GC!!!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gemini, What a to do, I hope you can finish with your mums bequeaths soon.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Have a wonderful weekend hope the weather is kind to you and congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary ,
                    Spilt milk goes everywhere doesn’t it , in places you didn’t think it could reach 😱
                    Hope you got it all and don’t come home to a sour smell from some that’s been hiding 😁

                    Your right if someone could invent something for skin complaints they would indeed make a fortune 😁
                    Get appointment made to have your feet checked better be safe than sorry sounds uncomfortable xx

                    I know I like cleaning but honestly you do so much in your garden I’m sure your never in the house long enough to make a mess or muck ,
                    Eva on the other hand will do that for you 🤣🤣
                    Enjoy the good weather while you can , plenty of wet days to stay indoors and clean xx

                    What a faff on as you say , hope it’s all sorted soon .
                    Can you imagine if there was more than 3 of them

                    GS and his friend have just been , we had a load of wood delivered for the new fence ,
                    The Timber yard dropped it on the drive so the boys came over and hauled it all into the back garden .
                    We could have left it for now but we are going away tomorrow till Monday so didn’t want to leave it out .
                    They moved it quickly being young and fit 😁
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Another hot day here. Went to my knit and natter this morning, but I had to leave early as I could sense a migraine starting. I get these flashing lights and I know that’s the start of it, so managed to get home before the real headache kicked in. Spent most of the afternoon dozing in the cool inside and it seems much better now thank goodness.

                      Hope you manage to get the rest of your Mums affairs sorted out Gem. It’s always a difficult time. When I did my Mums it wasn’t too bad as there was only me as beneficiary. She trusted me to pass something on to the children which made it easier. I have set things in place so that hopefully it won’t be too difficult for DD to sort out when the time comes.

                      Had my appointment through for the CT scan and of course it was on my birthday next week. I rang up and a very helpful lady sorted me out another slot on Monday so even earlier. I have to say my symptoms seem a lot better so if they say leave well alone I will go along with that.

                      don’t worry about the housework Daisy, it will still be there tomorrow. Was it Quentin Crisp who said the dust only gets so high?

                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Oh Enfys I sympathise with your Migrains they are awful ,mine could last two days .
                        I actually haven’t had a full blown Migrain for over a year now , why I don’t know but I’m pleased I haven’t .
                        Do you have meds for them ?
                        Probably it’s come on because you have been so stressed lately and now you can relax a bit it’s hit you .
                        Good your getting your scan earlier it means peace of mind either way earlier doesn’t it xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Enfys, migraines are no fun as Oma says. I know she gets bad ones.
                          I am lucky as I rarely have them and when I do the flashing lights and aura only last about 20 minutes. The headache afterwards is less painful than my regular tension headaches so I escape lightly compared to some.
                          Good to get your scan done with, but certainly not on your birthday!
                          I wish my mum had just left everything to me as most parents do, it would be much easier! The funny thing is over the last year or so mum said several times she wanted everything to go to me! Too late to change the will as she had dementia.

                          Baby bathed by us and collected by daddy. OH's turn to cook, so feet up now!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sorry ladies,no sticky toffee pud was left.

                            Been a busy afternoon. GD went home to pack,her and her boyfriend are going away for the weekend tomorrow.
                            DS1 stayed behing for a while. SIS in law and her hubby came,so tea and cakes were served.

                            I t was quite chilly this morning,but when the sun came out it warmed up lovely.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Enfys, it has been warm today, but you did the right thing going home and resting. I'm glad you're feeling better now. I'm glad you were able to change the date of your scan, and good to have it all over and done with before your birthday. Yes, I think it was Quentin Crisp and he said dust never gets more than 4 inches deep. He was wrong, and I can prove it!!!! But our living room is now a picture of housewifely perfection. For today only, I'm sure. Oma's right, Eva makes sure there are toys, bones and squeaky ball everywhere all nicely wrapped up in dog hair! Missy's party trick is to separate pairs of shoes, slippers, crocs etc from each other. She carries one around for a while and then drops it wherever when there's a better distraction.

                              Gem, it's always difficult dealing with wills, or even worse, intestacy. It's a pity your Mum wasn't in a position to change her will to make things easier all round. I bet GS3 is getting quite heavy to bath now - does he splash and wriggle about a lot?

                              Nanto, I didn't even join the queue for sticky toffee pudding - I could see there were a fair few takers already lined up. You've certainly had a busy day with two lots of visitors. I hope GD has a lovely week-end.

                              Mimi, calamities never come at a good time, do they! There probably isn't a good time for a calamity, but you know what I mean. Just take care on your Anniversary week-end away - and many congratulations. xx

                              Plant, you win the "Housewife Queen of the Day" crown - well done on getting everything done. Did you get an appointment with the doctor for your swollen feet? Are they worse in hot weather?

                              Oma, ssshhh about not have a migraine for so long. Don't tempt fate. I'm lucky as I rarely get a headache of any kind, but my DIL2 used to get awful migraines lasting several days. Funnily enough since she's had the children she doesn't get them very often and they are generally not as bad as they used to be. Are migraines sometimes connected to hormones? MIL seems to find new ways to embarrass everyone by the week! Well done to B for getting her phone sorted out though. I do sympathise though when call centre staff are so hard to understand.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I can't compete with Plant for housework today, but I did give the living room a good doing - much needed - hoovered through and cleaned the cloakroom. I confess to a little sit down after lunch and I may just of nodded off for a few seconds! . I got the tomatoes planted out in the troughs this afternoon, ably assisted by both Eva and Missy who insisted on lying either side of me.

                                OH drove all over the place getting things he needs for the kit car - it's amazing how many small specialist businesses there are and what good service they give, along with their specialised knowledge to help get a tricky job done. He also got a new compressor as his old one has broken - it is over 30 years old, so he can't complain!

                                Tomorrow we're going up to DS1's for the day. OH is helping him to sort out the garden behind the shed. I think they're going to level it off so it can be used for storage for some bits and pieces. Missy's mum and dad are due back about mid-day, but we've said we won't leave until we know they're on their way, and we'll leave Missy in her own home. She'll be fine for a couple of hours and I'll make sure both dogs have a good walk before we leave.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

