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The Daily Drop-in

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    Raining this mornin, started about ½ an hour ago.

    Oma, hope your hip pain eases off soon.

    Yesterday was a good day. DS2 and his partner came in the afternoon.
    They stayed for a couple of hours. We have arranged to go for a meal with them next friday.

    Later, we went down to the bungalow,madam wanted some shelves putting up.
    We stayed till about 8pm. Were chatting and putting the world to rights.
    And, she was happy with the shelves.

    Just supermarket shopping for us today.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Morning Nanto , you and hubby are so kind to people
      Not a bad morning ,
      Stripped bed its in wash and did my usual weekend scrub out although the skirtings got a lick this morning I cant bend down
      To be honest they not dirty anyway .

      Having a rest before we go for fresh bread from Lidl and we running out of butter , didn't get any with shopping as was convinced we had plenty

      Will pop back later xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning ladies.

        I'm glad you had a nice day yesterday Nan2, and the meal out next week will be something to look forward to.

        We had a lovely evening at our friend's house. A good meal, glass of wine and catch up. We all said how good is was to have a 'normal' night of four friends together.
        No plans today. The weather forecast is dismal all weekend here.
        Catching up with recorded TV and Scrabble will be on the agenda. And maybe some drawer and cupboard sorting.

        Happy weekend everyone, whatever you are doing.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning, very cold and frosty here, I have been for a walk, I see on my app that my covid pass stops on the 23rd, maybe they will change it all someday.

          Nanto, you do well helping family etc, I am going down to help the friends daughter when I have had my coffee.

          DS1 came on his bike yesterday afternoon for a coffee and a chat.

          Gem, you would enjoy the meal with friends.

          Oma, enjoy the bread from the Lidl, I love it!!!

          I have washing hung out and it will soon dry.


            Good Saturday morning, everyone. It's none too warm here, but at least it's dry.

            Oma - I think your skirting boards will survive with just a lick until your hip is less painful.

            Nanto - Glad madam was happy with the shelves, and it must be lovely to spend some relaxing time with GS2 and his partner after all the hard work of the last few months. Enjoy your shopping.

            Gem - I think we all value the 'ordinary' things we haven't been able to do for so long. It's lovely your friends felt the same way. Have a nice relaxing day today - make the most of the bad weather by being lazy.

            Oma - it must have been handy to finish work and know your shopping was there ready for you. When the DSs were at the college I worked in I used to drag them down to the supermarket on a Friday evening to give me a hand with the weekly shop, but of course, they both eventually moved on and that's when I started doing an early Saturday shop. I couldn't face it on my own on a Friday!

            Lizzie - how far away does your DS1 live? It's good to sit down and have a chat. Let's hope you're right about the need for Covid passes. Fingers crossed you won't need one soon.

            I might to a bit of pottering in the garden this morning, and then I'm taking Eva on a group training walk this afternoon. We meet up in a quiet part of the Forest - there's usually about 10-12 dogs - and, hopefully, have a nice calm gentle walk. The idea is for the dogs to be able to socialise safely when they're out and about. Some of them are very distracted by ponies and deer, Eva is just distracted by dogs! She's getting better and walks nicely with this group. It was forecast to rain this afternoon, but now it's just due to be windy.

            Whatever you're doing today, have a good day.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Not much to report as I am in isolation now until Monday. I wish this sore throat would go, I am worried it might develop into a cold and the op will have to be cancelled. I am taking Vit.C and strong throat Strepsills (sp). I saw a buzzard perching on my fence yesterday, it stayed for some time. I have just cleared up a half pot of yogurt from my kitchen floor. I reached it from the fridge holding the top, I was left with the top in my hand and the yogurt on the floor. I didn’t say a word!

              Daisy, have a lovely walk in the forest, I am sure Eva will enjoy being with all those other dogs. I quite like food shopping now I am on my own.

              Gemini, it is lovely to do something normal after all this time. Remind me of the date of your holiday, it must be getting near.

              Nanto, be careful not to fall into doing too many jobs for “madam” this is you time now to enjoy doing what you want to do.

              Lizzie, it is nice to have a chat with your son on his own, I don’t often see my son on his own.

              I suppose I shall watch some rugby and some winter sports today as my ribs are not quite right but getting there. I have enjoyed watching the curling. Might risk changing the sheets tomorrow.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Wet and cold today. No pottering in our garden Daisy.

                Plant, i hope your op doesn't get cancelled for any reason.
                Ooops for the yogurt.

                GD2 rang and asked us to go and have a proper look at her house.
                When we went before,we didn't see upstairs because her partner was in bed.
                He had been on the night shift.
                So, we are going tomorrow morning.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Daisy, DS1 lives 5km away. Sorry I forgot to post that! I have been helping my friends family, never have I seen so much in one house!!!

