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The Daily Drop-in

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    Plant and Oma - we all posted together!

    Oma - thank goodness you're finally negative, but no spring cleaning just yet, please!! I'm shocked it's nearly the end of April - time just flies by.

    Plant - it seems a pity to play indoor bowls on such a beautiful day.

    OH is feeling a bit better. I haven't checked his eye yet, but I let him sleep in again. He's hoping to go to wood turning club tonight, but a friend will drive. It will do him good to get out for a couple of hours. Eva slept on our bed most of the night - I think once she got up there that was it! She's full of bounce this morning though, wanting to play.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning everyone.

      I bet you are glad you are negative Oma!

      Good that your hand has healed well Plant

      I was awake a lot during the night with a sore throat!
      I have done a test this morning - negative.
      I feel a bit rubbish, but I will do with being tired. I have decided to go to the parks and take my Kindle. If needs be I can find a shady spot or air conditioned cafe and read.
      Both Universal parks today. The Harry Potter area spans both parks and you can ride the Hogwarts Express from one to the other.

      Have a good day everyone.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma, pleased you are finally negative.

        Plant,good news about your hand healing well.

        Gem, hope you have a bit of a relaxing day.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Plant - I hope the numbness wears off your hand, but it's good it's healed so well.

          Gem - I do hope you're not sickening for anything! Could it just be the air conditioning - which I imagine you've had on in the house? It always gives me a sore throat, and dry eyes, and makes me feel irritable!! Enjoy the Universal Parks today. It's such a long time since I've been there, Harry Potter was still an idea in JK Rowling's head! I bet the boys will love the Hogwarts Express. Does this week feel it's flying by?

          I've had a lovely day. A friend rang me this morning offering me a lift to lunch at the golf club with our college friends. I hadn't forgotten it was booked for today, but I hadn't realised today was today, if that makes sense! So I turned my back on all the jobs I'd planned and off we went. It was lovely and sunny, but there was a bit of sea mist down on the coast. There were 7 of us there today, including one friend who I used to work very closely with but hadn't seen for ages. We had a good old chat, and I just had a sandwich for lunch as I had to cook tonight. It was a nice break.

          Both the friend who drove and I remarked how tiring we find socialising, after so long not going anywhere.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            That does sound a lovely day Daisy.

            Universal parks were so busy today, we didn't get as many rides as we would have liked. We did all do the Hogwarts Express though.
            The children are now having a pre bedtime swim.

            I seem to have a cold now, stuffy nose and sneezing. Hopefully that is all it is. Thank goodness the pre departure tests for the UK stopped some time ago, so there is no chance of me being stranded here if I did test positive!
            I wore a mask in the car back tonight, to avoid spreading whatever kind of germs I am harbouring.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning, Daisy, you would enjoy the lunch out, it would be nice meeting up with friends for a change. I hope that your DH is feeling better today.

              Gem, I hope you feel better for the long flight home.xx

              Plant, I am pleased your hand is improving now and that the numbness goes.

              Oma, negative at last! Take it easy.xx

              I went to the doctor yesterday about the rash on my breast and it has almost cleared so the cream is helping, my thyroid figures are fine, I told her how ill I had been, she could hear that anyway, she checked my lungs and they are clear, she said it is a nasty flu that is around, high temp, air ways etc. I told her about the mistakes with the assistant, she asked if I wanted to make an official complaint, I told her not that but I wanted them to know, she looked in the computer who was at the desk and it was a lady of about 50 years old, I told her it wasn't her as it was a young lady, she said they have someone in for training and it must have been her. She is going to look into it today and it certainly isn't the way to go about things.


                Its bright this morning. Not sunny if that makes sense.

                Lizzie,pleased the mistakes are going to be looked into.That shouldn't happen.

                Daisy,glad you enjoyed your lunch out.

                No plans just a go with a flow day.

                Gem, hope its just a cold you have.

                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Hello Nanto Lizzie and Gem and all who drop in later. I'll pop back in a while - just waiting for Sainsburys to delivery.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Morning all.
                    I am pleased to see that some of our ladies are feeling better albeit with on going rashes! My DD used to come out with alarming rashes when she was a child and usually it was after a nasty virus. Our GP said it was her body reacting to the virus.
                    My GD has recovered at last from covid but DS DIL and GS have it now DS is particularly unwell as he has asthma and is lagging behind the others recovering. Although DIL and GS exactly the same symptoms they are testing negative only DS and GD have tested positive.

                    Lizzie it's good complaints are going to be looked into but will you get any feed back on the out come, mind you if it's anything like our surgery it will be a standard reply which covers most suitation, either, It was computer error or 'We have addressed the issues and are confident that this won't happen again '

                    Yesterday we had our shed roof repaired, (only been waiting 3 months, covid quoted as reason for delay) . Well when I say our shed roof it's a block of 3 sheds so there was a lot of roof to repair. Several branches of the tree had to be removed so that the men could get access to the one end of the roof. They are coming back again today to put up the guttering and down pipe and then replace a missing slate on our bungalow roof that was damaged in the storm a few months ago.

