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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good morning everyone.

    I will be in all day, so can do some more catching up on the forum 😊

    PLant despite the scare your family would be very relieved that you were ok.

    Oma you sound a lot like our friend P when he had Covid. Each day is a day forward in this terrible illness. You WILL feel well again xxxxxxx

    Oh Enfys I hope whatever it is passes soon and you feel much better . Of course you miss P at a time like this xxxxx

    It was a very hot and humid 29 degrees in Epcot yesterday. We drove home through the most terrific thunderstorm last night

    A relaxing day for all today. OH and SIL have a round of golf at 4 and I think DDs 1,2 and GD and GS1 want to go shopping at some point. I will be in the pool, hot tub or generally relaxing.

    Have a good Good Friday everyone.
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Wow Gem I would love to have seen the thunder storm .
      Although I’m no good with heat like that it does sound like your having a fantastic time πŸ˜πŸ‘.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I hate thunder and lightning Oma, but GS2 who has sat beside me on every trip so far in our 'bus' was frightened so I had to pretend not to be!

        DDs and older GS have gone to shop. I had better join GS2 in the pool
        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Pool and hot tub sound very inviting. We have had a very warm day today.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Hallo everyone, Oma, lets hope the coughing soon clears, I bet B panicked! You are well of

            Plant, yes, you will have to put the alarm well away when GGD is around, getting everyone worried for nothing.

            Gem, it sounds as though you are all enjoying yourselves, we have high temperature today, 25+ in the sun.

            Mimi, it was me with the dog problem. It hasn't been sorted yet as there was a puddle today!

            I went to the next village on the bike, whilst shopping my phone rung, GD2, could she come to my house for the day, I told her I was in their village and would call for her, we biked back here together,,she was telling me she was bitten by a dog last night, they take a dog for a walk, GD1 walks in and GD2 often goes as well, all went well and they walked past a lady with a (massive) dog, he just turned and grabbed GD2 by the wrist, of course she screamed out, the lady panicked, pulled the dog back and fell over whilst doing this, she was in tears, GD2 was in tears, GD1 and a friend rushed to get DS1. He got GD2 home and washed the wound etc, DIL got all the information needed from the owner etc, what a carry on it would be. The owners of the dog GD1 walks are both with the police, they said they had acted correctly as if there was any medical help needed they could claim off the owners insurance. DIL phoned the doctor this morning to see if she would need an injection, they told her that she had all the vaccinations, they had to keep an eye on the wound, we looked a few times today but it wasn't red or swollen so hopefully it will heal, it did frighten her though, we were cycling through the village this afternoon and a dog rushed her way and I saw her swerve, she said she did as well, she thought it was going to get her!!

            As she was telling me this we were near the strawberry place so we went for them as a treat for her! It was already busy at 10am.

            I told her I had to go to the other village for a hearing test so she went with me and walked round the shops whilst the test was being done, not very good results, at all. I know I am deaf in my left ear, 2 years ago I had all the tests, the lady compared them, anyone going deaf loses 1db a year, I have lost 10 in 2 years. She said I am missing out on so much. She doesn't want to plan anything until I have had the scan next month and have seen the specialist again.

            We came home and had lunch then went off to the fair in the village, so, all in all GD2 had a great day, to be honest we both did!

            BIL has just phoned, the first time in months, he sounded more himself and had been out to the shops and then to get himself some fish and chips. He is talking about looking for sheltered housing, his sister is in one and he said it seems a good plan for him.
            Last edited by Lizzie48; 15-04-2022, 05:39 PM.


              Enfys, sorry, I just read your post, I hope you are feeling better now, you will miss DH more at times like this.xx


                Just trying to catch up with everybody. Please forgive me if I miss any of you - it's definitely not intentional. x

                Plant - what a scare the family must have had, Thank goodness you were actually ok. It's lovely to hear of babies sleeping though the night, and makes a huge difference to the parents getting a good sleep.

                Lizzie - good news that your BIL phoned, and sheltered accommodation might be just what he needs. I hope they can do something to help you with your hearing loss. What a shock for GD2 being bitten by that dog. I know it isn't always big dogs that bite, but they look more scary. Thinking about the Yorkie in the lift - if the owner is elderly and frail he might not even realise what his dog's doing - I've had Yorkies and they can wee in a couple of seconds.

                Gem - we were usually visiting Florida in August and you'd see some spectacular thunder storms and cloud formations. No fun if you don't like them, though. I hope you've had a relaxing day (or are having!) - what's the plan for tomorrow?

