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    Good morning everyone.

    Daisy, oh dear re Copper and the car. I hope your shoulder eases today. Soft tissue injuries can take so long to heal and hurt a lot.

    DD3 and baby are coming over today. She suggested us going to the library to get some books for the baby. I will see how my back is as the morning goes on, but I may just stay at home.

    Two of my friends, who don't know each other, ran the Manchester marathon yesterday. I'm proud of them. (Lizzie, one of them was L's niece)

    I hope everyone has a good week. Weather is supposed to be better this week,
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning. Nephew will be here soon to start on the kitchen.

      Daisy, i wonder why Cooper is reluctant to get in the car.
      Hope your shoulder eases soon.

      I think we have had a bit of overnight rain.

      Dinner will be chicken stew,something i can just put in the microwave.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good Monday morning, everyone.

        Nanto, you need an 'easy' dinner when there's any decorating going on, but especially the kitchen. I hope it all goes well, but with your nephew in charge you know he'll do a good job.

        Gem, do you notice changes in baby E every time you see him? It would be nice to go to the library and help choose his first books, but see how your sciatica is. Is is starting to get better?

        My shoulder seems ok at the moment, but even as I'm typing I can feel it starting to ache. I really want to do some washing and some gardening today if it stays fine, but we'll see.

        I don't know what we're going to do about Cooper not getting in the car. It happened to Eva not long after I got my current car - she wouldn't get in after training, but then one day she just decided to jump in and has been ok since. (Fingers crossed here!)

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy,I saw an episode of Dogs Behaving Badly and the presenter advised one person getting into the back seat and face the boot, the dog was happy to get in. Be very careful with that painful shoulder.

          Gemini, we are a lot of old crocks, perhaps some sunshine will do us good. Enjoy the time with your GS3.

          Oma, was your DD and Sil’s offer accepted on the flat? Will you be sending him off with a mountain of food.

          Nanto, Having had my kitchen decorated recently I know what an upheaval it is. Chicken stew sounds good.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Morning Ladies

            Would cooper go in for a treat ? ,not ideal bribing him but if he gets in for the treat it might make him realise it’s not so bad after all
            Hope your shoulder isn’t to bad today , take it easy with the gardening x

            Don’t be lifting baby if your back is still hurting , I bet he’s some weight now 😁

            A busy day but nice to get it done before the summer .

            Just popping to Aldi this morning Need milk and GS1 requested Spaghetti bolognaise for tea so need mince for that .
            B coming down with a cold so quite sniffly this morning , just what we need 🙄.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good Morning ladies I feel so much better having had a relaxed week-end after my long day on Friday.
              Daisy yes I had a little flutter and won the grand total of £5.25 so made 25p profit DD won £165.80 she got a 40-1 winner so she had a good day.

              Gems I feel for you with your back pain please take care my Dr, offered to refer me to the pain clinic in Liverpool Aintree Hospital but the waiting list is 12mths at the earlist.I have had my medication changed and they will take gravel stones up to two weeks to make any difference so fingers crossed they work.

              Hopefully I can arrange for my back garden to be sorted this week sometime I have two chaps calling in to look at it and give me a price for taking away the shed and sorting the gravel stones to be taken away there are paving slabs under the shed so that will be a nice area to put the garden table & chairs when it gets finished,I just have to find some storage for the things I shall be keeping which are in the shed at the moment not too much but enough.

              To-day is an ironing day for me DS1 has some shirts to get ironed and I need to iron some bedding which is my worst nightmare but it needs doing.

              Has anyone ever roasted a gammon in a Ninja cooker DS1 brought me a large gammon 2.3kgs and I wanted to try to cook it in the Ninja just wondering if anyone had success in cooking it this way ? I was thinking maybe to cut it in half and freeze one half and cook one half .

              I must get going and get showered & dressed or the morning will be over and I will be still sat here so I'm off to get started on the day ahead.
              Glamma xx
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                I'm missing my kitchen. Ours is in the middle of the house. We go through the kitchen to the living room, and we through the other way to get upstairs.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nanto, that's difficult - there's no way to avoid passing through the kitchen. How's it going?

