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    WG, I loved nordic walking, at the moment my foot won't allow it, but, I do hope to get back into it.


      Had a lovely lunch cooked by my SIL , his Yorkshire pud's are almost as good as B's

      Sat and had a lovely cuddle with Tallulah , she snuggled on my knee and went sound asleep , Buzz had a bit sniff sat by me for a couple of minutes then went off in a huff ,
      Storm was happy to let her sleep on my knee he loves Tallulah

      She is a tiny little Felix cat usually hides if lots of people are in but today she was very brave
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I had a very nice visit to my mum this afternoon

        Daisy, no art was done. I came home, watched the first episode of Vigil, made and ate my meal then watched another episode. I originally had only a visit to mum planned over the two days OH will be away, but then GS2 came on the agenda for tomorrow!

        Nordic walking sounds good Lizzie and WG.
        It's lovely to have Sunday lunch cooked for you Oma, and cat cuddles as a bonus
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Was your Mum keeping well Gem ?
          Hope she had a lovely visit , SIL was talking about Vigil today said its good

          I wanted to watch a film tonight but I am so tired I don't think I would enjoy it so will maybe watch one tomorrow ,
          SIL said the Jungle one with Dwain The Rock Johnson in is good too .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma - that sounds a lovely Sunday lunch. You were honoured having a cuddle with Tallulah by the sound of things.

            Gem -perhaps the nice sunny day helped to put your mum in good spirits, but pity you didn't get any art done.

            I only did about half an hour. I've basically wasted today, achieving nothing really. Tomorrow is an early start to collect GD1 and Cooper. It's GD1's last full day of her holidays we we'll try and make it special.

            Lizzie Nordic walking seems quite popular round here - you see quite a lot of groups about.

            It's been a gorgeous sunny day today - every nice day is precious at this time of year.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Been lovely and warm here today.
              Neighbour came over for a natter and said the weather will change on Thursday to rain.

              Oma, your Sunday dinner sounded scrummy.

              Gem,pleased you had a lovely visit with your Mum.

              I didn't do a lot really today,just the washing and a bit of housework.

              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.



                Anther nice day forecast,i think.
                Plans for this morning are gardening.
                Don't think it will take long,just the grass needs cutting.

                Have a good day ladies.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning, lovely and sunny here, my washing will soon dry, I hope you all had a good weekend, Oma, you would enjoy the lunch and Gem the visit to your mother.
                  I have a busy day, well, for me anyway. I am doing the coffee morning then aqua starts this afternoon, DS2 and DIL are eating here so I have just got chicken curry in the slow cooker, I hope I haven't overdone the curry powder.


                    Good Monday morning, Nanto and all who call in later. What lovely butterfies, Nanto - a pretty start to the day.

                    I'm off in a few minutes to pick up GD1 and Cooper for the day - GD1's last full day before school starts. I'll pop back later to see how everyone is.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning all.
                      Another week begins.

                      Nan2, I hope you get the gardening done.
                      Good to be back at aqua Lizzie.
                      Daisy, have a good GD and dog day

                      It is the last day of the holidays for both my GS's too.
                      GS2 is coming here. His sister is at her new school for the first day. I feel a bit anxious about our little girl going to a new big school, but shes nearly 12, and its actually a small school for secondary (500) so I'm sure she will be fine.

                      OH has her second day of golf, not sure what time she will be back. Whats App quiz for me tonight.

                      Happy Monday everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Morning ladies
                        Dull here and damp ,
                        Not much planned ,
                        I have to wait for nurse ringing this morning this thrush never actually cleared up and its still bugging me ,
                        I rang to speak to Dr again this morning but can only speak to the nurse today

                        Not bothered who I speak to as long as I can get some ease from it
                        Will pop back later ladies have a good day xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Sun shining again, it was very warm yesterday. GGC came yesterday afternoon with their parents, lots of fun in the garden. Baby H was so good overnight with DD and Sil, her parents picked her up about 5pm. GD starts back to work tomorrow, child care in place, she is only working three days and no late nights, early morning or weekends. Limits the jobs she can do in the shop. Bowls this afternoon, indoors unfortunately.

                          Daisy enjoy your day with GD and Cooper.

                          Oma, I hope you manage to speak to someone who can help you. I would love a roast dinner, haven’t cooked one since OH died. What a dreadful experience for you seeing the body covered over, I wonder what happened? It will probably be in the local paper.

                          Lizzie, enjoy your Aqua, My class starts next week.

                          Gemini, enjoy your day with GS2. Good luck in the quiz
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Gem - I'm sure your GD will be fine, but I know what you mean. They seem so little to be going to big school. Our GD1 starts tomorrow afternoon and I feel a bit anxious for her already. It's such a long journey and she's not had a lot of experience of travelling on buses, let alone on her own. Tomorrow her mum and dad are taking her and picking her up again because it's out of normal bus times. She's finishing off her homework this morning (nothing like leaving it till the last minute!)

                            Oma - good luck with getting some help from the nurse today.

                            Lizzie - you'll be so glad to get back to your Aqua class. I bet that chicken curry will be delicious.

                            Plant - how does your GD1 feel about going back to work? It will be quite a change for the whole family, but it's good that she can do the hours she prefers, especially while little H is so young.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning. Very very warm here today...I really don’t like the heat, it drains me. Changed the bedding, and it’s on the line and I’m worn out.! I’m so pleased I got the gardening jobs done last week when it was nice and cool. Think I’ll be staying inside this afternoon.

                              Oma, hope you get the help you need today, something like that really drains you. Lizzie, enjoy your aqua class, I used to love aqua but now the pool has closed and the other one nearby gets so booked up it’s hard to get in.

                              Have a good day everyone 🌞
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Blood tests tomorrow afternoon
                                Nurse is convinced one of my Diabetic drugs that I haven't been on so long is the cause , apparently they are notorious for causing it ,
                                Plus I am struggling with my sugar levels so those two combined are a problem .

                                They did say I may have to go on Insulin at some point if drugs don't work I have a feeling it may happen sooner than later .
                                We will see
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