                  The DIL was doing the balcony, so many pots etc, I came home with an old fashioned serving trolley, it had been painted so I have painted it again and it can go outside in the summer, I also got 2 lovely stone pots to put on it.

                  Her DS and SIL worked so hard taking it all down to the trailer or the rubbish.

                  Her DS and partner are getting married on April 22nd, they were planning on doing it next year but they want to do it while the mother can be there , she will enjoy that. It is only a small ceremony with a larger reception next year.

                  Before I went I biked to the grower for some plants for out on the balcony, colour! Only I didn't realise it was such a cold wind, it didn't seem so cold when I went for my walk, there was no wind then though.

                  Plant, it is nice to have DS1 on his own, I get on well with both DIL's but just the son to talk to is like old times! I have done that before today with a yogurt, also shaken the buttermilk when the top was loose, that is even worse!

                  Nanto, how nice to be able to see the house, it that the GD that is pregnant?

                  Daisy, I hope you had a good walk, I was watching Escape to the Country the other day and they were in your area. Nice!

                  I will get dishes washed now.


                    Nanto - Your GD2 and her partner must be very proud of their house and will love showing it to you.

                    Plant - I think you should be doing as little as possible between now and your op. Are you drinking loads of water to keep properly hydrated? I like honey for a sore throat, but OH swears by Strepsils. Take care of yourself. xx

                    Lizzie - did your washing dry ok?

                    Oma - did you get your shopping done?

                    Well, we were lucky with the weather - it didn't rain, in fact the sun was lovely, but the wind was something else! A lazy wind - going straight through you!! It was so strong it was actually difficult to hear any one speak if they were on the wrong side. There were only 7 of us today, including Pam the trainer's dog. Eva walked very nicely with two dogs from our class, but she was tired when we got home and more than ready for a sleep. I did a bit more painting on the hare picture. I keep painting out bits I don't like, and I'll be back to square one at this rate!!

                    Then I did today's Wordle - it's becoming a daily 'must'!! Time to go and make bread and get dinner - I've got a casserole that just needs reheating and some veggies doing, so an easy evening in the kitchen.

                    I hope everyone's day is going to plan.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I too have had a lovely walk along the river and round our millenium wood. I take the path round the outside because I don't like walking through all the trees! Was glad I went the way I did as I got the wind on my back along the river and it was quite a cold wind. Sorted out the piles of cardboard in the garage ready for a tip run, fed the birds and that's it for today!

                      DD rang for a chat on her way to pick up GS from his football training and having a skype with DS tomorrow evening.

                      All quiet on house front, but I expect it'll take some time for the searches to come back. Got a couple of removal firms coming in next week to give me a quote and am trying to decide which things to get rid off! The new house is a lot smaller than this one, so I have to make some tough decisions! I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.

                      Plant, if I'm not on here tomorrow, I hope all goes well with your appointment on Monday. Sending healing vibes xx

                      Have a good evening ladies xx
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        Daisy, yes the washing soon dried in the wind.


                          I did Daisy , we went to Lidl I fancied Salad for tea so bought a small bag of mixed leaves , I had Toms and cucumber and other stuff in .
                          B was having Steak not something I like so a nice Chicken salad it was .

                          I wanted to go toB&M but couldn’t walk much so leave it for another day ,

                          Did Eva sleep long ? It must have worn her out , how’s J’s bowl coming on , How is DS is he ok ?

                          WG it’s difficult to decide what you need to get rid of , when we moved from a 4 bed to this 2 bed shoe box I had to be ruthless too and get rid of lots of stuff
                          Once you start it gets easier doesn’t it 😁

                          Lizzie in Lidle today the boxes were lovely full of fresh fruit and veg , first time I have seen good boxes loads in too .

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning, Oma, I had a Lidl box the other day, very good, I even managed to get Dutch tomatoes at the Lidl the other day and I saw cucumbers at another supermarket so I can get them for the salads. I will take my cash with me when I am out on the bike and see when the local growers have them.

                            WG, you will decided what to take with you when you move, it will make it easier for you as well in a smaller house, saying that, after helping clear my friends house out I do wonder where it was all stored, when I went to her house it was always so clean and tidy, she had it all hidden in cupboards etc etc!



                              Morning ladies ,
                              What a horrid grey dark wet morning and heavy rain is forecast ,

                              Everything done Towels after shower in wash so not much else to do .

                              Going to meet our friends for coffee this morning apart from that a easy day ,

                              Heard last night one of my Nephews and his wife are divorcing , such a lovely couple only been married 5 years .
                              They are the best of friends its just fizzled out they said , He is moving two streets away doesn't want to be far from their little girl she's only 2

                              So sad but its their life .

                              Have a good day ladies xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Doesn't feel as cold today. W e haven't got the srtong winds that we had yesterday.

                                Lizzie,its the youngest GD we are visiting. Its the eldest GD thats pregnant.

                                Oma, a shame about your nephew getting divorced.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