                Enfys - sending you gentle hugs, dear. It sounds like some kind of bug, but it must seem a hundred times worse without P there to look after you. I do hope you feel a bit better by tomorrow and get a good sleep tonight. When do your DS and family arrive? It must seem such a long time since you've seen them, even though you Face Time regularly. What is your GS doing now? I bet he's changed a lot since they were last over here. Take care. xxx

                Oma - your cough sounds must worse than either J or I had, but even so it was bad enough. Fancy knocking your drink over - it must have felt like the last straw, so no wonder you felt tearful. Sending hugs to you as well. xx

                Mimi - sorry about the glitch in getting on to GRU - I'm afraid I don't know what it was, unless our hosting company were doing some housekeeping that took us off air for a few minutes. I hope all those who were able to go out for the meal tonight had a good time, but I bet the others were disappointed to miss out. Hopefully your GD will be better soon. xx I had to smile at your description of the Yorkie lying under the chair and making his presence felt like that! One of our got slightly incontinent towards the end, but he would (mostly) use a puppy training pad, but they both had the skill of barely pausing to do a wee even outside, and with them being so small it was easy not to see them! I hope they getyour glasses sorted out quickly. It must have been very odd one lens darkening and the other not.

                I started this post about 45 minutes ago. I was typing away and suddenly there was a loud bang and what sounded to me like air escaping under pressure. It was quite loud and set Eva off barking. We went out to the front to see if we could see what it was, and our neighbour across the road came out too as she had heard it - no-one else came out and we still don't know what it was.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Mimi I encountered the GRU glitch too, being on a different time zone. I presumed it was temporary and it seems it was.

                  Lizzie I'm sorry about your hearing problems.
                  Your poor GD πŸ™

                  I wonder what that explosion was Daisy?!
                  ​​​​Tomorrow is Kennedy Space Centre for all but OH, GS2 and me. Another pool day for us

                  All the shoppers are back and SIL and OH are on the golf course.
                  β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem - have you been to the Kennedy Space Centre before? My OH loved it, but I was rather bored by all the statistics they throw at you. It was interesting to see the huge eagle nests at the tops of the trees, though!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Yes Daisy. OH and I have both been, but not together. We both enjoyed it but don't want to go again ☺️
                      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Another lovely morning. Going to Asda this morning,then garden duties later.

                        Hope all those under the weather are feeling better soon.

                        Yesterday turned into a busy day,so i don't think can catch up on here.
                        I have read posts,but not had a chance to reply.

                        We went to Normanton to deliver something that had sold on ebay.
                        The buyer was having car problems,so we offered to deliver the item.

                        On our way home,hubby's sister phoned and said they were doing a BBQ.
                        It was for brothers and sisters only.
                        She said last time we were all together was at dad's funeral,and she wanted to have a happy get together.
                        We had a lovely time and the hours just flew by, but we all enjoyed it.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning Nanto/ladies

                          Nanto what a nice surprise plus you didn’t have to cook always a bonus 😁

                          Its very overcast here but supposed to get out later .

                          For the first time in a week I am actually dressed ,
                          I didn’t have too bad a night not as much coughing , still tired and a sort of head cold but a lot better than I was .
                          The tiredness keeps coming over but I’m good πŸ‘

                          Going to ring MIL about 9ish she is 88 today .
                          Have a good day ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good Saturday morning everyone. The sun is shining here, and we're going to do some gardening this morning.

                            Oma - I'm glad you are on the mend. When the tiredness hits, just rest. It's a pity you had to cancel MIL's birthday lunch today, but I hope she still has a nice birthday.

                            Nanto - how lovely to be invited to a spontaneous barbecue like that. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

                            Gem - I was glad I'd been to the Space Centre but like you and S, I wouldn't go again. Enjoy your day today.

                            We've still go no idea what the loud bang was last night.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              DDand Sil back from their holiday, I expect GD and baby H will be up to see them later. I have no plans today, might do some gardening, the borders are very dry.

                              Oma, so pleased you have turned the corner. I have only just got my energy back so take it easy for w while.

                              Nanto, that was a good idea to have a happy get-together, it must still feel strange not to have your Mil and Fil to look after.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good morning ladies

                                A family get together for a non sad occasion was a lovely idea Nan2.

                                Keep taking it easy Oma, but I'm so glad you are improving.

                                Plant our cat-sitter told me our borders were dry yesterday and she was going to water them.

                                Another day at home today as it is Easter Saturday and the main theme parks will be so busy.

                                The family are going to the Kennedy Space Centre. It was decided all along that there wasn't enough to entertain GS2 to make taking him on the 90 minute drive each way. Since we got here we are even more convinced, as he seems to find all but the tamest rides or shows perilous!!! He was so happy when I told him he was staying here with us.

                                We have s long park day planned tomorrow, so the rest day today is a good Idea.
                                We had planned to buy Express passes for the Universal studios day tomorrow, gritting our teeth and paying the 100 dollars on top of what we have already paid for our tickets, to do all the rides we want with minimal queuing. We got a shock when we checked the prices however. They change day to day, and now they are over 300 dollars each. I kid you not. It's disgrace. We can't pay that, so an early start tomorrow and just do as much as we can.

                                GS2 talking to me. Back soon...

                                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

