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    Sorry, that was an early post that didn't work.

    Oma, you will be busy with all the towels to wash.

    Plant, I hope Sil is fine, he won't be able to drive will he?
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      Lizzie lovely photos looked nice and sunny too 😁

      Plant poor SIL will DD be able to leave work to pick him up after Hospital ? Hope it’s not broken just badly bruised
      Hope you have a good game of bowls today xx

      Daisy enjoy your get together and a good chat , will you be having cake 😁

      Gem I think I would like some reflexology today too ,
      B loves Sweet & Sour he makes a good one too much nicer than bought in isn’t it , I’m sure everyone will enjoy it ,
      Daisys suggestion of Strawberry & Cream is a good easy pud 😁

      WG once you get it decorated to your taste you will feel happier always best to live with what you have for a couple of weeks then put your mark on it .

      Nanto your OH is like mine will turn his hand to almost anything and make a decent job of it saving money😁

      Well the hoard arrived showers taken quick coffee and toast then they were off to work and college ,
      All towels in wash and bathroom cleaned , windows open to let the steam out ,

      I thought while I was at it I may as well take shower curtains down and wash them too ,
      They are very big very long weighted shower curtains as it’s a wet room but thankfully they dry so quickly .

      I then Ironed as I didn’t have the energy yesterday , then I sprayed the weeds on the drive .

      Iam worn out now B making me sit down for a while and I’m not complaining about that I can tell you πŸ™„πŸ˜

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, hubby can make/fix /recycle anything.He's always loved doing DIY.

        Lizzie,pleased you had a lovely Mothers day. Lovely photos.

        Bedding has been changed and washed while the weather is nice.
        Bedrooms and bathroom cleaned.
        Downstairs is all tidy.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone I do hope you are all in best of health and rested after the week-end.
          I have had a quiet couple of days I popped into Town on Saturday and met up with my pal,DD came with me as she was over for the day she is now staying in Liverpool with her partner most of the time I can see a wedding on the cards in the not too distant future.

          This next Friday see's my DGDs 4th birthday she is so excited about all her friends going to the party and having a bouncy castle.It was difficult to find a venue available as they where all booked up I think people are making up for not having party celebrations over the last couple of years.My son and his wife have bought her her first bike so there will most likely be bruised shins for the next couple of weeks the little one has insisted she has a seat for her dolly Annabelle so she can take her out on rides that dolly goes everywhere with her.

          Not too much going on here at the moment all the housework done and dusted washing drying nicely outside so tomorrow will crack on with some ironing and get it all put away out of sight.
          My friend D is coming to stay for a few days at the week-end so I need to be spick & span she is going to come with me to the eye clinic as I have to go for a check up its 3 months since I last went the time has certainly passed by quickly.

          I was going to go to Town today for a browse about but have changed my mind now I have just put a chicken in to roast for tonight with some veg left from yesterday I'm keeping away from the carbs as I need to loose a few lbs before my holiday not too much mind you just enough to feel comfy in my dresses which seem a wee bit snug after I tried them on this past week.

          Enjoy the rest of the day ladies and take things easy where you can xx glamma xx

          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Glamm I think your right everyone trying to get party’s booked , the little ones have missed out so much these past few years ,
            Hope your eye appointment goes ok maybe you will be lucky and be discharged.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Lizzie, nice pictures, now we can picture you.

              Oma, you sound a bit brighter, well done B for saying that is enough.

              Glamm. Hope the eye clinic appt. Goes okay, good to have a friend go with you. I bet your GGD is very excited at the prospect of getting her first bike and a party with her friends.

              I could do with some massage on my neck Gemini., it keeps locking.

              Feeling rather exhausted, spent the day with GD and baby H. We went to a very good model village called Bekonscot. It is quite famous and is only a few miles away. Apart from one school visiting it was quite quiet. At first baby H was only interested in walking the little paths but after lunch we went around again and she was fascinated with the models, the trains etc. We had a ride on a train and she cried when it stopped and we had to get off.

              Sil has his arm in plaster, the hospital are not sure if it a break or a bad sprain. They will be able to tell in a fortnight.

              WG, pleased you are enjoying finding the footpaths through the beech woods near to you, the bluebells look so beautiful against the fresh green of the beech leaves.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Plant, hope SIL's arm is better soon. Baby H sounds delightful.

                Hubby finished the job at the bungalow. They now want an wrought iron gate hanging.
                That will be another job for hubby,when they have got one.
                After i had tidied up after dinner,i went down to help hubby tidy up.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nanto - the bungalow will be like a palace by the time your OH has finished.

                  Plant - A day out with an active toddler is exhausting, but I'm sure it was great fun watching her reactions. I hope your SIL's arm is just a sprain. I wonder why they can't tell from an X-ray.

