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    Mimi, I am appalled by that Dr's comment

    The spray sounds lovely.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Mimi,that wasn't very nice of the doctor.

      Dads shower is ok. Don't know what he had done,but hubby got it sorted.

      Had quite a bit of rain this morning and has been quite dark.
      The sun is shining now.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        It's been dark day here all day Nan2.

        I had a nice treatment this morning. This afternoon I put all the stamps on the cards to be posted and got a little present wrapping done . OH and I got all the Christmas stuff down from the loft.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          I am beginning to think I am getting behind, I haven’t written a card or wrapped a present. Perhaps I might get into the spirit after DS’s birthday on Wed. I have been down with GD and baby H all day, GD is not well and worn out with coughing, after lunch she put H to bed and I sent her to have a sleep. I hope it did her some good. So no work done today, I intend to sort the bed and put a duster and vacuum around tomorrow. Hairdresser coming Wed and then I will deliver DS’s present. I still intend to try to finish the table runner, I will put it on the table even if it is not quite finished.

          A nice treatment Gemini, send them my way.

          Pleased to hear the shower was okay Nanto.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant,your poor GD, hope she feels better soon.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Plant, it's only December 6th don't worry! Some of us like to get ahead, but it's not compulsory
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Oma - how frustrating that you can't get a blood check at your doctors until the new year! Surgeries now have permission to put some routine checks etc 'on hold' while they give more patients the booster jab. Some surgeries aren't doing boosters anyway, I read somewhere. It makes you wonder what they are doing. Having said that, someone near us said that she needed a physio appointment and the surgery gave her an appointment at the local hospital for 4 hours later the same day!

                Plenty of time to get B's sister's birthday card, Oma, although I have got cards already for birthdays on the 27 and 28th - there's never much choice of birthday cards in the shops at this time of year so I ordered them online.

                Enfys - I hope relaxing sessions in the hot tub help with your aches and pains - it's so relaxing, isn't it. Your poor GS, what bad luck to get a football injury just before your holiday. Thank goodness it isn't worse though.

                Mimi - it's sounding very festive at yours - what a lovely door ornament, and glad you tree fits in so well. That doctor should have known better - appalling treatment of a nervous and shy patient!

                Plant - I've only done the cards that need to go abroad. I intended to start on the others today, but got sidetracked, as I so often do. You've got bags of time before Christmas. I've got a couple of presents, but that's all, and certainly no wrapping. In fact, no wrapping paper anyway! I have booked my Christmas delivery slot for Sainsburys and started to think about food, but nothing else.

                Gme - what a nice day - relaxation and some Christmas jobs done as well. I hope the rest of the week isn't too hectic.

                We started off with sunshine this morning but then the clouds gathered and furiously chucked loads of water at us! Despite water standing elsewhere in the garden, the patio drained really well, so we're very pleased. It certainly filled up the water butts as well.

                I took Eva for a walk this afternoon and then dug up some soil samples to test where I want to put our new tree (I think the soil might be too acidic for some varieties).

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good evening ladies! I'm not sure where the time is going at the moment. I seem to be spending whole chunks of the day on the phone or online! But the list is getting shorter which is something.

                  DS persuaded me to go to the gym this morning. Did my workout and was just getting ready to go home when a lady came in the changing rooms and asked if I'd like to join the Pilates class. So I did! I shall ache tomorrow, but my mind was so occupied with trying to get the moves right, I didn't have time to think about anything else! Met someone I used to work with many years ago. Small world.

                  DS hasn't been coping well with his Dad's death and decided to speak to the GP. I warned him he'd probably be in a queue even at 8.30. Anyway, he rang and I could hear him talking, came off the phone and said that the doctor would phone after 2.30. The receptionist eve said she was sorry for our loss and that OH had been a lovely man. Sure enough the doc phoned him and he had a script ready to pick up at the pharmacy before closing time. Doc also said she was asking for someone to phone me and provide some support . Still can't quite believe it!

                  Did I tell you our lovely next door neighbour passed away 24 hours after DH? She was 93 and hadn't been well though it was still a bit of a shock.

                  Hope that all the poorly people soon feel better. Sending love to you all xx
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    WeeGranny - first of all - I'm so glad both you and DS are getting good support from your GP and staff at the surgery. Your DS did the right thing in persuading you to go to the gym, and good for you for joining in with the Pilates class. Will you go regularly now?

                    It's sad to hear about your elderly neighbour passing away within such a short time of your OH.

                    It sounds as though you are getting through the paperwork and phone calls. It's not pleasant, but it has to be done, and the sooner the better - it's worse when it drags on for months.

                    You are doing amazing, and I admire your strength. Sending hugs. xx
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      WG, i think you are doing so well,its still early days after all.
                      Sad about your neighbour.

                      Storm Barra is heading to our shores. Oh joy.

                      I'm going to dads later,so i hope i get back before the storm arrives.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning ladies ,
                        I was in bed for 9 last night i was so tired ,
                        I slept through till 4.30 so almost 8 hours , Going to be a long day but feel so much better having solid sleep

                        WG your doing so well , Pleased you have such a caring Dr and your DS is getting help too .

                        Nanto its very frosty this morning but so far calm
                        Our window cleaner came yesterday so windows nice and clean ready for the storm making them dirty again

                        Daisy have you decided what kind of tree your getting or is it a bush ?
                        Sounds like the new patio man has done a good job unlike the last one .

                        Gem have you heard anything about the house sale yet ?
                        Bs sister was hoping to be moved into her new house by Christmas , hers is sold and she bought a one but paper work is taking a long time .

                        Mimi that's a very un sensitive thing that Dr did , he needs to go back and learn bed side manners

                        Plant how's GD did she feel better after her nap ?

                        Lizzie how's things at your end xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning, WG, you must be very pleased with your doctor. Well done for going to the gym and the pilates!

                          Oma, that was a good long sleep you had, I often go to bed early as I am awake early, especially with the dark nights I think I move my day! It was very cold yesterday, I went to the pool, there had been championship swimming and the water was COLD! It should be warmed up by next week. I put a new bulb in the hall at 6am, not supposed to be on high steps at that time, or any time come to think of it, I decided it could do with a clean so I got that done, I would love to clean the one in the kitchen, but, I will wait for DS2 and DIL to do that for me.

                          The sun is out now and the wind has dropped.


                            Good morning Nanto, Lizzie and Oma and all who follow.

                            The weather's ok here at the moment but I think rain aplenty is on its way.

                            Nanto - I'd enjoy a nice cup of tea from that dainty cup, although I think I'd have to take the flowers out of the teapot before I put the tea in! Very pretty.

                            Oma - hurrah for a good sleep. You certainly needed it and I'm glad you feel better for it. No I haven't decided what kind of tree yet - probably a crab apple, alamanchier or a rowan. There's so much to choose from.

                            Lizzie - I think it's quite a good idea to 'move' your day/night in the winter. Then you can make the most of what little daylight we have. Yesterday with waking up late I 'lost' a couple of hours of daylight! For goodness sake, be careful climbing on stepladders to change bulbs, especially in the dark! As for cleaning ... that can definitely wait. xx

                            Gem - how did your quiz go last night?

                            I've got an exciting trip to the dentist this morning - just the hygienist - but apart from that it's just getting on with things I've been putting off.

                            I hope everyone's ok, including Plant's GD1 and baby H. Take care in the bad weather, ladies.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning fellow grandmas.

                              Yes, Nan2, just as we are over one storm, Storm Barra is coming.

                              WG, It's good to know the GP practice are being caring and helpful. Gym and Pilates can only help you xx

                              Oma, that sleep will have done you good. No further news on the house sale. The solicitors reply last week was that they were handling some questions from the buyer's solicitors. Slowly by the look of it!

                              Daisy, no quiz last night as we would have had only three taking part. We need at least four to make it worthwhile, so it is postponed to next Monday.

                              Lizzie, not the season for a cold pool!!

                              OH will be on the golf course in a while, which will also be a cold experience. Hand warmers are out.
                              I have to go to a review meeting regarding my sister. Last years was via Zoom. I will do a lateral flow test before I go, so I can see her afterwards, as it is held where she lives. I am taking her cards and presents from us and mum, and little present for the staff, in case I don't get back over there. It's only about a 40 minute drive, but you never know with weather at this time of year. The meeting is at 11. The storm is due late afternoon, so I should be back before it gets too bad.
                              This afternoon I will collect GS1 from school. Not sure if I am taking him to martial arts today.

                              Take care in the storm everyone. Stay in if you can.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I hope the storm blows itself out before it reaches you in the North. Weather very dreary here.

                                Oma, that was a good sleep, set you up for a few days.

                                WG your doctors are being very caring for you and your son. Good for you to go and get some exercise, they say it de-stresses you.

                                Gemini, take care driving to your sisters review.

                                I presume my GD has gone to work today, her Mil has Harriet, I hope they are feeling better.

                                I want to do a bit of ………… this morning, then I am going to drop off some notes to a friend. I am hoping to put a banana cake mix in the bread maker and would like to fit in making some pastry for the first batch of mince pies. We shall see.

                                Lizzie, get off that stool immediately! I wouldn’t dream of doing that (nose getting longer). Seriously do take care.

                                Daisy, not sure about a Rowan tree, they drop their orange (although I think you can get a white berries one) berries and they tread everywhere.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

