Good morning all.
I do hope anyone poorly soon feels better. It’s not good to be ill in this weather. At least in the winter you can snuggle in blankets etc.
I am spending 10 days with DD and family. I cheated the train strike by coming a day early. I was originally booked for today but had to swiftly change when it was certain the strike would go ahead. I expected the train to be busy with other people also trying to get away early but the train seemed to have about the same number of passengers as usual. My DD met me at Paddington and guided me on the Tube to Kings Cross for the short journey to Welwyn. I suppose you get used to Tube travelling if you live and work in London but I might have well been in a maze, blindly following DD 😀
I hope everyone has a good day whatever they’re up to. DD and I are just off to take the reluctant dog to the groomers 😀
Hallo, I have been for a bike ride, I was almost home when I got a call asking if I would do the coffee etc this afternoon, it is the games afternoon, very popular, I have said I will do it so will be going soon. GD2 is coming for a meal tomorrow evening, I said we would have wraps with smoked salmon, GD1 heard that and decided she will come as well!!!!
Clover, I would be lost on the underground, the one in Rotterdam has a few lines and I manage to get on the right one but heading the wrong way!!!
Hubby was out this morning with his pal. Came home and said my phones gone all haywire.
Don't ask me what had happened, because neither of us know.
Anyway, i have been working with google most of the day, but i got it sorted for him.
The settings are slightly different but he's happy with it.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Poor Gem - it's a nasty bug for sure. Sending hugs, Gem. xxx
I mostly think the London underground is ok, although I have gone the long way round on the Circle line more than once! I'm not so keen when it's very crowded though - even more since the pandemic started.
Nanto - I wonder what happened to your OH's phone? Well done for getting it sorted.
Clover - lovely to be spending time with DD and family, and just as well you went a day earlier. How is your DD getting on at Uni> I hope she's made up for all the disruption of lockdowns and has made lots of new friends. I bet GS has grown. They seem to put on inches over night, don't they.
Lizzie - I'm sure the thought of delicious wraps is great, but I think they come to see you anyway because they just like being with you. x
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Daisy, i've no idea what happened to hubbys phone,but he's bad when it comes to anything techy.
He can use the remote to watch something we've recorded on tv, and he can b****r everything up.
Sunshine again.
This morning we are going to see DS2 and his partner. Taking his birthday presents.
Not his birthday till July 2nd, but they are going to Edinburgh next week.
If we don't go today,we won't see his partner.Today is her last day off until they go away.
Have a good day ladies.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Morning Nanto
lovely graphic 😁
I am the same as your husband , I can’t do anything with my phone , my last one I had 4 years when I discovered it had a little built in stylus pen 😁
As for the telly remote , I never touch it except to turn to over , wouldn’t know how to work anything else ,
Just as well me and your hubby have people who know what to do hahaha ,
Got to go to MILs today take her meals as we won’t get tomorrow our usual day with having the flooring done ,
I got the sideboard cleared out this morning so far ,it’s where I keep all my glasses and spare crockery ,
After lunch we will tackle the large double cupboard where all Bs kitchen equipment is kept , only place all that will go is either the spare room or cram it in the already full shed 🙄
No way could the cupboard be moved to put flooring down if we don’t empty it
we never stopped yesterday taking Breakfast bar island out and kick boards off ,
Dreading it all but once it’s done it will be worth it ,
Good Wednesday morning, everyone. It's bright and sunny here and looks as though it's going to be hot later.
Nanto - lovely graphic - Lizzie out on a bike ride through the flower markets. Your OH is so handy in lots of ways, like mine. It's funny how tech stuff seems to defeat them though. My OH never picks his phone up without frowning at it and muttering words that don't sound like "I love my phone!" He is getting better, but he's better than me with the mysteries of the TV remote.
Oma - 4 years isn't that long, really!! Don't overdo things with all the work round the flooring. What kind of flooring are you having? I hope MIL is in a good mood. x
Yesterday GD1 was "medium medium". When I asked her how she was she said "medium" and I said was that 'medium good or medium bad' and she opted for 'medium medium'. But we had a lovely time. We sat out on their garden swing for a while but it was too hot for Eva and she was panting like mad so we went back in. We both started new scrunchies - I'm knitting a multi-coloured one for GD2 and GD1 is knitting a new and improved version of her first one. Her knitting is getting very nice and even and she's pleased with her progress. We'll have to find a new project soon.
Gem - I really do hope you are feeling better this morning. How is your appetite - I hope it's coming back. Sending more hugs. xx
Clover - have you got lots of plans for your visit to your DD and family, or is it more 'go with the flow'?
I wonder how Glam is. I hope she's enjoying her holiday.
Have a good day, everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Daisy, I suppose medium medium is so much better than bad. I think of that little lady going through this and not knowing how long it will last.
Oma, I don’t envy you that upheaval, what is the next thing on your list? I am sure your Mil will be happy with her new meals. Fingers crossed.
Nanto, I have had to muddle my way through the technology we have today. Fortunately I have a lot of help to call on.
I have been cleaning out the hedge bottom in the courtyard this morning after the men cut the hedge they left a lot of hedge trimmings, but have had to stop because it is in full sun, will finish it later. We have lots of hedges and I don’t bother with the hedge bottoms elsewhere but it looks so untidy onto the courtyard. I am expecting DS to pick up a fan heater, they have had a very bad leak under the bath and everywhere is soaking. The two little GGD’s are next door, I did have a visit, will go in to see them later.
Gemini, I do hope you are feeling you are shaking off the bug and enjoying the fine weather.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Daisy it’s Grey wood flooring well I say wood it’s like a new composite stuff SIL put in my hall way , we liked it a lot so decided to have it through except sitting room , Im keeping my carpet ,
We have tiled floors through at the moment , they have been down almost 18 years , I love them but one or two have cracked and it’s impossible to get a match now so we decided to take the plunge and replace the flooring ,
The prep involved has been more than we anticipated , then once it’s done everything has to be rebuilt and put back 🙄
GD Medium medium is better than Bad medium bless her xx
Plant that sounds a big job with the hedges , my neighbour had there’s done last week they came with these pop up scaffolds to do the top , had ground sheets down but still a fair bit to tidy after .