                  Glamm - I can imagine how excited your GD is about her 4th birthday. I hope the eye check-up goes well. It's good to have a friend with you, and I'm sure you will have a few outings as well. How was the roast chicken? Easing off on the carbs is a good way to lose a few pounds, isn't it.

                  Oma - it must have been quite a queue for your bathroom this morning! Is their water heater fixed now? Is it tomorrow your new flooring goes down? What have you chosen? I hope you've had a rest for the rest of the day.

                  Lizzie - thank you for the photos - it's lovely to see you. I'm glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day with DS2. Have DS(1?) and family recovered from their long drive home yet?

                  Gem - I hope the reflexology was blissful. Enjoy your evening. x

                  We had a lovely morning with our little group of neighbours. We sat out in the garden and the birds were singing and the sun was shining. Wonderful. Oma - there was cake (birthday cake from our neighbour's husband's birthday at the week-end), but I had literally just had breakfast and couldn't manage even a small slice. But it was lovely to catch up with everyone there. It was lunch-time when I got back home. After lunch I felt really tired. I had planned to go to the garden centre (again!) but didn't feel like it. So I had a bit of a rest and then took Eva for a good, long walk in the Forest. It was quite warm and heavy though and I was constantly on the look out for adders. There seem to be a lot about round here at the moment. OH has gone out to a meeting tonight, so it's very quiet here. Eva is fast asleep. I'm going to do a bit of ironing to get it out of the way before GD1 comes tomorrow. We're having our knit and natter at our house for a change. It gives her a change of scenery, and her dad a break. We'll have Cooper as well.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy I have chose a slate grey wood it sort of matches the stair carpet ,
                    Plumber came and fit the new radiator on , he had just been to DD , the boiler needs a part he didn’t have so it’s round two with our shower in the morning πŸ™„

                    I was reading there is a big problem with Adders this year and several dogs have been bitten ,
                    Enjoy your knit & Natter with GD tomorrow xx

                    Plant I bet Baby H was a delight to watch , I wonder what was going on in her little mind seeing the model village .
                    Poor SIL is his arm to swollen to X-ray ?

                    The wind has picked up here it’s blowing the trees around quite a bit .

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Bright but not sunny this morning. I think there is a bit of rain in the forecast.

                      Oma, your shower is working overtime this week.

                      Daisy,enjoy your knit and natter with GD1.

                      Hubby out for a couple of hurs this morning. No set plans for me.
                      Will just take the day as it comes.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nanto and everyone else who drops in later. It's raining here! We badly need rain, but unless it gets a lot heavier this shower won't help much.

                        Nanto - lovely flowers. Enjoy your free-and-easy day.

                        Oma - the carpet sounds lovely. We need to choose something that doesn't show dog hairs too badly, so it will have to be fairly light. I hope the plumber can fix DD's heater ok today, but in the meantime, get the coffee and toast on!

                        Change of plans for me. GD1 isn't well enough to come here so I'm going over there this morning so we can do whatever she feels up to doing. I'm taking Eva so Cooper still gets his play date with her. I've also got 10 tomato plants to take over, so packing the car will be interesting. I hope they go in the footwell at the front.

                        Have a good day everyone. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning everyone.
                          A very sunny one here, but with a stiff breeze!

                          The photos are very nice Lizzie. I have many photos somewhere of us all many years ago!

                          Plenty going on for you Glamma!

                          Oma, I think you could do with some reflexology.

                          Although tiring I bet your times with baby H are lovely Plant

                          Enjoy your nothing planned day Nan2.

                          It's pity your GD isnt up to coming to you today Daisy, but she will enjoy seeing you I'm sure.

                          We had a lovely evening with our friends. OH's sweet and sour went down very well. I adapted Daisy's strawberries and cream idea. We mixed strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and offered both cream and vanilla ice cream. Simple but enjoyed by all
                          Library, school run and accompanying GS1 to martial arts class for me today. OH has golf during the day, then back for a golf meal in the evening.

                          Have a good day ladies.
                          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning ladies,
                            Beautiful flowersNanto enjoy your me day 😁

                            Daisy that will be interesting , tomato plants and Eva in the car πŸ˜πŸ‘

                            Gem a busy day for you, pudding sounds my sort of pud think I would have gone for ice cream with mine 😁

                            GS having his shower now DD & SIL coming a bit later as they are busy taking delivery of stuff for garden , delivery man came earlier than expected .

                            We off to IKEA this morning so they will have to let themselves in if we have gone out by then ,

                            SIL putting the wood down in the hall today too so another job out of the way .
                            B still has 4 doors to gloss on the landing but rest is done

                            Have a good day ladies xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, I had ice cream with mine

                              Have fun in IKEA!
                              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning all, will be back!
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

