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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good Moaning each.
    Lizzie, your day sounds like a whole week to me! I have done nothing yet! The washing basket is full, OH needs to vac through, plenty of jobs that will wait!
    We are going to see Catherine Jenkins tonight. Originally I didn’t think I would be able to go, and we had given the tickets to friends. They can’t go now as they have the ‘super cold’ and have given them back. I feel well enough so we will go as planned. OH is delighted as he is an ardent fan.
    I can’t start anything as I am waiting for the district nurse. At least that’s my excuse. 😁
    Have an industrious day, ladies.
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.


      Daisy, I hope you can manage to see someone about your arm.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Oh Daisy your poor arm sounds so painful I can sympathise with you as I still get pain from that nasty fall I had and that is 6 yrs ago now (my how the time flies by) the shoulder joint has always been painful even after being discharged from my specialist.

        My little people came to visit yesterday it was a joy to see them they had little jobs to do for me they fed the birds and took up some weeds around the bird table they went next door to say hello to Jim he was pleased to see them he has no GC of his own and likes to treat them to a bag of sweeties which he always has at the ready.They went off to Liverpool to the Acorn Farm to the petting farm .

        I'm having a lazy day today not going anywhere I may do some decluttering this pm as a couple of drawers need tiding and bits thrown out but nothing serious really.

        Yesterday afternoon I took my new car down to the car wash and had a good clean from the friendly chaps at the hand car wash they do an amazing job for £6 includes the tyres and wheel trims it looks like a new car again as where I park just happens to get targeted by the birds who nestle in the big tree outside my driveway.

        Just off now to grab a wee bit of lunch nothing else exciting happening really today so I will say bye for now xx
        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


          Good afternoon, a very mild day here today, lovely in the garden. I have Cooper here today, he’s settled in really well, runs in, tail wagging. He doesn’t do a lot but loves to wander around the garden, taking his time to sniff everthing in sight. He taps me on my leg if he wants something, so sweet, he is a dear little dog.

          DD came for coffee this morning, (but really to see Cooper I suspect) and we were making plans for our week in Devon. Not long now, only 3 weeks away 😀. I have made us girls a pair of cuddly house socks, couldn’t face making a pair of size 11 for GS!! The boys won’t mind if they don’t have any 😉. Have also made some socks for DD for her secret Santa box and I have been getting in with the blanket for DGD, so plenty to keep me busy. I have also promised a friend I will do some family research for her, should be interesting.

          hope everyone is having a good day 🌞
          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            I've had a frustrating day. In September I took OH's Power of Attorney documents to the bank so I could access his account.......still hasn't been approved! To say I wasn't happy would be an understatement. Honestly every which way you turn in trying to access funds whether it be Social Services, NHS or financial institutions, seem to be met by more hurdles..grrr!!! We have a meeting with OH's social worker on Wednesday, so we'll see what she can come up with. Goodness only knows how people who haven't got any money get on with paying care fees.

            Anyway, I had a wander round town until it was time to catch the bus back. Went to get a shop shut. Thought I'd look for a skirt......does nobody wear skirts these days? Rail upon rail of trousers and jeans but no skirts! Bought some face creams and a couple of books and as I still had time before the bus was due I walked to a stop on the way home. it was lovely walking across the common and the river and I calmed down by the time i was on the bus.

            Had a coffee and a mince pie when I got in and am not planning on doing much else for the rest of the day! xx
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              I am just about to get my Power of Attorney finalised, I t has been lodged with the solicitors since OH died. Fortunately we had joint accounts. I wonder what is holding up your case WG
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I had a little burst of energy and a non drippy nose so I made a chicken casserole. Flopped again now.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Some lovely chat here today 😊
                  Daisy just read, rest your arm!!

                  Plant, don't do too much.
                  WG, I'm glad coffee and mince pie were there to cheer you up after such a frustrating day. My mum almost lost the will to live years ago when trying to get dad's account into joint names. He was in care and we knew he wouldn't be able to sign anything in the near future. It was frustrating and upsetting.
                  House socks and a week in Devon with DD sounds perfect Enfys 😊
                  Glamma, you must get a lot of pleasure from the little ones.

                  We had a good afternoon with my auntie, who was very well. As we drove back from lunch she asked what we were doing to save the planet regarding climate change!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Plant,sorry to hear you have another cold. Bby H,sounds like a little angel.

                    Gem, lunch out with Auntie sounds lovely.
                    Good luck for the quiz.

                    Daisy, sorry to hear you are back to square one with your arm. Please take care. Hope you had a good catch up with your friend.

