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    They would have been expensive then Nan2!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good Morning ladies ,

      Gem I hope your Mum and her friend have a lovely time and they are not too tearful , such a shame they cant see each other as much now .
      Enjoy the Fireworks

      Mimi sorry I had to laugh I could just picture you and the startled look on your face hahaha

      Thank you for asking my DD is starting with a Private firm , still managing a team of social workers but better hours better pay and smaller team, so win win

      WG that sounds a nice few days away , you will need the peace and quiet , did DS get off ok ?

      Plant any news on your Sister yet ?

      The local Pub had a huge display on last night apparently hundreds went ,
      We got to see them all from the comfort of our sitting room as where the pub is the fireworks were over our way ,
      It must cost a fortune it went on for almost two hours and huge bangs .

      Although I enjoy seeing them i always worry about peoples pets ,

      Storm stands watching them ,
      Buzz usually just sleeps curled up on the sofa,
      But Poor Tallulah DD has to make her a covered Den in the back of the built in wardrobes
      where she can hide in the dark and its muffled by the big Duvet daughter puts over the cat box she hides in .

      I have done my usual scrub out on a Saturday morning , a good weekend blitz then we are going down DD to see her new Posh car she picked up yesterday ,
      A treat for herself leaving her old job and starting her new one on Monday ,

      Its a sleek Mercedes A class ,
      Now that sounds like I know what I am talking about doesn't it
      I haven't got a clue I just know its sleek and comes with amazing gadgets Its Black with Black Alloys ,
      from there everything else is way over my head

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, Good luck to your DD in her new job. Loving the sound of her new car.

        Poor Tallulah, fireworks are so frightening for some animals. They’re were lots of fireworks going off here yesterday evening.

        Gemini, I hope your mum will be in good spirits to enjoy her time with her friend.

        No real news of my sister, speaking to her Dil who visited her it seems she is going down hill, she has always been a strong spirited person. I am not happy that she is not eating and that she has a catheter fitted. I know the hospital can’t discharge her in her condition but I am afraid she will just give up. I will phone her today. I can’t see, even with a care package she can go home but I would like her to be looked after in her local hospital. I also hope her son, who lives in /Thailand will make a trip back, he was coming at Christmas. I suppose this should have gone in separate post.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Sometimes older (and not so old) patients go from hospital to a kind of halfway house rehabilitation centre, Plant before either going home with a care package if needed, or into a nursing home.
          My dad went into one for several weeks and I was impressed with the kindness and caring of all the staff there, and it felt much less hospital-like.
          I wonder if that would be the answer for your sister?
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            They would have been expensive then Nan2!
            Hubby said they musthave spent their life savings on the fireworks.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Lots of fireworks going off last night, the noise was horrendous and seemed to go on for ages! More planned in the village tonight too I believe. There was one at the school in the next village and they were expecting 800 people there! Even our next door neighbour set off some!

              DS got there safely after our early start. Luckily you can drop off at one of the airport carparks for free which is handy, because it costs a fortune even to drop off at the airport itself. Good run there and back and went back to bed when I got home. Had a long walk this morning and am sorting out craft things to finish now. Had just parked the car when a bloke appeared at the passenger window. he wanted to know how to use his app to get out of the car park! Sorry mate, said DS, I'm only getting dropped off! He drove off and I didn't see him when I drove out so I assume the app must have worked at the exit. It never fails when we're someplace strange people ask for directions or help. OH used to say it was always elderly ladies at the railway station in Amsterdam that asked him for directions usually in fast speaking Dutch!!!

              Hope your DD enjoys her new car Oma! Quite right treating herself!

              Have a selection of programmes to watch over the next few days and I can suit myself when I have my meal! It'll be strange having food in the fridge now DS has gone!! One of the neighbours gave me a bag of pears, so I'm planning to make a pear and ginger cake probably tomorrow as it's getting on a bit now.

              Whatever you're up to tonight ladies...enjoy xx

              p.s. Hope some decision is taken for your sister Plant. A worrying time for the family though. It might be worth checking if there are any local nursing homes able to take her. It'd be a bit more calmer than the hospital and she'd get more individual care. Not cheap, but at least she'd have staff checking on her and chatting to her and probably a TV in her room! I can't speak highly enough of the care given to OH. The staff even know how I take my coffee now!!!
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Hello everyone. The Daisies are back home. OH and DS1 didn't quite get the shed finished - it has 4 walls, roof and door, but there are still bits to be done and the roof to be felted, but they ran out of time today. DS1 and DIL are going to a concert at the O2 tonight, so needed to get going. They're staying overnight in London, and back tomorrow, so OH will probably go back up on Monday to help finish the shed off.

                I've read back over the last couple of days, but please forgive me if I don't comment on everything.

                Oma - Your DD must have been very popular and well-loved by her colleagues. What fantastic tributes, and good for her getting a nice new car as well. My DS1 has a Mercedes and loves it - I don't know what model, but it's black and there are lots of lights and digital displays on the dashboard, and it can park itself!! That's scary. Good for Storm, not minding the fireworks, but poor kitty who is so frightened.

                Eva was terrified by the fireworks last night - they went on until well after 11 pm, and persuading her to go in the garden for her nigh time ritual was really difficult, poor thing.

                Gem - I do hope your afternoon with your Mum and her friend goes smoothly and neither ladies get upset. It will be lovely to have Christmas day at your DD2's. Will you be there for the children opening their presents in the morning? I agree, the 'half-way house' rehabilitation centres are very good and caring (the ones round here are anyway). I suppose they are similar to what we used to call convalescent homes.

                Plant - I know you're very worried about your sister, and she probably needs someone who can offer her little snacks of food regularly rather than having full meals, but hospitals don't generally have those sort of facilities. What a pity she hasn't even got access to a tv. Has anyone got a portable dvd player she could borrow, along with some films, or whatever she might enjoy? It might cheer her up a bit.

                WeeGranny - Thank goodness your OH's eyes are ok - at least it's one less thing to worry over. I'm sure it will be quiet without your DS there - but at least the fridge won't magically empty itself overnight! What a good idea to get a few days away. If anyone is due for a break it's you. Is the cottage on the Suffolk coast? I know it's somewhere Avo enjoys visiting with their motorhome. It would be nice if the weather is kind to you as well.

                Mimi - what a shock you had. Not the best time to be startled by big bangs! <Sorry, but you made me laugh>.

                Nanto - It's good to hear your BIL is getting better, but I agree with everyone else - let your SIL do her own cleaning! You and your OH have done more than enough. Do the even realise how lucky they are to have had all that help!

                I'm off to get Eva ready for tonight's fireworks!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Hubby and his brother put the shed up today, at the bungalow.
                  I haven't been down at all today.

                  Oma, DD did right to treat herself to a new car,it sounds nice.
                  She got some lovely presents.

                  Been quite chilly here today.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Tonight has passed quietly and peacefully - apart from Classic FM blaring from my computer upstairs and Alexa downstairs. It was the first time I've tried the 4 hour Pets programme. It's designed to help keep pets calm during fireworks, and Eva has slept through most of it! I'll definitely use that again.

                    WeeGranny - our posts crossed. You certainly had an early start for the airport by the sound of it. But what a luxury to be able to go back to bed! Glad DS arrived safely. Pear and ginger cake sounds delicious. You must look as though you know where you are going for so many people to ask you for directions.

                    Sleep well tonight. x
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good mrning.

                      Daisy, i saw it about Classic FM Pets programme.
                      So pleased it helped Eva.

                      It's an easy dinner today. GD2 coming tomorrow, so i'm doing a roast chicken dinner then.

                      Off to sort some washing out.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good Sunday morning Nanto and all who pop in later.

                        I was so pleased the music made such a difference to Eva. I only half-believed it would work, but it did!

                        We've got friends coming round for coffee this morning, so I need to get a few jobs done first - I don't know where all the washing comes from, but it soon piles up. Then we need to do a few jobs in the garden. It's all go!

                        Have a restful, happy, peaceful Sunday, everyone. x
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Morning ladies

                          Daisy I heard about the music , im please Eva was ok , you would try anything to keep them calm wouldn't you

                          Nanto I love a proper roast chicken always nicer than just cooking a breast .

                          Showers done towels in wash ,
                          We have been invited to our Martin's for lunch so we popping out to buy cakes to take with us when shops open .

                          The police were called to my next door neighbour last night , She was banging on my elderly neighbours wall and screaming then the man next to them was clearing some leaves up in his front garden and she went down accused him of following her she then exposed herself to him ,

                          She said I have nothing on pulled her top up and her pants to her knees
                          Apart from anything else she isn't a small girl so that would be a shock to his system .

                          Social workers and police came out stayed about 15 minutes then left
                          We are betting instead of taking her away they will just have warned her
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning ladies.
                            I hope everyone is well.

                            Pear and ginger cake sounds nice WG.
                            Nan2, nice idea to save the roast until GD comes tomorrow
                            Daisy we left Classic FM on for Henry as we were out last night. We left at 1, so he had many hours before the evenings pet programme I'm glad it helped Eva. Henry had nothing to report

                            The trip out with mum went much better than expected. As usual she had got upset before we got there not wanting to go out , and agitated on the way there saying she didn't know where she lived now and when I explained, asking why she couldn't go home (not that she remembered where Home actually was) This went on quite a while and I reminded her that she can never remember when she leaves so there isn't any point upsetting herself by trying, and that she remembers when we go back. I also pointed out that she was spoiling this chance to see her friend after all this time by getting upset and agitated. Her reasoning isn't there in the same way of course , but she did take this on board.
                            It was lovely to see these old friends reunited after almost two years. I think it was February 2020 I last dropped mum off at her friend's for the afternoon. Before mum became ill and before the pandemic. Friend's DD had advised her mum about not asking my mum about her current situation as it only confuses her. All in all a lovely time, mum told the carers we had had lovey afternoon. Getting her out does her good and it worth the stress and hassle! We will do this again.

                            We went to DD2's for while then we all went to a firework display, where we met up with my other DDs and OH's and GS1. So good to have a family outing.
                            We didn't fancy food from the stalls there, so were going to have fish and chips for our local chippy which we thought closed at 10. We got there are 9.20 and it was closed, same for the one in the next village. We opted for Chinese, we were so hungry by now we woud probably have eaten almost anything! With a portion of chips to share too, as we got our minds set on chips!

                            No plans today, just see how the day goes. I do need to set a quiz before tomorrow night, so I will probably do that.

                            Happy Sunday everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good Morning everyone,after what seems such a long time I finally feel well enough to update on my news.
                              These past 3 weeks have been awful I am feeling so much better now after 2 courses of antibiotics and lots and lots of sleep.
                              I have had to cancel my eye injections twice this month but was able to go on Friday for the laser treatment I was frightened that I may have lost my place on the waiting list if I cancelled that again.
                              Every C19 test has come back negative and my Dr.said it is just a nasty chest infection all cleared up now thank goodness,tomorrow I go for my booster injection so just hoping that I have no reaction to it.

                              I have caught up with everyones news and you all sound so busy with such a lot going on.

                              To day I am doing the first roast I have cooked for nearly a month poor Jim must think I have fell out with him so today I am doing him homemade hunters chicken and rice pudding he loves rice pudding with fresh cream.

                              Oliver has stayed indoors these past few days he has been sleeping in the wardrobe away from the sound of fireworks poor chap was frightened with the bangs why are they so loud like bombs going off,my neighbour next door but one set off loads in his garden (for his DGC 12mths old) and they went on for nearly half an hour the noise was horrendous you would have thought he would have had more sense with us all being older in the close and we have all been poorly the past few weeks there is no excuse for stupid according to my DD.

                              Saying bye for now I will catch up in a day or two off to hang the washing whilst the sun is shining xx
                              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                                I agree Glamm, not very necessary for a 1 year old. I feel there have been many more fireworks this year. So pleased you are feeling much better. Jim will be pleased to est your lovely meals again. I think he must think an angel has arrived next door.

                                When you say there is a working windmill near you Lizzie, does it still grind corn for sale?

                                Pleased to hear all the pets found a safe place to sleep when all the fireworks were going off.

                                Have a lovely time at the Martins Oma, nice to have a lunch cooked for you. How is your Sil?

                                What an awful situation for your neighbour Oma, it isn’t fair that she can cause so much trouble. Surely there is somewhere more suitable for her to live. I do feel sorry for her.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

