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The Daily Drop-in

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    I think I got mine in Aldi last year Oma. Aldi is not far from Tesco (which I pass to get to mums house) so if none there, Aldi it will be
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      A quieter day for me today, would like to get into the garden, not inviting atm. I have some paperwork to do also, was in touch with our solicitor yesterday about activating Power of Attorney I set up after OH died. I have to write to them to release the mater copy from their vaults. they also have my will, I just have a copy. Just refreshing my memory so I can let the children know what is where. I am aware that Sil would be better at dealing with these matters but of course I wouldn’t want to upset my son. Trefoil guild this evening, I wish they would move it to afternoons.

      Bit too much excitement at your place Oma.

      Gemini, I hope you find the dried fruit you need. Take care at those martial arts.

      I have a steam cleaner and a mop and bucket, no kneeling for me anymore. As it is only me most of the time and no pets, my kitchen and bathroom floor don’t need cleaning too often.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning everyone. It's cloudy but bright here and quite mild. I might do some gardening later, and hopefully the load of washing will dry ok as well.

        OH is still at DS1's - still working on their shed, and then he's going to help DS move some stuff from the garage to the shed so he can get his car back inside. He's in the process of rebuilding it so it needs to be under cover for the winter.

        Have a good day everyone. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Went for my Booster this morning to our Nightingale Hospital ( a white Elephant that was never uses )

          The nurse i went too had the biggest spot I have ever seen on her Forehead ,
          I tried not to look but I found myself talking to the spot and not her , it just kept drawing my eye too it

          Think it would have been better with a plaster on , honest it was glowing ,
          It must have been very sore it looked ready to pop and poor girl must have been aware people were staring .

          Called into the range , came out with two packs of new Pillow cases and a Lamp shade for my table lamp in the sitting room ,
          I don't like the one that is on so new one bought and put on

          We then went to M&S on the same row of shops came out with stuff I didn't intend buying but you do that don't you

          Its not been a bad morning or afternoon , not as cold as it has been
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, you must have felt fine after your booster to do all that shopping!

            I was at the dentist at 8am, well the mouth hygienist then the dentist comes for a look when she is finished.

            I then went to a shop in the next village as I bought a mask yesterday and found out I can put the "cage" thing in the lining so it is very handy, I decided to get a couple more as we have to wear them in public places.

            I then had a drive in the car or I will forget it is there!! Followed by the gym and I have just been to the library and met the friends daughter, the friend is home and feeling better, I called in to see her, she has a MRI scan tomorrow followed by an appointment with the neurologist.

            Gem, did you find the mixed fruit?? That is what I like if I make a Christmas cake.


              I did get the mixed fruit today thanks Lizzie ​​​​​​

              Oma that poor woman with the spot. I would have to have covered it in some way !
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                After this mornings lovely sunrise,we had a lovely mild day.

                I spent a couple of hours at dads,while hubby was out walking with his pal.
                Hubby picked me up,had coffee when we got home.
                Then i cut the grass while while hubby did various bits of tidying up.
                After dinner,we went to the bungalow where hubby made some adjustments to their gates at the end of the drive.
                We disposed of some rubbish for them by burning it.
                After 4 hours we came home for a cuppa. Neither of them asked us if we wanted a drink.
                Hubby keeps saying thats the last job i'm doing for them, but i know it won't be.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Yesterday, after several hours of trying we finally managed to book our booster vacations. The website kept crashing as it seemed to be utter chaos.
                  Just reading the comments on line a lot of vulnerable people who should have received their booster first hadn't even been contacted to book their appointment and a lot of people are having to travel miles for their vaccines.
                  Luckily myself and OH will only have to travel a 5 min car ride. My appointment is the 1st December and OH's is on the 2nd of December.

                  Today I went to the hairdresser for a much needed hair cut, next appointment is a few days before Christmas .

                  Sadly OH had to scoop up a dead hedgehog off the lawn this morning. We are hoping it's not the one we rescued on Sunday. Our neighbour across the road from us took it to (hopefully) keep in his garden.

                  Good night everyone
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Good morning. We haven't got the a lovely sunrise like we had for the past 2 mornings.
                    In fact i think its raining.

                    Friends calling in this morning about 11 ish,for tea/coffee,cakes and laughter.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Morning ladies ,
                      Nanto i would stop doing stuff for them now they are taking advantage of your and OH's good nature ,
                      Enjoy your tea and cake with friends

                      Mimi we are having no bother getting appointments , I did try all week but kept getting not eligible yet ,
                      Then Friday it opened up ,
                      I told our Martin on Sunday and he booked his while we were there .

                      I haven't had a good night after my jab yesterday , nothing major just my arm is sore and laying on it wasn't a good idea ,
                      woke at one point and it was throbbing so couldn't get back to sleep ,
                      Stiff and sore this morning but not too bad .