                    Oma, i cleaned upstairs today,after i had changed the bedding.

                    Lizzie,what a busy morning you had.

                    Grauntie,hope you enjoy seeing Catherine Jenkins.

                    Enfys,not long until your trip. Hope son can make it over here next year.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Ladies, thank you for your concern about my arm. I know it will get better if I rest it, use ice packs and stop lots of very ordinary actions that hurt. But, I'm very impatient, and hate having to curtail everyday actions! I'm probably my own worst enemy!

                      It was lovely to see my friend in her new home, although she has a lot of work to do on it. The main thing is she's been able to buy in the village she's lived in for over 50 years, and has got a two-bedroom bungalow, with enough garden to keep her happy and even a little greenhouse. She can walk to local shops and a bus stop. We had a good chat and put the world to rights! Then I went into town and did a bit of shopping, including some new paint brushes (for art, not decorating!).

                      I was really tired when I got home - so glad OH had made some lunch. But I've done a couple of loads of washing. I'm ready for an early night!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning. Had a bit of rain during the night.
                        I've just been to the post office and it feels quite mild outside.
                        off to dads later.

                        Daisy pleased you had a good catch up with your friend.

                        I'll be back.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning Nanto /Ladies .

                          Not a bad morning here either , not as cold this morning ,

                          Everyone seemed to have a good day yesterday

                          Daisy hope you slept well ,
                          Your friend was lucky to get somewhere in her village , I hear all places are being bought up by outsiders these days .

                          Gem nice to hear your Aunt was on good form how did the quiz go

                          Enfys sounds like its going to be a lovely break I hope the weather stays mild , but when your with family it doesn't matter does it

                          Plant how are you feeling today ? xxx

                          WG my MIL said the same thing about Skirts ,
                          I must admit I only wear trousers, or a dress in the summer I never buy Skirts so haven't noticed how hard it is to find one .
                          MIL does though and is frustrated she cant find any .

                          Glamm how lovely the little ones feed the birds etc I bet they feel very important doing their jobs

                          Lizzie what are you up to today ? how is your neighbour with the face Cancer any news ?

                          Im all organised , housework done floors hoovered etc ,
                          We off to IKEA im running low on Napkins ,
                          B is so happy to be going ...NOT ...

                          I then need to go to Supermarket , GS1 is coming after College and wants Gammon with Roast potatoes ,
                          I have the Gammon but no Potatoes ,
                          What his lord ship wants His Lord ship gets ,
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                            It seems to have rained overnight here as well Nan2.
                            That's such good news that you feel up to going to see Katherine Jenkins, Grauntie. She's lovely isn't she? Beautiful, a wonderful singer and seems so nice too!
                            I hope your friend will be very happy in her new home Daisy.

                            Reflexology for me this morning then GS1 school pick up.
                            OH has a golf competition with a dinner afterwards, so I shall be dining alone tonight. On salmon which I love!

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem I had Salmon last night with Sweet potatoes , like you I love Salmon

                              Grauntie I must have missed that your going to see Katherine Jenkins , you must report back how it went she has a beautiful voice and such a down to earth lady .

                              I forgot to tell you ,
                              When my Brother died of Covid , I had a blazing row with my Nieces Husband as he said he wasn't following government guide lines ,
                              he wasn't wearing a mask or staying in , it was only a virus , he was fit and healthy and so on .

                              Well guess who now has Covid I don't wish him to be ill but I do hope he has it bad enough to realise what a idiot he has been
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning, quite cold here, I have been to the Lidl, gym later then having my hair trimmed later on today, my own hairdresser is open again.

                                Daisy, how nice for your friend finding a bungalow in her own village.

                                Oma, I met the neighbour yesterday, the one with face cancer, one of the volunteers was taking her to the hospital for another treatment of plastic surgery. She is very positive about it all. Luckily.

                                I love salmon as well Gem. I am having a vegi burger today. I don't mind them, I may put it in the air fryer.

                                I agree with you about your nieces hubby Oma, people are always ready to give advise and make comments!!

                                I went with the neighbour from first floor to the pool, she comes from Iran, they have lived here 25 years and they moved here in the summer to be near their children, they moved here from the border with Belgium. She loves to cycle, but, she is very nervy, she had a bad fall this summer, hit someone in a bend so she is more wary now, she will have always been nervy and not used to this busy area, when we leave pool we cross the tram lines, she was behind me, I had crossed when the bells went and she still crossed which frightened me. I will tell her if we go again to ride in front of me then I can keep an eye on her and let her know when to stop etc. I did take her the longer way so that she hadn't to deal with the traffic, this was cycle paths all the way.

