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The Daily Drop-in

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    Oma, I got the day wrong, the Old Time Musical is tomorrow, good job I spoke to a friend at bowls who is also going. It is quite clear on the calendar and my ticket that it is tomorrow!!
    I will do a shop today instead.

    Hope B’s check up goes okay Oma. I can’t see finger marks on my kitchen cupboards, is B the culprit?

    Lizzie, sounds like s lovely time you had with your GD and got your heavy chairs moved with her help.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I love Old Time Music Hall Plant. I can sing lots of the songs!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Plant just as well you found out it’s tomorrow
        Yes B is to blame but he will deny it

        All well with appointment, back in 6 month then probably yearly after that .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, good to hear B's appointment went well.
          FIL is ok,gets a bit fed up at times.
          I went this morning for a couple of hours.
          Finished my jobs after i got home,including cleaning the little oven.
          Big oven didn't need doing,hardly gets used,but i wouldn't be without it.
          They are settled in the bungalow Oma.

          Plant,good job you found out the music hall wasn't today.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good news about B, Oma! Hope he continues to stay well and create merry hell at home!!!

            Plant just as well you checked your dates! You'd have been singing all by yourself otherwise!

            Gym this morning, thought not as early as Lizzie!! My membership is off peak, so can only go between 9.00 and 4.30 which suits me fine. At one point there was only me an one other working out! Went to Tesco this afternoon just for a change. It was quiet when I got there, but suddenly got very busy. Even the girl on the till remarked on how busy it had got. I had some vouchers to use and one of them wouldn't go though so she had to call a supervisor. By this time it was done, there was quite a queue behind me, I could feel the stares on me! Anyway, it all got sorted out and I'd hardly pushed my trolley away when the next person had theirs pulled up ready for loading!

            Was going to get the car washed but there was a queue so I just came home by the scenic route. Had a coffee and a slice of Tesco's cheese bread, shopping all away and I can settle down for the evening. Going to get on with some Christmas craft stuff which I started yesterday. Managed to get on a screen printing course next weekend, so I'll get my tea towels printed there instead of having to faff about at home like I did last year. Just need to decide what design I'm going to do. last year it was holly, so it'll have to be something different this year. I fancy a robin! Then that's the family sorted!

            Hope every one has a good evening xx

            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              Good evening all

              It's been a quiet week, well apart from doing a constant battle with 3 squirrels that are hell bent on destroying the lawn and consuming all the wild birds sunflower seeds. In fact not only eating the seeds but chewing through the feeder as well.
              This morning was the last straw. There was one squirrel balancing on the lower feeding bowl that's attached to the feeding pole, reaching up and scoffing the sunflower seeds as fast as he could.
              OH marched outside with grim determination on his face, went into the shed and came out with a pair of pliers in his hand.
              He then set about dismantling the lower feeding bowl from the pole.
              After a lot of huffing and puffing he managed to get it off . I then smeared vaseline all over the pole so that hopefully the squirrels are unable to climb up to the seed feeders
              We still haven't won the war with them and our lawn but we are working on it.

              Oma good news about B

              Have a good evening everyone, going to settle down and watch Children In Need , I still miss Terry Wogan hosting it!
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Mimi, hope the pesky squirrels leave you alone now.

                The last of the Christmas presents arrived today,so i will get them wrapped tomorrow.
                Christmas cards all done, ready for posting.

                We have been invited out for a meal in thanks for helping out at the bungalow.
                Hubby's sister and her husband have been invited as well.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Mimi, presumably the squirrels are burying the acorns in the lawn. I can't love them, they are so persistent and disruptive. They are rats with tails.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Up with The Sparrows cough this morning , just can't sleep .

                    Mimi we get a couple of squirrels come and have a feast on next doors feeders ,
                    I had to stop putting food out as the dog would go mad when they came in the garden trying to catch them ,
                    Of course he could never do that they are too fast , Then we were just getting huge Pigeons and Bully Magpies chasing the small birds away .

                    Nanto that's nice to get invites after all the work you put in helping out ,

                    WG that sounds interesting , could we see your tea towels when they are printed , I would like to see them
                    We need to get the car washed too but like you every time we go to the place B likes the car washed at there is a queue ,
                    Its a hand wash place and very popular , he will have to go early morning I think .

                    Plant now are you sure its today your at the Old time music hall enjoy lovely lady xxx

                    Gem I will miss our Christmas meet up this year , This month has flown by and we usually meet around now ,

                    Never mind we will with luck get to meet even just for lunch after the new year xxx

                    Daisy hope you got to DS's ok and traffic wasnt too bad xx

                    Going to DD's for tea and cake after lunch , have not seen her all week due to her new job and her getting settled into the routine
                    She is working from home but we didn't want to disturb her .

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning, you are early Oma! I have to be careful if I call in at DS1 that he isn't on a call or whatever, I cycled home with GD1 the other day and he was on a call so I didn't stay. People are being told to work from home, yet again, I thought the roads were very quiet when I drove to the second hand place the other morning. There was a bad riot in Rotterdam last night, protesting about the 2G rules etc but I think the wrong type of people turned up for it.

                      I had a visitor yesterday afternoon, a friend of DS2, he used to live here in the flat, got divorced and re-married after a few years. A lovely couple and I get on well with them. He is with the police and a detective at the moment in Den Haag, he was saying how bad it is at the moment with youngsters getting hold of weapons.

                      Plant, I hope you enjoyed the music hall, my mother would sing songs from the music hall days whilst doing her housework!

                      Nanto, nice of them to invite you all out for a meal, you worked hard for it!!

                      Daisy, I hope you have a nice weekend and they the "boys" get the work finished.

                      Mimi, we have no squirrels up here, not many around really, but, we do get the pesky pigeons, we have a lot of
                      necklace parquets in the area, they are lovely to watch.

                      Last year the wool shop in the village did that huge Christmas tree in the square, all made from crocheted squares, this year it is a huge Christmas box! I haven't seen it yet as they only got it finished yesterday. gift.jpg


                        Good morning ladies.

                        Lizzie, i like the Christmas box.

                        Just supermarket shopping today.

                        Hubby wants to clean the car inside and out.
                        He's also putting 2 security lights up at the bungalow.
                        I suspect the lights will get done first.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning and Happy Saturday.

                          Nan2, cleaning my car has been on my To Do list for some time! I'm glad you have both been asked out for that meal.

                          Occasionally squirrels get onto our bird feeders Mimi, but pigeons are the main culprits! I know they can be pests Plant, but I find squirrels cute.

                          Good luck with the screen printing course WG.

                          Oma I will miss it too. I could come to Durham by train maybe if B could drop you off (But I haven't braved trains yet!) or maybe we four could meet up for lunch somewhere halfwayish again??) If not before Christmas, definitely in the New Year.

                          What a wonderful display from the wool shop Lizzie!

                          No plans today apart for OH and I having our boosters at 5.15. In the village this time, where we have our flu jabs.
                          OH is at an early morning extra committee meeting at the golf club at the moment, I am still in bed!
                          I intend to start writing my Christmas cards today and attempt to find my mum's Christmas card box from last year. This not only has cards in, but more importantly her list with addresses. It must be here somewhere!

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Just got time to say hi before I leave to pick-up a friend. We have a short drive to the pick-up point, it is somewhere we can leave the car. Cloudy but not raining, couldn’t decide what to wear, we don’t have far to walk but settled on a light raincoat, just in case. Trousers and jumper too of course!
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              I hope you have a great day Plant!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                OH played Christmas music this morning... too soon ??
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

