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    Morning ladies not a bad morning ,
    Waiting for Dog to arrive ,
    B off to buy milk , got up this morning and the milk is off ,
    only bought it on Monday and it’s well in date so not sure why it’s turned .

    will pop back later xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning, Daisy, I did the windows indoors yesterday, I will wait to do outdoors, they don't get bad really as both the balconies are covered, it has to blow really hard for the rain to get onto our windows.

      I spoke to BIL's sister last night, he had phoned her to tell her he is very ill, she got in touch with his DS1 as she was worried, he told her he is depressed and has vertigo, he seems to be in a deep, dark place at the moment, a shame really as he was such an active man.

      Gem, you did right with the zoom meeting.

      Oma, how is GS1 now?

      Mimi, we have a Japanse garden in Den Haag, not far from here really, I may go in May when all is in full bloom. This is a photo of the garden from a few years ago.
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      Last edited by Lizzie48; 06-04-2022, 08:03 AM.


        Good morning ladies on this chilly,breezy morning. The sun is shining though.

        Oma, hope your fridge isnt on the blink.

        Not much happening in the nan2 household.
        Just the usual run of the mill day.
        Already been to the post office to send a card.

        Lizzie, what lovely colours in the photo.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good Morning everyone,What a beautiful day it is today I have been up and out early this morning and taken Henry for a nice walk,for a dog with little legs he can certainly trot along at a quick pace I'll soon loose a few IBs if I carry on at this rate

          I am going to go off to Aldi later I need to replace some sauces and stock up on little goodies for little DGD tomorrow hopefully she will be over her chicken pox and her daddy walks her down with her dollies pram,he usually ends up pushing it when they are half way here.

          Today is scouse day and the slow cooker has been on since 7am I use the veg left from the week-end so no waste in this house I like it the next day to be honest and Jim next door will have a bowl full tonight for his supper and DGD will have a bowl for lunch tomorrow.

          I know I mentioned DD is off to Lady's Day at Aintree last week but on Monday she went to pick up the hat she has hired for the day she popped in to show me and what a beautiful hat/fascinator it is I just had to try it on,its on an alice band a huge rose with netting surrounding the rose just a perfect match to her dress/bag/shoes I shall be watching Channel4 for the line up of contestants for best dressed Lady and fingers crossed,the prize has been a Range Rover the past years so one never knows

          Lizzie48 how sad to read about your BIL and him feeling so down its awful when the Black Dog visits you I do hope he feels better soon.

          This week I am going to drive up to the garden centre and buy some bedding plants for my pots the weather seems better at the minute and they will brighten up my front garden which looks a wee bit bare at the minute.

          Off to the shops now so will come in later to catch up with what is going on during the day.

          Bye for now xx glamma xx
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Good Wednesday morning everyone. You all seem to be up, out and busy!

            It's chilly, wet and windy here, so I'm glad I did the garden centre shop yesterday.

            Do you ever have those days when you feel you're just not making progress with anything! I turned down meeting some friends for coffee this morning as I have so much to do to sort out the house now OH has finished sanding the hall floor. He'll seal it last thing tonight. But I've done nothing! The cover over the garden furniture had blown off and it took me ages to put it back on in the wind. Gave Eva her breakfast and she sniffed at it and walked away. Then I found she's been slightly sick in the night. So I don't know what to do about going to class - I'll probably have to skip it unless she perks up, and the best way to check is take her for a walk - in the wind and rain! It's too wet to do any planting but so much to do indoors it doesn't matter. I hope other people's days are going better. I'll pop back later. x
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Lizzie Vertigo is horrible , being down and on his own he will be scared and feeling rotten poor man .

              Glamm what colour has your DD gone for ? With her blonde hair she could go for any colour really can’t she ,

              Daisy I bet J will be pleased when that floor is finished
              Those covers are massive and trying to wrestle them back on in the wind can’t be easy , watch your back xx

              Nanto I thought that at first but temp is right and everything else is fine so just a dodgy bottle of milk I think .

              Havent spoken to GS yet today but SIL said he was still in bed and not much changed from yesterday , his back still hurting .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Gemini, I think you are being very sensible avoiding situations where you might be in contact with Covid, not long now.

                Daisy, we have gentle rain and our garden needed it. At least it gives you the chance to get your house in order after all the work on the stairs and the hall sanding. Poor Eva, I hope she perks up.

                It is my GS4’s 21st today, I am disappointed I can’t see him. My GGD’s are next door and I shall have to keep away there too. I have an appt. To see the surgeon who removed the lump from my hand in 2 weeks. My doctor has already told me it was cancerous but it will be good to get it from the surgeon who removed it. I would like my DD to go with me but it is her day to look after the GGC.

