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    Gemini, I do hope the solicitor is right, it has been a long job. Lovely to hear the visit to your mother went well.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oma, definitely worth spending enough on a bra and good to have it fitted. .we had a shop nearby that fitted you for a bra but they are no more.

      Gemini, I can understand you feeling emotional getting the all clear, you try and put it to the back of your mind but it is still there.

      Daisy, sleep is the best healer, hope you feel better soo

      There were 16 of us at bowls this afternoon, bowlers that normally pay outside have joined us for the winter. Can’t say I had a good game.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant,sorry you didn't have a good game, but at least you took part.

        Gem, hope your solicitor is right, that you are almost there.
        Glad you had a lovely visit with your mum.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Plant - I'm sure next time you play bowls you'll have a good game. x

          Gem - I do hope the solicitor is right about being almost there. So pleased to hear you had a good visit with your mum. Did she enjoy the cake?

          Lizzie - you have done very well with your weight loss. I've put on a couple of pounds over Christmas, but there's no point trying to lose them till I feel better.

          Oma - the new bras will be worth not eating for a couple of weeks! My sister-in-law (who is a trained fitter) helped me to choose a Fantasie bra some years ago, and it was very comfortable.

          Nanto - sensible to give yourselves a day off. It must be very tiring.

          I've had yet another lazy day. I had a casserole ready for dinner and only had to heat that up before OH went to wood turning club tonight. I'll have to shape up though and do some washing tomorrow and sort out some dog food or I'll have Eva on my case!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, mum really enjoyed the cake! I had intended to go to Thomas bakers for them, but as I had to pop into Sainsbury's for some tissues for mum, I picked up two cream chocolate eclairs there, which are one of her favourites.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              It's a cold one this morning.

              Another day of sorting and clearing out today.

              As my graphic says coffee time and then i want to get the ironing done.

              Have a good day ladies.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Nanto and all who call in later. Definitely time for that delicious cup of coffee. It's parky to say the least here this morning, but at least the mornings are getting lighter a bit earlier. Don't get exhausted with the sorting and clearing. xx

                OH has to go to a funeral in Weymouth this morning - I hope the roads are ok. He's giving a lift to a friend, and I'm glad I had already decided not to go. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather and am relieved I'm staying in the warm.

                Whatever today brings, ladies, stay safe. xx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning everyone. Friday again!

                  Cute little witches there for coffee Nan2.
                  I hope the roads are OK for your OH Daisy. Make to most of a day in the warm.

                  GD and GS2 from school this afternoon. OH is playing golf this morning. I am going to Aldi.
                  Fish and chips for tea. I will be getting the Lite Bite meal again. Satisfies the fish and chip craving without too big a portion!

                  I hope your Friday is good to you.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning, cold here but at least the wind has dropped, it was very cold yesterday, we had a heavy hail shower in the afternoon.

                    I want to go to C&A in Delft, see if they have my favourite trousers in. I have just been for my treatment.

                    Gem, enjoy the children and the fish and chips.

                    Daisy, keep resting until you feel better.

                    Nanto, I hope you get done what you want to get done today then you can have an easy weekend.

                    The decorators have almost finished on this floor, they finished my windows etc yesterday.


                      It is my sister’s funeral today, we are leaving soon. I hope the roads are not too busy, not easy when you have a specific time to get there by. At least it is supposed to be dry for the burial.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Morning ladies ,

                        Daisy a funeral isn't the place to be going when you have a cold , A day in the warm is best , J is representing you both so don't worry about it xx

                        Gem we like the small portions too ours are called pensioners special not so many chips and just the right size fish , Enjoy

                        Lizzie how did your treatment go ?,
                        Did you get measured for your new stockings ?

                        Nanto a busy week for you , you need the weekend off to start afresh next week xx

                        Plant was it just a off day at bowls or are you not used to playing with the people there and was put off ?
                        How is your hand xx

                        A lovely sunny but crisp and cold morning ,
                        We have been to Asda & Sainsburys didn't need much so in and out Quickly ,

                        My Twin Nieces my Brothers children have both tested positive for the second time today , they are 51 and haven't seen each other for two weeks yet both tested positive together first time around and this time ,
                        My other niece their sister said its Twin transfer syndrome
                        Both are ok just a bit cold like symptoms .

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Thinking of you today Plant xxxx I hope the journey is trouble free.

                          I miss C&A Lizzie.

                          That's strange about your twin nieces isnt it Oma?!
                          GS1 has a very faint line on his test this morning, so we are all hoping he will be clear for school on Monday. He has been doing a lot of 'Home PE' outside on his trampoline this week
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I didn't get what I wanted at C&A, I went to the AA shop and got a fleece jacket for walking, 70% discount!

                            Oma, my treatment went fine, I will get measured in a few months for tights and sleeves, when, I hope, to be at the weight I want to be at, another stone to go.

                            Strange about the nieces.


                              Baby H has Covid! DD said she is very poorly, her other GM who looks after her has it and must have passed it to her. Both GGD’s were together on Wed so chances are H will have passed it to other GGD. I do hope not as she will then pass it onto her family. So far we have been Covid free.

                              Oma, I was watching a programme called Landscape Artist of the Year and one competitor had the same name as your OH B.

                              It was so cold in the church and then in the churchyard at my sister’s funeral, I have only just warmed up. It wasn’t too sad, more a celebration of her life. Saw her son, my nephew, after many years, he had travelled from Thailand, not sure when he goes back.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, I do hope your GGD is not too ill, poor little thing.

                                My brother was at a funeral the other week and he said it was freezing in the church.

