Oh dear Daisy, I hope the mattress is going to suit you! I hope the forest walk with Eva goes well.
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Morning ladies ,Nanto is very foggy and frosty here too , enjoy your lunch out xx
Daisy maybe Saturday lunch time is a good time for people I can imagine not many want to do the walk in the dark .
Hopefully you get used to your new mattress , I know we took about a week before we started to feel the benefit of ours ,
Give him a nudge if he snores tonight
Lizzie i agree with Daisy Dr should be seeing your friend ASAP that doesn't sound right does it .
Gem bless her GD doesn't seem old enough yet does she , we forget how grown up our G Babies are getting
I was 11 when I started mine but my DD was not quite 9 , we did see a specialist but he was reluctant to give anything to stop them as he said it was going against nature and would be worse in the long run so we all had to deal with it .
I do hope she doesn't have cramps with them bless her .
Did you enjoy your day out yesterday ?
Plant how are you feeling today , how's the tummy ?
Hope our other ladies are ok , Clover Mimi Enfys WG etc .
We have been to Morrisons this morning , I was up from 3.30 so feeling a bit washed out now .
Dont have anything to do today its all done so i can slob about.
Forgot to say , I bought a Hair dye this morning , Im sick of waiting for all my hair to go grey and not just a bit at the front , so im dying it againLast edited by Oma; 15-01-2022, 10:13 AM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
No sun today, just fog but not freezing, I was planning to go and feed the ducks on the pond. I think I will be eating normally today.
Lizzie, your poor neighbour, someone should see her if she has chest pains.
Nanto, enjoy your trip to Wakefield. I hope your GD gets more attention than my GD did. Pleased everything is fine and no worries.
Daisy, I hope you get a better nights sleep on your new bed tonight, choosing a mattress is very difficult. The mattress I sleep on is hard on one side but soft/med on the other but when it is turned I finish up with the hard side so turning it top to bottom is the only choice and it takes too strong people. It has four drawers under it so I am reluctant to change it and loose the storage. DD and Sil are looking at new beds.
Gemini, at least these days girls are more informed about menstruation, I can remember a friend being very frightened because she was bleeding.
Oma, my DD is coming with me, it is about an hour away but a difficult journey, I ordered some flowers yesterday, now have to decide what to write on the card. Spoke to my sister’s GD yesterday, things are a bit easier for her now her father is with her, she was still tearful, she hoped her Nan would get better if she was home. They are holding Mass for her at the church she attended on a separate day. I could do with a nice warm coat as it is a burial.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Morning ladies.
I’m back from DDs and must admit to feeling a bit low, only to be expected I suppose ,going from a busy household to a quiet lonesome one.
The journey home was fine but the train was held up for 25 minutes due to a “bridge strike”. DS1 and partner met me at the station to bring me home.
I’m sorry to read some of you ladies haven’t been feeling too well and hope you’re better now.
Today SIL is taking GD back to Uni. She had her hair dyed a tasteful pink while she was home. It’s something she’s wanted for ages but wasn’t allowed in 6th form.She has long hair so it was a long ,expensive session. DD paid for it for a Christmas present.
The husband of my neighbour who died before Christmas has been diagnosed with the horrendous Alzheimer’s. His son lives with him so there is someone to keep an eye on him.
I must pop pop out now to get a TV guide and have a short walk.It’s a quiet and overcast day here so hope it’s not too cold.
Enjoy your Saturday everyone.
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Clover, it is absolutely natural to feel low after spending a lovely long time with your family. At any time, but especially in January. I hope you have something nice to look forward to soon.
Tomorrow we are having one of OH's golf friends over for the day, which we do from time to time. She is widowed, has no family living locally, and like you Clover feeling the loneliness after her DD has gone back after staying with her for Christmas and New year.
Oma, that's why I dye my hair. If I could guarantee it would just uniformly go grey/white/silver I would leave it.
Plant, you will need to be warmly dressed on that day.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Afternoon ladies I'm up late today after a horribly restless night with back pain its been fine for a while but came back with a vengeance on Thursday evening I had a telephone consult with my Dr. and she has sent me some stronger pain relief hopefully they start working soon.
Plant I do hope you are feeling better today and resting.
My passport picture looks like a shot from "most wanted" every renewal never managed to make an improvement.
I have wanted to colour my hair pale pink for quite a while but have never had the courage to go through with it,I am frightened in case I don't like it and can't get it back to normal maybe one day when I feel brave.
I'm off out now for a meet up with my friend Margaret and my DD for a late lunch at our local pub they do lovely sandwich toasties just right for a mid afternoon snack.
Bye for now xxx glamma xxx
Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Well, we didn't make it to Wakefield.
Called at dads on our way to take his paper.
I knew straight away he wasn't right. I suspected a stroke.
His mouth was down on one side and his words were very slurred.
Sent for an ambulance and paramedics said it looked like a stroke.
Word from the hospital is, he's had a slight stroke, got a chest infection and kidney failure.
He begged not to go to go to hospital, but there was no way he could have stayed at home.
For ages he's kept saying he wants to die. Says he hasn't got anything to live for.
As much as we love him,we've all agreed it would be a blessing if he died.
Sorry if that sound harsh, but we know it's what he wants.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Oh Nan2, how sad, poor FIL.
No judgement from me, and it doesn't sound harsh. If this was my mum now, it is what she would want, and those of us who love her would want it too. Sending love.
Glamma, I'm sorry you are having so much back pain. I hope you had a nice lunch with your friend and DD.
The sky has been grey all day. We are enveloped in a mist!
We dropped off the papers to the solicitors in town then went to Tesco on the way back for a few things. I am glad we are in for the rest of the day, it's barely above freezing out there, a day to stay warm at home.
TV and Scrabble are the order of the day, and I have some quiz questions to set.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Nan2 ,that is so sad, poor man. Completely understand, and it isn’t harsh at all. Xx
Plant, hope you are feeling better today. Glam, hope you back improves, and you get a good nights sleep.
Clover, I can understand how you are feeling. It’s awful coming back to an empty house after spending time with family. Especially at this time of year. I seem to be spending more and more time on my own, what a shame we aren’t nearer and could meet up sometime.
I did go to my knitting and natter this morning, I found it quite difficult For some reason. One of the ladies, who is lovely, talks nonstop and I find it quite wearing, I think because I’m just not used to lots of chat now. But I know I’m lucky I have somewhere to go and meet up so really must get used to it.
I have finished GDs blanket, will miss it, it’s nice to have a big project. It’s her birthday next month and I can’t wait to give it to her.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Oh Nanto so sad , no judgement here either , I know when my FIL was ill to be honest it was a relief all round when he passed ,
He was ready to go and had said for a long time he was tired of living , he was bed bound and had no life , so I do understand how you feel .
Well I dyed my hair a chocolate brown ,
Its come out a fetching shade of GINGERI look even more like GS2
just as well i like it
Im not fat just 6ft too small
I think you do get used to more quiet when you live alone, and even when you don't! I appreciate the quiet when GS1 goes home as he talks constantly!
My mum on the other hand admitted herself that because she lived alone she never stopped talking when she had company.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown