OH has left for the golf clubhouse! They decided not to play, as the rain is set in for most of the day. Very wise.
I need to go out and buy some chocolate for GS1's birthday this morning.The family have all contributed to a PS4, so I just need a little thing. A big tub of Cadbury's Heroes will go down well
I have felt headachey and 'coldy' for the last few days. It seems to strangely come and go. I feel quite poorly, then OK! I'm not going to do anything I don't have to for a few days, so will stay away from the library tomorrow afternoon I think.
I need to go out and buy some chocolate for GS1's birthday this morning.The family have all contributed to a PS4, so I just need a little thing. A big tub of Cadbury's Heroes will go down well

I have felt headachey and 'coldy' for the last few days. It seems to strangely come and go. I feel quite poorly, then OK! I'm not going to do anything I don't have to for a few days, so will stay away from the library tomorrow afternoon I think.