Our posts crossed Daisy! Have a good day.
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Morning Ladies
Its raining again ,
Been to Sainsburys then to Matalan,
B wanted a new jacket they didn’t have any, I did however Come out with a small cabin case on 4 wheels for Birmingham,
Just big enough for a couple days stay.
A lie in with a cup of tea nice 👍 even if you did have to get out to do dog duty 😁
make the most of Wilko before they close ,
We we’re there last week and the shelves were bare , I said to B I wonder if they going bust then next day it was in the papers about them.
Hope your Aunty is well xx
Enjoy lunch , nice when you have a good butcher isn’t it ,
Our farm shop butcher isn’t cheap but the meat is excellent.
Enjoy your relaxing day you need it.
Forgot to say GS has sent lots of photos he’s have a great time 😁Last edited by Oma; 05-08-2023, 10:48 AM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma, we are gutted about Wilko, I hope there can be a reprieve. Apart from Nivea facial wipes which I normally take on holiday I didn't notice any gaps at our branch.
Glad your GS is having fun
We had a good time with auntie. The weather is not good so we just drove down the road to a tea rooms for lunch. We had a good chat both there and back at hers and put the world to rights.
I am traumatised however as she almost fell out of the carShe was getting into the back of S's car after lunch , thought she was on the seat but she wasn't and started to fall out, head and shoulders first! I caught her and pushed her back in before she hit the road . I was so scared and have been seeing that sight ever since thinking what could have happened! Thank goodness it didn't happen though and she assured me I didn't hurt her by grabbing her and pushing her back.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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What a fright you must have had, Thankfully no harm done but I bet your thinking what if.
These things happen , I remember when we were in Germany with MIL & FIL as MIL was getting out of the back seat of Her sisters car, she grabbed hold of the door frame just as FIL slammed the car door shut on her fingers.
He thought she was getting out of the other side .
He felt dreadful about it but it was a accident and apart from bruising she was ok but he fretted about it for a couple of days .
We took her to the hospital and they said no bones broken ,
Even now many many years later when she gets in our car we always say mind your fingers 😁
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Gemini, that must have given you and auntie a shock. So p[leased no body was injured.
I was thinking I was going to have a boring quiet afternoon when eldest GS phoned and asked if he could pop around with the two GGC, so I had a very active afternoon with him and GC 3 and 6 year old. He sorted something out on my car and I sent him home with some blackcurrant jam and a banana cake. He is such a patient dad. They are the ones who live backing onto WG.Last edited by Plantaholic; 05-08-2023, 05:26 PM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Gem, be thankful that you prevented what could have been a nasty accident for someone her age.
I was disappointed when i heard a few weeks ago that Wilko's was in trouble. It's a shop i have always liked.
We both enjoyed our day, but it was rather chilly. Now its cold and feels like winter out there.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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We're back home - the weather ha been awful - far too wet to put the roof on the lean to at DS1's. OH and DS went out to B&Q to get some timber and screws. They were both tired though, and the wind got up, the rain chucked it down and it started to thunder. Not great conditions for working outside. So DIL made us a lovely full English for lunch and we came home.
I was also tired, so I'll read your posts tomorrow. We'll have to get up fairly early because we want to drop something off for the friend who owns the paddock Eva loves, so we might as well take her for a run there, but we've got to be back for the Sainsbury's order at 12 o'clock. (When OH and Mr Paddock get talking about wood turning time ceases to exist!)
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
Dinner sounds good Nan2. Sunny and windy here, ideal drying conditions! I want to change the bedding and get the current bedding on the line in case it rains later.
No wonder you were tired Daisy, I hope a night's sleep has revived you and you can rest today.
No plans today apart from finishing the packing, changing beds etc. We are taking one big suitcase between us, and larger cabin bags than usual. We need to see exactly how much we both have and how it fits in today! We fly early Tuesday morning. I am busy tomorrow then DD and SIL3 and baby are staying here for the night so I don't want to leave anything until then.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Sunday morning, everyone.
Nanto, a roast pork dinner would go down a treat at the moment! It don't cook pork very often, but have decided to do a pork meat ball recipe when a friend visits on Tuesday.
I'm trying to get a load of washing on the line before we have to go out but it's starting to cloud over. I really could do with a couple of dry days to catch up with washing and gardening.
Gem, I hope all your things fit in that large case. When we fly I pack two cases each with half our clothes in - I'm never confident our cases will arrive at the same destination as us! You have certainly got a busy day tomorrow with little E and his Mum and Dad staying overnight as well. What time will you have to leave on Tuesday morning?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning Ladies
Its a lovely bright day but a bit windy
You need a day off, you can’t keep this pace up.
Warn J you have to be back and no nattering on 😁
Pork dinner sounds lovely are you having pudding for afters 😁
Its what to take and how much you can get in is the puzzle , will you have washing facilities there , that way you don’t need as much.
Will feel strange not having Cat sitter come while your away won’t it.
Off to meet our friends D&J for our Sunday morning coffee/ tea,
They want to borrow our carpet cleaner so that’s already in the back of the car or we would get half way there and remember it was still in the hall, done that before 😁
Towels in the wash fresh bedding on and floors washed .Im not fat just 6ft too small
Not planning anything today but who knows! DD and Sil back late tomorrow, it is so quiet here I shall be pleased to see them back.
Daisy, sorry the rain came and put off finishing the lean to, very frustrating. I am sure Eva will enjoy her run in the paddock.
Gemini, busy day getting the bedding changed. I can’t remember which of your DD’s are going with you.
Nanto, pork fillet sounds good.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning, it is dry here at the moment, but, showers forecast, after today it should stay dry!
I have just taken the table from the balcony down into the shed, I don't eat out when there are wasps about, I can always sit out as I have chairs and a bench.
Gem, your poor auntie, you as well, you would all be shaken. A lady from the coffee meeting, she sings in a choir and gets picked up each week, this was before the lock down, she will be 90 next year so would have been 86 at the time, she was getting out of the car, back seat, the lady driving thought she was already out, she drove off with the poor lady hanging on! I remember her coming for coffee, covered in bruises, luckily nothing was broken.
Daisy, yes the wet weather is annoying!!!
Plant, it will be quiet when you are on your own if you are used to the company.
Oma, enjoy the coffee and the chat!
Gem, you will be busy packing etc.
I called at DS1 yesterday as I went to pick something up for DS2, whilst I was there GD1's study books were delivered.
I am going to get the balcony sorted then hope we get one last heavy shower to rinse all the dust etc away!
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