Yesterday, I'd arranged to meet GS and he'd asked if we could go to the driving range! I haven't played golf for at least 20 years, so I warned him I was a
bit rusty. Anyway, we took one of the bays furthest away from the entrance and armed with a basket of balls and a borrowed driver, off we went! I amazed myself....and GS, at how few times I missed a shot, S0me of the balls didn't go very far but I got beyond a 100 yards with one of them! I enjoyed myself so much that I've booked myself in for a lesson with the Pro next week to see if it's worth going any further. GS is already planning a visit to the Par 3 course!
Went to JL afterwards and someone is coming to measure up for curtains in my front room and bedroom. There is a bay window in the front room and I have no idea about tracks etc, so thought I'd get professional advice about it. Bedroom is straightforward, but I've gone past the days of buying material and making them myself. I was horrified at the price of material...£97 per metre for one that I looked at! Needless to say I put it back fairly sharpish!
Had forgotten it's a Bank Holiday on Monday! Don't think I'll be going anywhere though!
Have a good evening ladies xx
bit rusty. Anyway, we took one of the bays furthest away from the entrance and armed with a basket of balls and a borrowed driver, off we went! I amazed myself....and GS, at how few times I missed a shot, S0me of the balls didn't go very far but I got beyond a 100 yards with one of them! I enjoyed myself so much that I've booked myself in for a lesson with the Pro next week to see if it's worth going any further. GS is already planning a visit to the Par 3 course!
Went to JL afterwards and someone is coming to measure up for curtains in my front room and bedroom. There is a bay window in the front room and I have no idea about tracks etc, so thought I'd get professional advice about it. Bedroom is straightforward, but I've gone past the days of buying material and making them myself. I was horrified at the price of material...£97 per metre for one that I looked at! Needless to say I put it back fairly sharpish!
Had forgotten it's a Bank Holiday on Monday! Don't think I'll be going anywhere though!
Have a good evening ladies xx