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    Good Afternoon ladies I am soooo sorry for not keeping up to date I have been feeling down in the dumps these past few weeks and nothing can get me into the mood to do anything at all,I have however been lurking in and out.

    This last Saturday was my youngest son's birthday he was 40 I spent the day crying as I was remembering how thrilled J was when he arrived after we thought we would never have any more children after DS1 and the babies we had lost since he arrived 7 yrs previously.

    I am seriously contemplating going to grief councilling advised by my Dr last week maybe talking to someone I don't know will help I feel sad all the time and even though I see my ACs on a regular basis I feel so alone in my life.

    This past week I have been back & forth to DDs house as she is having long standing repairs to her house some have been outstanding for a long time,even though I have been there some afternoons they have not arrived and given me no notice they are not attending just not good enough,I wonder how people manage when they don't have people such as myself to wait in for workmen

    Off now to try and work up the energy to have a tidy in my bedroom so many bits & bobs to get into the charity shop bag and make a wee bit of space.

    Talk soon glamma xx
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      Glamma, I'm so sorry that you are feeing low.
      In my opinion grief counselling is a good idea for you. Don't forget this thread as well For anyone missing their loved ones. Take care xxx

      Lizzie yes get your friend to do her bit!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Glamm Grief has no start and no ending , it can hit you out of the blue and then your ok for weeks before it rears its head again ,
        Talking to someone could help you find a good place and be able to move on, Not forget your dear J you could never do that but be able to think of him peacefully ,

        Sometimes talking to a stranger is easier than talking to family , Big hugs dear lady xxxxxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Glamm, you will feel down in the dumps, it is natural, think to yourself "is this what J would have wanted me to be like"? Talking to strangers does help, just don't get in a group with a lot of people with grief as you will tend to take their problems home with you, that is what I did. Take one day at a time and you will get there!xxx


            Hugs from me Glamm
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Glamm - I'm so sorry you have been down in the dumps. I'm sure talking to a bereavement counsellor would help. Everybody's grief is different, and hits them in different ways. You've just gone through a tough time of year - J's anniversary, Christmas, the January-winter blues, dreary dark weather - it all adds up. Be kind to yourself, and remember we are all here for you anytime. Sending love and hugs. xxx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Plant - I do hope it's "just" a cold, even if it is making you feel poorly. Take care of yourself, and keep warm. Gentle hugs. xx

                Nanto - I hope the funeral will help to remember Dad in a lovely, gentle way and enable you and your OH to move on to your new 'normal'.

                I've had a busy day today. I gave the living room and hall a really good spring clean this morning - they both look heaps better, and I feel very smug! After lunch I took Eva for a long walk in the Forest. She was very good - I had her on a long lead - until we got to an area of beech trees next to a deer conservation area. She's not in the slightest bit interested in deer, but she got really excited around the trees. There's lots of leaf litter but no other vegetation and she had her nose to the ground running first one way then the other. It's the part of the Forest one of our Yorkies, Rusty, always loved in the autumn, snuffling round the trees and in the fallen leaves. I'm convinced there are truffles there!

                We're having Cooper tomorrow so that will be fun.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Took a Covid test today, pleased to report it was negative.

                  A very productive and enjoyable day for you today Daisy
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Morning all.

                    I hope the are all well

                    Sorry I haven't been around for a while

                    I have written something in YEO
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Good morning. It feels a lot milder than yesterday.

                      Not much happening today. Hubby out this morning.
                      He'll be back about 10.30,then just a few little bits to do at dads.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies.

                        Cute kitty there Nan2 One of my cats used to love squeezing herself into shoes and slippers. You will be glad when the funeral is over.

                        Nice to see you Mimi.

                        Good news about the negative test Plant. As you thought it is probably a cold. I hope the rib pain eases soon.

                        You were busy yesterday Daisy.

                        It is library this morning as I changed my day from Wednesday afternoon. This afternoon GS1 school pick up and his martial arts class. They usually collect him from me after tea, but as SIL, who usually collects him, has covid and DD still not 100% but lots of work to catch up on, I have offered to do it. It's only 10 minutes each way.

                        Happy Tuesday everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning Ladies ,

                          Mimi lovely to see you xx

                          Daisy hope today isn't as busy for you , Eva sounds just like Storm when he sniffs something out he shoves his nose in the leaf mulch and snuffles then sneezes

                          Gem hope SIL and DD feel better soon , just as well you can do the run for them takes that weight off their shoulders today ,

                          Nanto love the graphic as always xx

                          Plant how are you today ? xx

                          The people who are re-glazing the sliding wardrobe door are picking it up today but didn't give a time so just have to wait ,
                          Said it will take about a week before they can bring it back ,

                          Didn't sleep well at all last night so im tired but had to be up and ready just in case they come early ,

                          GS1 coming for tea after college , Asked GD to pick him up at 4 he wants Macaroni & cheese making ,
                          What his lordship wants his lordship gets

                          Hope everyone has a good day xxx

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            MMM Mac and cheese Oma, he is worth it. I love spoiling my grandsons. I hope the wardrobe door people will not keep you waiting too long.

                            Gemini, I hope the change of library day suits you better.

                            Daisy, you must have felt very satisfied getting all that housework done. I need a little fairy here.

                            Nanto, I love the pussy cat in the shoe, where do you find such lovely graphics.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good morning, panic in the street again, a car drove in the dyke from the Lidl parking place, how I do not know, I just came home that way as I have been to the garden centre for soil etc whilst I was in the car, I went to the second hand place with the books, they know to come out and help me!

                              Oma, you will be pleased when the door is repaired and hung again, can you claim that on your home insurance? You so spoil that boy! You do right to do it as well!

                              I went to the gym, I think to the end of the month but not sure when my code is blocked, I shall see when I go one day and I am not allowed in!

                              Gem, I hope all goes well with your school run etc.

                              We went to aqua yesterday, I do enjoy it and I will miss it when I am blocked, we shall see how long it all goes on for.

                              It is 10 degrees at the moment, dry but windy, I may go to C&A in Delft and see if they have the trousers in I like.

                              These are photo's of all the books I had to take and the others are the (new) toilets at the garden centre. How interesting!

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                              This gallery has 4 photos.


                                A very hurried Good Morning from me.

                                I promised to pick Cooper up at 10, and I haven't had a shower yet! It's only a 20 minute drive!!! Hey ho. Chat later.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

