DD1 still positive Daisy but says she is feeling a bit better than yesterday. DD2 slightly better and actually did the school run. I have told her to take it easy though.
Mum was fine, thanks.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Couldn’t get warm after my handyman left as I had to have the door open for him as he needed a plug. He advised me that as the sun room is going rotten in several places it was not wise to spend too much on it now. He has fitted a piece of waterproof hardboard in to make it weatherproof and then I will have a think about it. It has been there for about 20 years but I do use it a lot. Maybe I will have to think about a new one.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant - I know you love your sunroom, and it would be a shame not to have one at all. If it can't be repaired I think a new one is on the cards for you.
Gem - pleased to see that both DDs are slightly better, but I hope they both take it easy (well, as easy as you can with children). Good that Mum was fine.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Gem, glad your Mum was ok. Dorry DD is still positive.
Had a brilliant day today. 2 of hubby's sisters and their husbands came.
I had made 2 cottage pies for dinner,one was intended for the freezer.
The 4 visitors stayed for dinner,so both pies were eaten.
We talked about things we could remember about mam and dad from years gone by.
Looked at old photos we have. We laughed about some of the clothes mam was wearing in the photos.
The men talked about the different cars dad had over the years.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
I should have been going to the hypertension clinic this morning.
They have just rung to cancel,due to staff shortages through illness.
My new appointment is for March.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Morning Nanto '
So many appointments due to illness getting canceled lately isn't there .
Cold but dry this morning ,
Went to bed about 3.30 got in and B said your freezing why didn't you put the heating on? ,
But I was reading and didn't notice I was cold till I got in bed and started to shiver
Nan2 we can't even see anyone for that, I have to take my own BP, and answer online questions, and send the results in! That sounded a good day yesterday.
Have you warmed up now Oma?
It does sound as though a new sunroom may be needed Plant.
We had a good evening with DD and SIL3. She looks well and seems happy.
School run this afternoon and we are going to friends for a takeaway this evening.
I am to ring the solicitor this morning. He says he will be there
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning, Nanto, that sounds like a really lovely day with the family.xxx
Plant, if you love your sunroom, go for a new one!
Daisy, you would enjoy the meet up with the friends. There are different groups of volunteers, one is a taxi group for doctor, hospital visitors etc, another for computer lessons etc, a very popular group for help with paper work etc. Once a week there is an "open table", you have to book for that and get a 3 course meal and a good chat at the same time. There was a lunch group once a week but that stopped with the lockdown but may start again. I think there are around 350+ volunteers.
I have just been for my treatment, a bitter cold wind! I went to the other physio last night for my head balance, it is his speciality, the treatment, I was impressed. It has helped, I have to go back next week so he can see if it has completely gone, he did say it could always return though, I don't mind that now I know what it is. It was 10-30pm when I cycled home, I am not keen on that but he only works evenings so I hadn't much choice.
I went with the neighbour for coffee, as I say she is autistic and very difficult to connect with, in fact it has taken me 40 years to get this far. She had apple pie with cream and really enjoyed it, I asked if she cooked, I didn't think she did as I never see her with any shopping, she said she likes the pizza from the Lidl so I asked if she had an oven, no, she eats it cold! I have often thought she doesn't eat well, but, she is 75 years old now, smokes like a chimney , so something is working for her.
Good morning everyone. We've had heavy rain, but the sun has come out now, but too wet still for gardening. Our internet went down last night, so I'm playing catch up again this morning!
Lizzie - what a wonderful volunteer group. People must be so grateful for all that expertise on offer. I'm so pleased for you that last night's physio has helped, even though riding home in the rain at 10.30 pm isn't great. It must be very hard for your autistic neighbour, and you're very kind and understanding to persevere with befriending her. No wonder she enjoyed the apple pie and cream.
Oma - Storm is the perfect gentleman! Didn't you notice how cold you were? Was it a very exciting book?
Nanto - what a lovely time you had yesterday. It was just what you needed after all your hard work recently, and lucky you had two cottage pies ready! We're like Gem, hypertension check ups are online these days. I'm sure it's not as effective, but I always found them a bit of a waste of time - they were done by a nursing assistant (not a nurse) who looked about 25 and clearly thought our generation were well past their sell by date!
Gem - pleased to hear that DD3 is doing well. I hope the call to the solicitor goes well, and you can relax and have a nice time this evening.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "