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    Our day in town was good. Wasn't too windy in the built up areas.
    We had a full english while we were out, and i can't stop drinking now.
    Bacon always affects me like that.

    Lovely for you new doggy owners. I'm sure they will be loved.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nanto, I agree about bacon making you thirsty, but glad you escaped the worst of the weather while you were out.

      I've just watched last night's Gardeners' World on catch up - how cheering it was to see all those wonderful summer flowers.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning. The sun is up and its not windy.

        Not much happening here today. A just go with the flow day.
        I need to sort out the meat i bought yesterday for the freezer.

        Easy dinner,hubby has asked for pizza.

        Have a good day ladies.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone.

          I think the wind has dropped and it looks sunny outside. Darned cold I imagine though!

          Glamma, it does sound as though your neighbour would be better somewhere else if he could be persuaded to go. What does Oliver think of his new doggy housemate?!

          That was a lovely busy day you had on Friday Daisy, how is OH's cold today?

          Nan2, we like a full English sometimes. Some bacon can be very salty.

          Our cat seemed bit brighter yesterday, so we got a full night's sleep. We are keeping an eye on him. He's a bit like my mum, just when you think that's it, they rally round!
          Baby GS settled well to sleep back in his own cot last night , and is going a lot longer between the dirty nappies. And OH managed a walk to the shops and back yesterday, so things are looking up!
          No plans today apart from a midday Sainsbury's delivery.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Sunday morning everyone. It's a bright but chilly start to the day.

            Gem, thank you for asking - OH is still asleep, which is good! No plans until I see how he's feeling. S must be feeling better - just going out lifts your spirits. Pleased to hear your kitty is looking better today as well. He's obviously a tough old boy, bless him. Fingers crossed for a bit more quality life for him. xx

            Nanto, you have a good day as well.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning Ladies
              It started of bright but big black clouds rolling in , maybe they will pass us by .
              Had a good nights sleep last night for a change so feel brighter today ,
              Cleaned bathroom towels in wash and housework done ,
              We have been invited to DDsfor lunch so that’s us sorted for the day 😁

              S must be feeling better a little walk and fresh air will do no harm as long as you both take time to recover .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Gemini, good news that you are all on the mend but take things slowly and rest. .

                Oma, so pleased you had a good nights sleep, have a lovely time at DD’s

                Nanto, I find bacon in general makes me thirsty, I love poached eggs on toast.

                Glamm, just seen pic of new baby on facebook, so tiny.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning, dull here and showery with it!

                  Oma, you asked about Repair workshop? We do get it here, I watch it now and again, very clever what they can do, the lining of the bears is a good idea but wouldn't have worked for Mr Koala, he looks fine now and I hope the lady is pleased with it.

                  Gem, you must both be feeling better by the day.

                  Plant and the rest of the ladies, I love the colour of the wool, I always have trouble choosing when I am in a wool shop.

                  Both my DIL's had birthdays yesterday, I was invited to DIL2 for a meal last night, I said I wouldn't go, I feel awful sitting any length of time with the dog being there, plus, I am not keen on driving in the dark, I am pleased I didn't go as we had rain as well.

                  I went to DIL1 for coffee yesterday afternoon, GD2 was showing me her new coat and a denim jacket. She walked with me into the village and at last I have (almost) decided on the new TV, there is a special offer with a free soundbar, I may just order one this week.

                  Glamma, you neighbour sounds like my BIL! He never goes anywhere, doesn't eat well, depressed etc etc.


                    The weather seems to have been kinder to some than others today. After a chilly start the sun came out and it warmed up really well here. I managed to cut the lawn this afternoon and have been gardening off and on most of the day. It was lovely to be outside without shivering.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Breezy again,but its bright.

                      Don't think much is happening today,unless things change.

                      Dinner is chips,mushy peas,stak,onion and mushroom pie,with gravy.

