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    It’s the Testosterone Gem
    To be honest that collie was lovely but I wouldn’t trust it around a baby , I honestly think it should be re homed.
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      My DD does some voluntary ushering at out local theatre, they are having to cancel some shows.
      Saw baby H last evening she had an amazing day with her father and his mother at an indoors animal farm, she was full of smiles. We popped into see her in the evening with her presents. I have just got back with a lovely lunch and chat with a very old friend, we used to push prams together. It was lovely catching up, we will do it again, she has recently losses her husband.

      I really enjoy that programme, that lady who took her boxer for a walk, well….he was just allowed to do what he wanted.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Aww lovely to hear she had a lovely day Plant .
        Nice to catch up with old friends ,

        I agree the Boxer was allowed to be boss wasn’t it , but as soon as she took control he was a different dog
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Lovely to hear that Baby H had a lovely first birthday Plant
          I'm sure it will do both you and your old friend good to get together.

          A very busy library afternoon but almost half of it was at the computer, so a good balance.
          I paid the balance of our Florida holiday today!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Daisy,it wasn't a very big tree but,if it had been i would have wanted it gone.
            I'm not a tree lover,especially when they are in a garden. I think they belong in a park or a forest.
            I buy frozen dumplings,anything to make life easier.

            Gem,thats good ,the balance of the holiday being paid.

            Plant,pleased babyH had a good birthday.

            Someone mentioned WG. A few days ago i mentioned Sunshine. She hasn't been here for a while.
            Hope everything is ok.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nanto , I’m with you on trees , we have so many in Washington and huge ones at the back of our property that are far too close ,
              If I had my way they wouldn’t be there , across the road are hundreds so we don’t need them by us but the Forestry that own then refuse to take them down .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                I haven't seen Dogs behaving badly, but I think our trainer works with as many female as male. There are only 4 in our class at the moment - 3 of them female.

                I love having trees around (which is just as well, given where we live) but the wrong trees are often planted in the wrong place. I'm agonising over what to plant in our front garden to replace the old conifer that was becoming a danger. I want to plant something that will still be here long after we've gone.

                Nanto - I didn't even know you could get frozen dumplings. Something to try!

                Plant - pleased baby H had a lovely birthday. I'm sure your friend was really pleased to catch up with you - what a long time you've been friends.

                Gem - sounds like this afternoon was the right mix at the library.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning all. Just popping by to see how you all are.

                  We've had a busy week or so . OH had his usual trip to Birmingham hospital yesterday so whilst he was away I took the opportunity to give the bungalow a good clean. I'm paying for it now mind as I ache in random places!
                  Today we are going to the cemetery to put some flowers on dad's memorial plaque as it will be 13 years on Sunday since I lost my best friend, my dad , my hero.

                  On a lighter note in March we are going to GD's fancy dress 18th birthday party and we have decided to go as Mary Poppins ( me obviously) and Bert the chimney sweep (OH) . I've got my costume and bag, just waiting for the umbrella to arrive. So far all OH has got is a chimney sweep brush and shoes , his costume is still in transit.

                  I've never seen Dogs behaving badly but I do watch Paul O'Grady For the love of dogs.

                  Keep warm and safe ladies
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Doesn't feel cold this morning.

                    Dinner prepared. Chips,beans and egg. Requested by hubby.

                    Mimi,sounds like the fanct dress party will be fun.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning, we had thick fog all day yesterday, it isn't clear yet but according to the forecast it should clear this morning.
                      I am improving, it has left me with a bad temper!!!! Not really but a neighbour told me I had a look on my face that said " don't say a word"!!! Mind you, I always have that look.

                      Mimi, the fancy dress party sounds fun.

                      Gem, well done on getting the holiday paid, when it the holiday?
                      I still have a return booked to the UK, I will think about it this summer. I have booked the B&B for a few nights in May, the one I was in when my bike decided to break. It was lovely cycling there and the best B&B.

                      I am half dressed, I have had to tighten my support sleeves, lost the weight so they were not really compression garments anymore, I should be able to get new ones in March or April, this works well until I get measured for the new ones.


                        Morning ladies

                        Mimi you must post photos I would love to see them
                        That’s the thing about cleaning , the next day you ache in places you didn’t know you had hahaha xx

                        Nanto to me that’s a proper dinner , who doesn’t love Chips eggs and beans , Childhood meals are always the best

                        Lizzie I can imagine that face I have a neighbour who is a lovely happy lady but she always looks like she has been sucking lemons ,
                        Always a frown but she isn’t frowning it’s just her face , A bit like Sid James’s

                        Hope you get to your B&B inMay it will be a nice break and your trip to UK ,

                        I have done my housework , a dark load been washed and dried , had a shower and cleaned bathroom ,
                        I am now having a cupper before I go out into garden to get the leaves up and give it a tidy

                        It’s damp out but bright .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          A very quick 'good morning' from me. Heavy frost overnight - and who left the summerhouse door open yesterday exposing the overwintering plants to be attacked by Jack Frost!

                          OH has just gone to the dentist and when he gets back we're going to some friends for coffee. I think we could be a while - it's a wood-turning friend of OH's and they are trying out something the friend has just bought!!

                          Hope everyone's ok - I'll chat later. xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning everyone.

                            Daisy the dogs on that programme are extremely badly behaved! I'm sure none in Eva's class are like them

                            We never stop missing our dads do we Mimi? What brilliant costumes you have chosen for the party!

                            Chips, beans and egg sounds good Nan2.

                            Lizzie, the holiday is in April, the UK school Easter holidays. Wonderful that you have lost so much weight! Whereabout in the UK will you be when you come over?

                            This morning I am going to visit mum. Wish me luck, as I need to get her signature twice for the house sale. Mornings are not her best time, but I didn't have a spare afternoon this week. This afternoon is my mammogram. We need shopping so I will do that on the way back from mum's.

                            Have a good day ladies.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Our posts crossed Oma and Daisy. Good morning!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Gem, I think Hull area, by the sound of things my BIL will be moving to Alnwick anytime, I asked him if it was what he wanted, he as good as told me to mind my own and that he will let me know when he moves!!!!

                                Oma, it is my face!! When I first moved here I would go to a photographer for passport photo's. He used to tell me people smile here in Holland!!!
                                Last edited by Lizzie48; 13-01-2022, 09:03 AM.