                      We have Storm today , he will mostly stay in the garden as its dry he loves when its cold he will lay out there till you drag him in

                      I will pop back and see how everyone is later xx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning, Nanto and all who call in later. It's drizzling here, but mild. Nanto - it's unbelievable that your SIL didn't even offer you and your OH a cup of tea yesterday. She really doesn't deserve you! Enjoy your morning with your friends. x

                        It's a busy day for me today - French class, dog training and this evening we're going to see Grease. I've seen it before, but am happy to see it again and we haven't been to the theatre for about 2 years.

                        Yesterday should have been a quiet, calm day with nothing planned, apart from OH coming home late afternoon. This is what happened - I took a call from someone OH has sold a wood turning item to. It needs to be collected by their courier and would be collected later! But the buyer hadn't sent the label.

                        Several confused phone calls and about 1 ½ hrs later it was decided I'd put the parcel on the doorstep and the courier would put the label on. I was dubious but I wanted to take Eva out - it was a lovely day. Did some washing and hung it out and took Eva for a long walk in the Forest, thinking that if the courier arrived I'd see them on my phone. I was just getting back in the car when the courier arrived - but I had no phone signal! I rushed back but she didn't have a label so couldn't take it. As I arrived back the tree surgeons were just unloading all their gear to cut down the tree they didn't do last week. OH was on the phone about the parcel. Eva was covered in mud!

                        Peace restored, workmen supplied with tea and flapjacks, I finally got lunch about 3 pm! Cooked dinner for last night and tonight, got the washing in and had just sat down with a glass of wine when OH arrived home! I sat down to do my French homework about 9 o'clock. The next job for DS1 is putting our old greenhouse up for them.

                        Mimi - how sad about the hedgehog. It's the time of year when they need to find good placed to hibernate, isn't it.

                        Lizzie - I hope your friend's MRI scan today goes well. It's good if she sees the doctor immediately afterwards - waiting for results is awful.

                        Oma - poor nurse with the Spot. Perhaps covering it up would have made it worse, but it must have been painful. Does the new shade on the table lamp look nice?

                        Plant - did you go to your Trefoil Guild meeting? Has anybody suggested moving them to day-time? If they are all retired I bet a lot of them would prefer day-time meetings.

                        Gem - glad you found the mixed fruit at last. I haven't decided whether to make one or not yet. They are much nicer than shop-bought.

                        Have a good day, everyone. xx

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning everyone.

                          Nan2, I am speechless about them not even offering you a drink, all the work you have been doing for them!!
                          That's sad about the hedgehog Mimi. If it was out during the daytime when your neighbour took it, it would have been poorly in some way.
                          I hope the arm soreness wear off soon Oma.
                          Busy day for you Daisy! It will be great to get back into a theatre - I haven't managed that yet.
                          Plant, I agree daytime meetings are much better during the winter.

                          Wet here, but not raining now. Library for me this afternoon.

                          I hope everyone's day goes well.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Nanto, your in-laws don’t deserve to be helped. Hope Dad was okay.

                            Daisy, what a day you had, hope you have a quieter one today.

                            I hope your arm is feeling better Oma, I must be lucky, never had a sore arm after the jab. Hope it is all quiet down your way now.

                            I am at a WI craft workshop this morning so will have to pop back this afternoon.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Daisy it looks nice just a plain sort of Hessian round shade , nothing fancy .

                              Plant I think my arm was worse as i had been laying on it

                              Plant what will you be making at WI ? did you get your table runner finished ?

                              Daisy what a day keep meaning to ask have you done anymore on your painting ?

                              How's the tree felling going ?
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning,everyday I seem to be feeling better I think being able to have a few good nights sleep has helped so much last night I had a full 8hrs and woke up feeling full of beans. I think maybe having put on my new fleecy bedding may have helped as the cover & pillowcases are so cosy.

                                I have had no side effects from my booster on Monday just a slight soreness in the upper arm it was not very busy in the clinic the nurses said quite a few people had not turned up for their appointments which I think is awful.

                                Yesterday my DGS arrived to do my weeding and brush the artificial grass in the back it is a magnet for the leaves from the trees at the rear he also cleared the leaves from the front and wiped down the window frames for me and under the eves he is a good boy so thoughtful.

                                Now I am feeling better I am getting on with the ironing which has built up over the past 2 weeks or so there's not too much really mainly PJ's and t-shirts then just need folding and put away.

                                This morning early I put on a chicken casserole in the slow cooker which I shall have for my meal tonight and maybe pop some in for Jim next door if he hasn't done something for himself.

                                Must get on now whilst I feel in the mood or I could be sitting here all day

                                Bye for now ladies x
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