                      Have a good day ladies.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning Nanto/ ladies

                        We we’re going to the charity shop this morning and need to take my watch in to get a new Battery, but GS1 is coming for lunch, so we will go tomorrow instead.
                        He has requested home made beef burgers with mash and gravy , so B is busy making them now , just as well we had mince in 🙄
                        We had a lovely family day at DD yesterday and Lucie GSs girlfriend was there , lots of laughter I had a headache when we came home😁

                        It was a nice day for our area too , and the sunset last night was spectacular, the sky looked on fire beautiful.

                        get that TV ordered before you miss the offer ,you will kick yourself if you miss out 😁

                        Are you taking Henry to the vet today or is he rallying?
                        Are the family back with you today , how’s little man now is his nappies better x

                        I think your right most bacons are salty these days , I can’t remember it being like that years ago when the grocer sliced it as you wanted it .
                        Its filled with salt water now to keep it fresh in these plastic wraps I think

                        Them hens look happy
                        Can’t go wrong with Pie Chips and gravy can you , 😁

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning, you would enjoy the family day yesterday Oma, I hope to see the friend at pool and I will ask if he will fix the TV etc for me then I will order it tomorrow.

                          It is a cold wind here at the moment.

                          I don't know about in the UK but I find most of the cooked meats very salty, especially from the Lidl.

                          The tree pollen is bothering me, it is most people from what I hear. I will order some new tablets whilst I think about it.


                            Good Monday morning, everyone.

                            Lizzie, Oma's right - a bargain tv is not to be missed.

                            Gem, I hope you and S are feeling much better today. I hope kitty is too. It sounds as though it may be another busy week for you, but hopefully baby E is back to normal and his little tummy has settled down again.

                            Nanto, that's a nice cheery start to the week, but I do feel a little guilty that I'm preparing a chicken casserole for tomorrow!

                            Plant, how are you? Have you been in touch with Wee Granny recently? I know she's a busy lady but hope she's ok.

                            Apart from preparing food for tomorrow, I've got a list of jobs to get done today. Keep your fingers crossed for us - after all these years of rubbish broadband we are due to get ultrafast fibre installed tomorrow! DS1 and DIL have kindly offered to come down and check all the technicalities for us. With a bit of luck today is the last day it will take 5 minutes to log my computer on, then further waits for browsers etc to load and open!

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Daisy, at last you will get your fast broadband, not sure when ours will be installed but we have a good broadband connection already. I haven’t been in contact with WG recently, I hope she is well. I only have contact with her on here and facebook. the hyacinth she gave me when I was under the weather has been lovely.

                              I have been buying ham from the deli counter recently, so much nicer, okay I have to pay a bit more for it. We had a gorgeous day yesterday and I was tempted into the garden and managed to tidy one border. I am so pleased with myself. I need to find someone to prune the roses, just two climbers, and the two apple trees.

                              Oma, nice family day for you, no cooking for B.

                              Gemini, I hope you, S and the cat are feeling better.

                              Nanto, I love a steak pie, haven’t had one for years.

                              Lizzie, I hope your friend can help with the television fitting, then you can go ahead and buy the new one.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good morning everyone. Late check in today.

                                Bright little hens Nan2 😊

                                Oh Lizzie you are starting with hay fever early. Tree pollen affects me as well.

                                Everything crossed for that broadband Daisy!

                                Well done on the gardening Plant. When things get back to normal around here we must get out there.

                                Oma, I love burgers and OH makes me delicious lamb ones occasionally.
                                DD and baby here today, Wednesday and Friday this week. SIL back at work.
                                All well, nappies almost back to normal.
                                Mixed weekend with Henry. One minute we think he is on his last days, then he looks brighter. We have given him Whiskas cat milk which he has drunk lots of, and goes to his food bowls as though he wants to eat. We have tried SO many different foods including chicken. He has eaten a few pieces of chicken. We can't give up on him if he still wants to eat.
                                We have an emergency appointment with our favourite vet today so we shall see what he says. We trust his judgement.

                                DD and baby here, as I mentioned and vets appointment at 3.15.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

