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    wonOma, pleased you are feeling more human.

    Postman has been,i've won £25 from Premium Bonds.
    Yesterday our buildings and contents insurance renewel came.
    its gone down by £28 for being loyal customers.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Daisy, I don't know about more colours! I do have a favourite jacket, it is bright red! I do have some colours but tend to wear black a lot, as I told you there is now more orange in my bedroom and I do like it.

      Nanto, well done on the win.

      Plant, it will be nice for you having the visitors. I will have to see how my eyes are before I decide on new specs.
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        Good morning everyone.

        Lizzie I am so sorry that have been feeling as you have. I hope the eye test goes well and today is a better day for you.
        I like the cardigan too.. That is GS2's favourite colour, and very useful to spot him in a crowd when he's wearing it!

        Nan 2 Congratulations on your win!

        Each day is one day forward in your recovery Oma xx
        Enjoy your time with the family Plant.

        Daisy, how annoying about the leakage. I could write a whole book about Walmart deliveries!! I will be posting a holiday report once I am home.

        Epcot today. We plan a slower start today with some pool time here for the kids first.
        GS2 is finding a lot of rides intense, so we are doing child swap on some. He and I spent a long time in a lovely cool water play area yesterday while the others queued and rode.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Nan2 - congratulations on your win! Will you be out painting the town red tonight?

          Gem - I'm intrigued by your comment about Walmart deliveries, but anywhere where you can buy a gun along with your cheese, cupcakes and over-the-counter insulin is bound to be a bit strange! Epcot is one of my favourite parks, and probably a bit gentler for GS2.

          Lizzie - we have a throw the same colour as yours in our bedroom! The other colours are all neutral - black, grey and white.

          WeeGranny - how are you today?
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, I love the throws, they really brighten the room up! I have had a long bike ride, fantastic weather for it, I did 40kms so pleased with myself. I have been for my eyes tested and strange enough they have improved! I have had the same results for 10 years now. I have had these specs a long time as well, I do order them on line in-between time, but, I couldn't tell the girl that. She advised me to buy a new pair as the coating is weakening on these, I had noticed that, plus there is 50% offer for the next fortnight. I did end up choosing 2 I really like and may call back tomorrow as she was on her own and busy. She has put them aside for me.

            Did I tell you about the dog that wee's in the lift?? He has done it for years, it seeps under the floor covering and has been replaced. I told the owner he should carry the dog, it is a Yorkie so weighs nothing. He said that his dog doesn't do that. Every time I go in the lift, there it is, I have cleaned it so many times, along with another neighbour, they have phoned the housing etc, I was talking to my young neighbour yesterday and he said he had phoned etc, I told him I would clean it one more time, so, I did, I got in the lift early this morning and actually swore out loud!!!! I came home and phoned someone from the housing I know and explained it all, she said she would get someone to look into it, when she didn't say. We have a cleaner on a Thursday, he is very good, cleans the whole entrance, stairs etc, he had just finished and was leaving as I arrived home, I stood chatting to someone, got in the lift and there it was again.!!! So annoying!!!


              Lizzie,thats the last thing you want in lift.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Lizzie - Yorkies may be little, but their wees are just as smelly as other dogs, aren't they. It would be easy for the owner to pick this little dog up, or even put a puppy pad down on the lift floor. I wonder if the movement of the lift frightens the dog? What a lovely bike ride you had, and I bet there aren't many people whose eyes improve as the get older. Still, it's nice to have new frames, and I think modern coatings are much better, too.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  It is an old dog Daisy, I think almost 15 years old, the man is elderly as well.


                    Good morning all.
                    Couldn't sleep so earlier this morning I attempted to log into GRUS but I wasn't able to. I just got a weird display saying "fatal access " . Well obviously it's OK now.

                    Oma and WeeGranny I hope you are feeling much better today.

                    I had a phone call from DIL yesterday , said said that GD has covid. She is feeling quite bad apparently. She was due for her booster vacation next week . Hopefully no one else will go down with it.
                    Because of this DS and DIL won't be able to meet up with our planned 'family ' get together this afternoon/evening. DD , SIL and two youngest GS'S are coming from Wales and we have booked a table at the pub which is 2 minutes walk from our bungalow.

                    Daisy do you think that the owner of the yorkie hasn't noticed that the dog is weeing in the lift because of his age . (The man and the dog's age ) I mention this because OH's cousin had a very old yorkie and when we used to visit her the dog would lie under the dining room chair and break wind constantly. The smell was horrendous but OH's cousin didn't appear to notice.