                  Plant, I saw that Dogs Behaving Very Badly episode as well. We've tried 'taking a run at it '(the back of the car), bribes, treats, climbing in the boot, putting Eva in the boot, Calling him from the back seat, just standing and waiting while he "thinks" about it, taking him for a tiny walk down the road, different sorts of treats, going back into the house with him but ignoring him, comforting him, getting one of the GDs to call him from the back seat, trying to persuade him to get on the back seat with or without a human for company. But as DS2 says, Viszlas take stubborn to new heights! We'll get there eventually, but how or when, is up to Cooper really.

                  Glam, it will be great to have a place to sit and enjoy the summer when we get it. You probably needed a good rest this week-end. Any news about Jim?

                  Gem, are you having a good day with GS3?

                  Oma, poor B. I hope it's not as bad as the last cold he had. I was going to say give him a hug from me, but on second thoughts, blow him a kiss from a great distance, please! xx

                  I got a couple of loads of washing out this morning, so not have ironing to do! I've cut the lawn and trimmed the edges, and want to give it another cut now as it was too damp to do it short enough.

                  So far, so good with the shoulder. Fingers crossed.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Hallo eve/ryone, I have had a busy day. First the coffee, I enjoy doing it for the administration group, they are moving to a new building next month, I have been promoted! I am going every Monday morning as receptionist/coffee lady. I offered to do it and they gratefully accepted. The photo's, one of the cakes to celebrate the 55 years, the other the necklace I made at the workshop.

                    I have just returned from the workshop. I really enjoyed it, we all did in fact.

                    Daisy, that is a problem with Cooper. You all seem to have tried every trick in the book to get him in the car!

                    Oma, poor B, I soon he is soon feeling better.

                    Nanto, you will be pleased when your kitchen floor is finished.

                    Glamm, I hope the back garden is soon sorted, in time for the summer.
                    Attached Files


                      Good afternoon.

                      Oma I wasn't looking after GS3 so I didn't carry him, just sit down cuddles and I gave him his bottle. It was so nice this afternoon DD, baby and I sat on the lawn in the sunshine
                      ​​​​​​​Poor OH was at a funeral, one of the golf club ladies .

                      Daisy although I see the baby every week I do notice a difference in him. His hair is growing very fast .

                      Nan2 it's very disruptive when a kitchen is out of action.

                      Good cake and necklace Lizzie. Congratulations on your 'promotion!!

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        GS1 just gone he’s full of excitement about this flat , I do hope their offer is accepted,

                        Both him and his friend will most likely have enough food to last a month ,
                        We will be putting money in his account to help 😁

                        The necklace is lovely , love the colour choice .

                        Thats one stubborn dog 😁
                        That’s the trouble with washing you then have to iron it 😱😁

                        Hows it going can you get into the kitchen now ?

                        Poor S losing your Mum Henry and a friend all at the same time .
                        nice to be able to sit in the garden with the baby .

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Kitchen almost finished.There's an area that needs another coat of paint.
                          He's coming back to that in the morning. At least the kitchen is usable again.

                          Oma, hope B's cold doesn't hang around for too long.

                          Lizzie, the cake and bracelet look lovely.

                          Glamma, i've never cooked a joint of any meat in the air fryer. I always do it in the slow cooker.
                          There is plenty of information about it on the internet.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning. The kitchen should be finished this morning. When it's dry things can go back.

                            The weather is supposed to be changing tomorrow, so hopefully we'll get a bit of gardening done today.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Oma how is B this morning?

                              You should be able to get your kitchen back to rights today Nan2.

                              I am going to the library this morning for my Tuesday morning duty, and will just take it easy. My back is a lot easier but far from right. I have another massage on Friday. I think I am collecting GS1 from school but not certain. Poor DD1 has been signed off from work for 2 weeks so won't be working .

                              DD3 and I didn't get to the library yesterday as it didn't work out with the baby's naps etc. I will choose him some books today and DD can change them some time.

                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning Ladies

                                be careful today no sudden twisting or lifting anything heavier than your coffee cup 😁
                                B still sniffly it’s a head cold so fingers crossed it won’t go to his chest , thank you for asking xx

                                nearly done by tonight you will be back to business 😁

                                I have my pre assessment at 9.50 at Hospital it shouldn’t take long ,
                                We are taking MIL out for her Birthday treat tea time I hope she’s good 🙄.
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

