Have just passed a house lit up for Christmas on way home from visiting OH. And I mean LIT UP! The whole front of the house, the front garden, blow up Santa and elves and some other things too all twinkling and flashing away! bet the neighbours are pleased they'll have that for another 6 weeks or so. Further on, another one with a flashing reindeer on the porch and lights on the trees and bushes!
Went out and cleared leaves from the garden this morning, you can now see grass instead of leaves! Green bin full, compost bin full and some in a waste bag! Couldn't get warm when I came back in though, still feeling a bit chilly, but the heating is on now.
Oma, I'll certainly post some pictures of my printing! I've just looked at pictures of last year's efforts and see there was an apron.....I have no idea where that went or who I gave it to! Maybe it's still in a drawer somewhere, must have a look!
OH had joined the other residents for lunch in the dining room today, which is a step in the right direction, but I think it had exhausted him!
Have a good evening ladies! xx
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
That's a bit early WG! My OH reported seeing an inflatable Santa somewhere but I haven't spotted it yet.
We have had our boosters and picked up our repeat prescriptions from the Pharmacy next door.
Apart from that I have been inside all day. I have done quite a bit of Christmas shopping from the comfort of my sofa!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning all. I'm not officially up at the moment but it feels definitely colder than previous mornings.
Like Nanto I don't have any plans for today apart from cooking lunch which will probably be roast beef.
We haven't seen any houses around here yet decorated in side or out with Christmas decorations. I can confidently say that where we used to live most of the houses there will be fully decorated by now . I have seen a few friends on FB have posted pictures of their Christmas trees . Most of them are under 40 so is it a generation thing I wonder?
But then OH was playing Christmas music yesterday. I am resisting the urge to watch any Christmas films on TV until December!
Public transport is a bit of a issue here at the moment. Tomorrow taxi drivers are threatening to strike unless the council reviews its charging policy and as from the 1st of January we won't have a bus service as the local bus frim is withdrawing it's service. So the council is trying to sort that out as well.
We we are at DS1s for a few days, helping to put up our old greenhouse. Hopefully we’ll get it finished today as we have to be back home for New Patio Man tomorrow morning.
I hope you you are all ok. It’s been go,go,go here but I read all your news as soon as I can. For now, I’m on window cleaning duty before we put the glass in the greenhouse.
Have a peaceful, happy Sunday. 👍😘
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning ladies ,
Certainly colder Mimi very nippy , Will there be a shuttle bus to replace your bus service do you think ? they can't leave you all without transport surely
WG we have several houses with decorations up mostly those with young children ,
none in our Cul-de-sac we all old fogies but around the estate .
A step forward OH going to dinning room , maybe he will do it more often for the company
Gem how are you after your Jab yesterday ? hope you both don't get a reaction , the Pfizer one seems to not but everyone who has had the Modema one has xx
Nanto cold day to be sorting the freezer , hope you have your vest and thermals on
Plant how was the Music Hall , did you enjoy it xxx
Lizzie that Christmas box must look spectacular its huge ,
I seen the news report about the riots , we call them Rent a mob , its all the ones that go from one place to another just to cause trouble .
The genuine protesters get tared with the same brush even if they are peaceful due to those idiots , they don't help the cause do they
Daisy hope DS is ok and they getting on with the shed xx
Well we are waiting for someone to come out we have no Hot water ,
Had the water heater on all night and its stone cold ,
Just had a quick wash this morning couldn't have a shower
Had to boil kettle to do the dishes
One good thing washing in cold water wakens you up sharpish
We were going out today to a lovely Farm shop about 25 miles away it has a big festive barn and cafe , but now having to stay in for boiler man
Im sure i will find other things to do ,
Have a good day ladies xxx
Daisy our posts crossed , I thought it was the shed they were finishing , good luck with all that glass cleaning
Good morning, yes Oma, Rent a mob, then they give the other protestors a bad name! I still have to go and see the Christmas box, I was going yesterday but it was dull and damp, at least the sun is out at the moment, I hope your boiler soon gets fixed, a cold shower is not what you expect to have!
I have seen quite a few Christmas decorations, in the flat opposite one balcony is decorated with tree and lights etc etc etc! I know my friends on the 3rd floor will have their display set out, next door to me as well. I have friends and they put their trees up at the end of September.
Mimi, I hope they get a bus service sorted for you.
Mimi, public transport can be a pain. I hope they can sort out your bus service.
Busy days for the Daisy household lately! I hope the greenhouse can be finished today.
I hope the boiler man comes soon Oma! A pity to miss the Farm Shop, hopefully another day.
Another one here with no real plans today.
OK so far Oma. I had Pfizer every time, but OH had 2 Astra Zeneca, and Pfizer this time. I have a bit of a sore throat but I had that before the jab. I took a test yesterday to be sure I wasn't taking covid into the vaccination centre!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning everyone, watery sunshine here, I am hoping to have a quiet day today, too much excitement yesterday for an old lady. Show was very good as usual, got back about 7ish, DD, Sil, GD and her partner were out eating in our local restaurant. GD2 was thrilled to see the 3 GC yesterday, they will be going back to their flat today. I haven’t seen any Christmas decorations around here yet, did see the Christmas lights in our local town when we were driving back in the coach yesterday.
Mimi, I hope they sort out your public transport
Busy time for you and yours Daisy, be careful with that glass.
WG, pleased to hear your OH had joined the others for his meal, it takes time. I was with a friend yesterday who had to find a home for her OH eventually, he was going walk-about and trying to get out of the car when she was driving, also he could be violent if she tried to stop him. Your OH sounds like a gentle soul.
Oh Oma, no hot water that’s no fun in the winter. Hop it gets fixed soon. Reminds me, I must get my boiler serviced or I could be in the same boat.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Boiler man came out managed to get us some water by bypassing some unit but it needs replacing
Coming back with new part during week , not ideal but at least we have hot water now .
I'm glad you have some hot water for now Oma.
I hope you got your quiet day Plant.
I don't think we have any plans today,apart from my quiz tonight. I prepared all the questions yesterday.
We both have sore arms from Saturdays boosters, and I still have the sore throat I had before the jab, otherwise we are fine.
I hope this is a good week for everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Hope it stays at just a sore throat gem and doesn't develop into a cold ,
stay warm plenty of fluids , you know the drill big warm snuggly hugs xxxx
B off to MIL's this morning needs new anti virus installing on her lap top so he bought that yesterday and a new bath plug fitting ,
No doubt he will get other jobs to do
Its bright but very cold this morning ,
I am a bit lame this morning must have been laying funny my hip and groin are painful when walking ,
Sometimes I do wake in odd positions , B said he isn't surprised the way I twist around in my sleep
It is either that or with the cold weather Mr Arthritis is calling . all my joints are sore at the minute .
I will pop back later to see what you ladies are up to today xxx