                    Keep improving health wise everyone and those still feeling unwell I hope you get well soon.
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Morning ladies ,

                      Lizzie at least your lungs are clear that’s a good thing , last thing you want is bronchitis,
                      You did the right thing flagging up this young girl she won’t learn if she isn’t pulled up about serious mistakes .
                      Pleased the cream is working ,

                      My COVID rash is fading too 😁

                      Nanto is dull and overcast here don’t think it’s going to lift anytime soon .

                      Daisy sound like a good day you were not expecting , they usually are the best days 😁

                      Gem you poor thing just your luck after waiting so long for this holiday to get a cold , I hope that’s all it is .
                      are you back Sunday ?

                      B has Dentist this morning then he is calling into Asda for shopping .
                      Im going to venture out to B& Q after lunch we need wood filler and beading for the stairs , is coming on nicely ,
                      Lots of angles to cut but he has done a great job . Slowly but steady .

                      Morning Mimi , COVID is being used for all delays I wonder what they will use when we don’t have it 🙄
                      it’s strange how this COVID is hitting some harder than others isn’t it , hope they all are well soon , Im still struggling with fatigue but feeling so much better now

                      Have a good day ladies xxx
                      Last edited by Oma; 22-04-2022, 07:17 AM.
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Ladies, I doubt if I will hear anything at all.

                        I have just been to the grower for a few plants and they have a stork nesting in the garden, the nest has been there a few years, the storks visited but the man thinks that they are now nesting.
                        Last edited by Lizzie48; 22-04-2022, 08:54 AM.


                          Lizzie - how lovely, your own local stork family. When I was very little and believed storks delivered babies, I wanted to know who delivered baby storks! Thank goodness the doctor was able to reassure you about your thyroid and lungs, and also that they will deal with the assistant who acted so irresponsibly.

                          Oma - it sounds as though you are getting better all the time. I'm so glad the rash is fading I hope B's trip to the dentist wasn't too scary or expensive. I'd love to see photos of the panelling he's doing. He's going to be so pleased with the finished effect. At lunch yesterday just 2 of us had had Covid, and the other lady said she had no symptoms, and carried on doing jobs like scarifying the lawn!

                          Mimi - you must have worried about your DD having all those rashes when she was little, but interesting that the doctor thought they were a reaction to a virus. That's exactly what the doctors have said about my GD1 who is still suffering from extreme fatigue. I don't know anyone else who has a block of 3 sheds. I'm very impressed but definitely won't tell my OH or he'll see it as an ambition for us, and our garden already has enough wooden structures. You must have been pleased to finally get the repairs done. I do hope your DS, DIL and GD are soon better. Has your DS seen the doctor? I hope he's resting and giving himself plenty of time to get well again. x

                          Gem - what a pity the Universal parks were busier than you expected, but if you all enjoyed it that's the main thing. What did GS2 think of the Hogwart's Express? I do hope it's just a cold you've got - or the effects of dry air with the air conditioning and more humidity than we are used to when you're outside. How is your knee after yesterday? I'm sure this week feels as though it has flown by.

                          I'm going to do some preparation for tomorrow. It's DS2's birthday and everyone is coming to us - 10 or 11 of us. we're hoping it will stay dry for a barbecue, but there always seems to be other things needed to go with it! DIL is organising a cake - she says it will give her an excuse to go into the newly opened M&S Food Hall where they live.

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            National Trust meeting this afternoon, we are having a talk about Downton Abbey.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Just lost a post so here goes-

                              Lizzie, fancy having a stork nesting near to you. I do envy your lovely fresh veg and flowers.

                              Daisy, did you have a nice lunch with your friends? I hope J’s eye is feeling less painful. Have a lovely family time for GD2’s birthday. Weather not good here, chilly and overcast, I hope it clears for you for tomorrow. I love M&S Foodhall, we have one close by.

                              Gem, I am hoping your symptoms are just a cold, that is bad enough. How much longer is your visit.?

                              Oma, I am sure B is doing a lovely job with that panelling, I didn’t realise it is back in fashion. My Dil and DS have panelling in their SR. It was there when they moved in, I have always liked it.

                              I am wondering how WG is, it is getting close to her moving date. I hope she is recovering well from that very bad fall.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good morning everyone.

                                Plant I hope WG is ok too. The Downton talk should be good.

                                Daisy I hope GS has a good birthday.
                                The holiday has gone fast. We feel very fortunate to have actually had it despite all the setbacks. Lots of lovely memories made.

                                Oma, yes we arrive in Manchester early on Sunday morning. Fortunately our taxi driver will be there to pick us up an drive us all home.

                                Still feeling very coldy and getting through a lot of tissues but had a much better night. Sore throat gone now. Still testing negative.
                                Today is our last full day. There are various opinions as to how to spend it.
                                A 2 park day of Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios is planned. I think only DD and SIL2 will go. All the children, DD1 an OH want to stay here. I am in two minds and if I was fully well I would probably go with them. However we spend our last day I'm sure we will enjoy it.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