                    I had to take my glasses back to Specavers because the one lens wasn't reacting to bright sunlight . I was going around with one lens dark and one just slightly tinted. I have had to go back to wearing my old glasses. It's a good job I still have them. OH put his old glasses in the charity bin in the shop. I told him he should keep at least one old pair 'just in case' He laughed and said 'What could ever happen that you would need your old spec's " !!

                    Enjoy Good Friday everyone, don't eat too many hot cross buns
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      A beautiful start to the day and the start of Easter weekend.

                      No plans for us over the Easter weekend.

                      Right,off to get the washing out.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good Good Friday morning everyone. It's a beautiful day here as well, Nanto.

                        We're going to a niece's for lunch today. Her parents are down from North Wales (OH's eldest sister) so it will be great to see them. I need to get a shower and get ready and then take Eva for a walk before we leave.

                        I'll pop back for a chat later, but I hope everyone has a good day and all the poorly ones are feeling better. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Lovely sunny morning here, I hope it lasts. Just been next door and GD and baby H are still asleep, that baby is amazing, they haven’t had one sleepless night with her, she still has a sleep in the day.
                          I caused a bit of an emergency yesterday. My GS’s who live about 15mins away arrived looking very worried, GGD had pushed my alarm and Saga had phoned DS and Dil, they were on a train in Germany, who phoned the house but I was in next door with GD and baby H. GS’s were expecting me to be lying on the floor, they were relieved but a bit cross with me for not checking my alarm system. DD and Sil due back this evening.

                          Oma and WG, I hope you are feeling better, will check back later.

                          Lizzie, I think the opticians are right, but of course they want to sell you new glasses. I don’t know what you can do about the weeing dog if the owner will not co-operate. Perhaps the dog wees on him so he puts it on the floor of the lift.

                          Nanto, nice win on the Premium Bonds, I sold mine as I was not getting much return.

                          Mimi, so sorry to hear GD has covid so the family will have to miss the family gathering.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Morning ladies .
                            Oh Plant I bet you gave them all such a fright , they will not have known what to do hug you or slap you when they founded you ok 😁
                            Baby H is a joy isn’t she x

                            Lizzie maybe the old gentleman doesn’t see the dog peeing , either that or he knows he can’t get down to clean it so just ignores it ,

                            Daisy enjoy your day makes a change from gardening , did J get the floor done ?

                            Nanto I take it your not going wild with your win then 😁

                            Mimim I do hope you GD is ok ,

                            I have had it a week and it’s been awful 😣

                            Im up this morning but don’t feel great
                            had a bad night with coughing , it was so bad B wanted to ring 111 but about 4.30 it settled for a couple hours

                            then about 6ish it started again so B made me a hot drink and some toast ,
                            Then I only went and knocked the tea off my bedside drawers it went everywhere ,up the wall , the carpet , the bottom of the bed , I panicked and flapped a bit ,then
                            I started to cough again and was sick on the bedding , So bed had to be stripped 🙄

                            I had a little cry , Thats not me but I was feeling tired and sorry for myself .
                            Poor B he’s had little sleep me coughing like a freight train bless him . I

                            One good thing is the sun is out so bedding on the line , always a silver lining xx

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oh dear Oma, you have had a rough time. I do hope you improve soon.

                              it’s a lovely sunny day here and I’m freezing cold, I’m sitting with a throw and a hot water bottle! Feeling out of sorts but I’ve done a covid test and it’s negative. Can’t eat or drink anything, even water goes through me! Can you tell I’m feeling sorry for myself. 🙁. Fingers crossed it won’t last, but this is when I miss P so much.

                              Enjoyed a FaceTime with DS this morning. They are counting the days until they are here.

                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Oma, you poor thing, I didn’t suffer with a cough, you must be exhausted with all that coughing and no sleep. Brian must be exhausted too. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

                                Daisy, lovely to have a rest day, it so lovely here, sunny and warm, no wind. Enjoy your day with the family.

                                I haven’t heard anything from WH, I hope things are getting better for her, although it will take a time for the bruises to go.

                                Gemini, have a lovely day, I hope there is not too much standing and walking.

                                GD1 and baby H still here, I will take them back this evening. DD and Sil will be back about 9p.m.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