                Lizzie, so sorry to hear your Bil is feeling so poorly, he needs some support. Does his doctor know how he is feeling?

                Glamm, shame we have rain for Ladies Day, I love the hats. I must see if they are showing it on television, they usually do. I suppose Wimbledon is next. Your little man has been a real find for you and him, he sounds a sweetheart.

                Oma, strange about your milk, I don’t use milk very quickly, only buy small bottles. Your new glasses sound good and have not been too expensive. Sorry to hear your GS1 is still in pain, perhaps he needs a massage.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant, BIL has been depressed since losing my sister, almost 18 months now, his doctor does know, all he seems to do is prescribe more tablets.


                    Daisy did you take Eva to class ? I would ask if it could be the fumes from the flooring but J hasn’t sealed it yet has he . I wonder why she was sick
                    Did she eat eventually xx

                    Plant Hope GS has a nice birthday will he be next door ? Maybe he could wave through the window if he is .

                    You can’t take the chance moving your appointment as you never know how long you will wait for another
                    Your GD works on a Wednesday too doesn’t she or she could have gone with you ,
                    what about SIL as it’s just your Hand nothing personal like women’s stuff would you feel comfortable with him there xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Plant - I'm so sorry you can't join the family for GS4's 21st. I bet he's disappointed as well. I agree with Oma - it would be helpful to have someone go with you to the hospital. As least it saves you driving.

                      Glamm - I'l love to see a photo of your DD in her Ladies' Day outfit. I bet she looks fabulous. I hope the weather's good for Friday (it is Friday, isn't it?) Little Henry has certainly settled in well, and I see he's already trained you to enjoy early morning walkies with him. I think you must make enough Scouse to keep a small army well fed - but it is delicious, isn't it.

                      Lizzie - what a shame your BIL's doctor isn't being more pro-active about his problems. I hope someone can help him.

                      Oma - after I'd been on here Eva was sick again - with some flecks of blood (sorry - probably too much info!) but I checked the possible side effects of the booster she'd had on Monday and rang the vets. They think it is a side effect and said to give her little bits of food throughout the day, rather than a meal - they suggested chicken or fish but they don't know she's allergic to chicken and raw fed so I've been giving her just one spoonful of lamb tripe at a time and so far, fingers crossed, she's been ok. I think she's hungry now but I'm being hard hearted and sticking to a spoonful at a time. We didn't go to class and she's mostly slept.

                      Gem I do hop GS2 is having a good birthday, and everyone is keeping safe and well. Is your mum ok now? I know you are hoping to see her - Friday or tomorrow?

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good afternoon. We are as packed as we can be.

                        Are you still testing positive Plant, as you can't see your GS?

                        Daisy, at least the vet can shed a light on Eva's sickness I hope she is fine soon.
                        It's tomorrow I see mum. They are very good, as they are letting me go through the front door and into a small lounge at the front to see mum so avoiding the rest of the home. I will take her Easter card and egg and some flowers and sweets, and spend the afternoon with her. My friend C, bless her who is a very good friend to have, will go and see mum next week. I hope DD3 will go at some point but shes going to be in France a lot of the time we are away
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Aww poor Eva but we had to do the same with Storm he had a tiny bit of scrambled egg every hour .
                          I do hope the Eli’s right , maybe as she was already a little poorly having her jab it’s heightened it xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Plant,what a shame you won't be able to go GD's 21st celebration.

                            Daisy,hope Eva is better soon.

                            Oma, are you using predictive text, Eli.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Plant - has GS4 enjoyed his birthday, or is he still out on the town celebrating? I'm sure Gem's GS2 is tucked up in bed and dreaming about Florida, and Clover's sister has, I hope, managed to enjoy her day.

                              Clover - I'm sure you both wish you lived closer to each other. x

                              Oma - Eva was ok before the injection, but next time I'll get a titre test done first and skip the injections all together if she's still protected.

                              Nanto - predictive text is the bane of my life, especially on WhatsApp where you're often trying to type quickly and it doesn't seem to keep up. That's quickly for me - I'm so ham-fisted typing on my phone.

                              Gem - I'm so glad the home are making sure you and your Mum can have a good afternoon together before your holiday. what a pity DD3 is away for much of the same time, but your friend C sounds wonderful, and I bet your Mum will enjoy her visit.

                              In between showers I managed to put some of the plants in the spots we want to plant them, and if it's not too bad tomorrow OH says he will help me to dig holes for them.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Wet, windy and i said its cold,hubby says its mild.

                                Gem, hope you have a lovely visit with your mum today.

                                Just put some filling in the slow cooker,for some steak and onion pies.
                                I haven't got any of those left in the freezer.
                                Dinner today is,bacon,baby potatoes,beans and mushrooms.

                                Have a good day ladies.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

