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    Nanto, I love cod loin

    Oma, I wish you could hear me laughing at your Mil’s latest remark, what is she like. So pleased to hear you have got the appts you wanted.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Honest Plant she just opens her mouth and says anything she likes 🤣
      only one appointment so far but it’s a start x
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, charming comment from MIL.
        Our fish was cod in batter,courtecy of Captain Birds Eye.

        Gem, i know how you feel about Henry. We certainly felt it when we had to say goodbye to Lucy,our cat.

        Its been a busy morning with people coming and going.
        I got a few jobs done in between visitors.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oma, I'm sure your MIL's loving, caring comment made you feel a whole lot better! Did you feel like turning right round and taking the meals back home? I'm glad you can at least get one test done on Saturday. Fingers crossed the angiogram won't be far behind.

          Battered cod, chips and mushy peas - what could be better!

          I hope the weather warms up a bit for Glam for Ladies Day at Aintree tomorrow. Imagine trying to hold on to your hat in the winds we had yesterday, and dodging the downpours in sparkly shoes. Glam - I hope you've got thermals just in case. x

          Gem, wondering how today is going - thinking of you. xx

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            We said goodbye to Henry at 10am
            Thank you all for your very kind words. We know we were so lucky to have him as he was to have us.
            Right now we just feel so sad though.
            OH had a couple of hours on the golf course which did her good. I have the baby here to keep my spirits up.

            I'll come back and post this evening.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oh Gem how sad 😢 massive hugs , it’s not been the best of weeks lately has it 💔
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Gem, you will miss him after all those years, big hugs to you both!xxx

                A neighbour from the second floor died on Saturday, he was only 69 years old, he had been ill a while though with one thing or another, his funeral is tomorrow afternoon.

                I have been to DS2, the hall is as good as finished and looks so much better, I like the floor, he has put those PVC tiles down in cement look. I thing the house itself is finished now. It was busy on the road today.

                I went to my class and the lady said her partner had fainted as well the other day, they have just come back from Africa and think it was a virus they picked up, they are both fine now.


                  Gem, sad news about Henry.

                  Lizzie, sad news for you as well about yur neighbour.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Gem, I'm so sorry to hear about Henry. They leave a big gap in our lives when we have to say goodbye. I'm sure you and S will both miss him dreadfully, but I hope when you talk about him it will be with a smile and happy memories. xxx

                    Lizzie, I'm sure your DS2 will be pleased when everything is finished. I haven't seen those PVC tile that look like cement, but the cement look is very trendy, isn't it. How sad about your neighbour - will you go to the funeral?

                    Glam - I hope your big day goes well, and the weather is kind to you.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good Friday morning, everyone.

                      An early start for me today! We're going on a tour of a local vineyard later this morning, followed by lunch, so I'm taking Eva over to DS2's for the day, and will pick her up again this evening. OH is going out again at 5 pm so we won't have time to pick Eva up on our way home. Of course the vineyard is in the opposite direction to DS2's, so I'll be spending a fair bit of time in the car. The weather looks dismal, and I hope it's not too wet underfoot for the outdoor bits, but there's a large crowd of us going, so it should be fun.

                      Gem, I hope you slept ok. I know how horrible it is these early days when a part of your routine of caring for a pet is suddenly absent. Take care, hugs. xx

                      I hope everyone else is ok. Catch up later. x
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy, you're an early bird today. Hope you have a lovely day out.

                        There's a possibility we could have visitors today.

                        Sausages, mash, veggies and gravy for dinner.

                        Oh, and the sun is shining.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning everyone.

                          One of my favourite dinners Nan2.

                          Daisy, that sounds a lovely day, I hope the weather stays fine.

                          That's sad about your neighbour Lizzie. Too much sadness around at the moment!

                          Oma you can rely on your MIL to boost your confidence can't you?
                          I'm glad you got one appointment at least.

                          Plant your suggestion of a few days away is a good one.

                          Looking forward to hearing about your exciting day Glamma. I hope the sun shines for you.

                          GD is away with her friends family for a couple of days so just GS2 coming today.
                          I have a reflexology treatment this morning. It's only an hour , GS can potter around downstairs with OH or come up and see us if he wants.

                          We were married 8 years ago today.
                          Last year our anniversary just got forgotten in the chaos of the family Florida holiday.
                          ​​​​​​​Tonight we have booked a table at the Cantonese restaurant in the village. We missed a night there with friends the day after my mum died, so decided to go there tonight.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Daisy, I hope you have better weather than we have atm for your visit to the vineyard.

                            Glamm, Have a lovely day at the races in your finery

                            Gemini, Have a lovely meal tonight, not sure what Cantonese food consists of.

                            I have to go and get dressed and go to GD’s we are planning to put the tomato plants into the growbags. The weather is wet and windy.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Plant, Cantonese is very similar to Chinese. Most of the dishes you would expect from a Chinese restaurant and a few more. The food is lovely there , it's a small family run restaurant and we have always had a good experience.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Gem, it doesn't seem like 8 years ago you got married.
                                How time flies. Enjoy your meal tonight.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

