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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good morning ladies,

    Gem a busy day for you , i hope you enjoy the new aqua aerobics and your not to tired for this afternoon
    How's the sale going any further on ?

    Daisy I bet the pair of you are like the chuckle brothers planting that tree Picture when its in please xx

    I might write a short bit on the story just to say how her life went I have ideas

    Nanto , it must be strange getting used to all this spare time , I like Pavers shoes too , what colour are they ?

    Its a nice calm day , Dog in garden he's tried to catch the squirrel but he has no chance , by the time he sees it through the window and gets outside its well gone
    He runs backwards and forwards looking for it till he is tired out

    Not a lot to do today , did dusting and tidied during night as I couldn't sleep ,

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good luck with the tree planting Daisy. No falling out now!

      Oma, I haven’t read your story yet but I will later today. Poor Storm, he is never going to catch those pesky squirrels.

      Busy day for you Gemini, I always feel sleepy after aqua so no falling asleep at the library.

      Baby H and O are next door, busy day for DD and Sil. A pane of glass in my sunroom has shattered into a million pieces, I wondered why there was just ice there. I have phoned my dear friend and handyman, he will pop around this afternoon to see what he can do just for now. I am at the local golf club for coffee with my WI friends, I am hoping there will be someone who would like my ticket for the theatre.

      Nanto, you have done so well to get your Fil’s house cleared. Is it going on the market soon?
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant, I do feel sleepy! I am going to ask if there is a morning at the library without a volunteer so I can swap my day!!
        Good session though and the three of us had coffee afterwards and a good chat. Swimming things washed and on the line, and off I go again!

        I'll catch up again later. Bye for now
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Hallo everyone, the man came this morning and fixed the folding blinds for me, he did a few other things and is coming back to fix hinges on my fly screens, I have to pay €17 for all that work!!

          My friend has just phoned, she has been to see the apartment and decided not to have it, a wise decision.

          Gem, you will be tired from the aqua, as from next week I don't think I will be allowed into that or the gym, they are saying you have had to have had a booster to get your code up-dated. I will have to walk and get on my bike more!

          Oma, I can picture Storm after the squirrel!

          Nanto, I hope the shoes arrive, I had words yesterday about my lost calendar, the one I had to pay import duty on! The lady told me to listen to her, I told her I was listening, but, if they can find me to pay the import duty I am sure they can find me to deliver the calendar. The call didn't end well.

          Daisy, I hope you managed to get the tree in the ground and both agreed to the best way to stake it.


            I like Pavers Nan2.

            Is the tree planted Daisy?

            I must go and read your story Oma.

            Plant I hope your handyman can replace the pane. I'm sure you will find a taker for your theatre ticket.

            Lizzie, bargain rate for the work!

            I have swapped my library day! I will be there on Tuesday mornings now instead of Wednesday afternoons. I may have to miss or do a different day in the school holidays as it is GS1 day. I can have a bit of a rest after aqua classes OH is always playing golf on Tuesdays, so it's a good morning to be out really.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gem - it made sense to change your library day if you could. At least now you can relax after aqua (except in school holidays, of course).

              Plant - I hope that window was fixed - it's a bit cold, apart from anything else. I wonder what caused it. Did you find someone to give your theatre ticket to?

              Lizzie - it sounds as though this calendar won't be arriving in time for this year! They didn't seem very helpful. I'm glad your friend has made the right decision about the flat. I'm sure it wasn't easy.

              Oma - poor Storm, never catching the squirrel! Would he know what to do with it if he did catch one? I don't think Eva would and she won't eat rabbit or pheasant with fur/feathers on.

              Nanto - are you pleased with your new shoes?

              Despite Oma's thought that it would be like the Chuckle Brothers planting our tree, we did get the job done, and are still friends with each other!!! I wanted to use the stake we ordered with the tree and put it in at a 45° angle. OH wanted to use two stakes side by side with a piece of wood between them and the tree tied to the crosspiece. We did the 45° angle - we only had one stake! We had to dig the hole even deeper than we'd prepared, but honestly this tree has been so pampered and fussed over I expect to see a crop of crab apples by the end of the week! I'll take a photo tomorrow!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Window in the sun room is not fixed yet. My neighbour and friend R is coming tomorrow morning to seal the gap. It can stay like that until the Spring. The sunroom is getting old and he has repaired it several times.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning. Hairdresser coming at 10.

                  No idea what we are doing yet today. Got a few things to clear out of dads garage.
                  I think we will need to order a skip.

                  Got to dash now,hopefully i'll catch up later.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning ladies.

                    Looking forward to the tree photo Daisy

                    Plant, if he can seal the gap for now that will be a help.

                    Reflexology for me this morning, visit to mum this afternoon, and DD and SIL3 are coming for tea. At some point I need to do some shopping too!
                    DD1 was still testing positive for Covid yesterday, and DD2 has been very unwell since Friday. She has been in bed for the last two days. Negative for Covid, so either it's not showing up or she has flu or something. She says she has never felt so ill

                    Have a good day everyone.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning, everyone. It's dull and dreary here - not even properly light yet.

                      Nanto - a skip sounds a good idea. There are always bits and pieces that you just can't find any other home for. Enjoy having your hair done.

                      Gem - Oh dear, you poor DDs. I'm sure DD1 expected to be negative by now, and DD2 sounds really poorly. She's better staying in bed until she feels stronger again. I do hope DD3 doesn't catch it from anyone. Enjoy seeing her and SIL3 this evening. I hope your Mum's ok.

                      I'm going to see a friend from college for coffee this morning. She's the one who lost her OH just over a year ago, and she's putting a very brave face on things but there are down times, as you can imagine. I'll pop into DS2's shop on the way home to see DIL. I haven't seen her for ages. DS2 is looking after GD1 while she runs the shop.

                      Then this afternoon I need to tidy up round the tree - and I'll take a photo. The snowdrops I ordered arrived yesterday so I might get those planted as well.

                      Stay safe and take care, everyone. See you later. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I'm back. Daisy I am pleased with the shoes. I have had a few pairs the same. Not as glamorous as the ones in Gems graphic yesterday. These are what I like to wear with trousers.Was going to post a photo, but it needs cropping for on here and I can't be bothered. Looking forward to seeing the tree Daisy.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning ladies we have been to Aldi ,
                          Daisy another busy day for you this tree better produce a good crop all that care it’s had

                          Nanto as Daisy said there is always stuff you can’t find a home for so no other choice but to skip it ,

                          Gem it sounds like the flu B & M both had before Christmas that your poor DD has it was horrible floored both of them .

                          how is your Mum is she ok , hope she’s in a good mood today and not too unhappy .

                          Plant I’m sure you won’t be using the sun room at the moment so a temporary repair till the better weather will be ok xx

                          Lizzie your handyman is cheap €17 for all that can’t be bad 😁

                          I am going to sort the wall cupboard in my downstairs loo , I keep the dogs treats etc in there and they on the top shelf,
                          So I am going to reorganise the boxes with stuff I keep in that cupboard so I can get the treats on the bottom shelf saves stretching up all the time ,

                          Have a good day ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            I am hoping to have the gap where the glass should be this morning, my friend and neighbour who is a carpenter will repair it properly in the Spring. Had a nice coffee and then stayed for lunch at the golf course with WI members, it was nice to have a chat, we don’t get a chance at the meetings.

                            Nanto, a skip sounds a good idea, it is amazing what bits and bobs you will find to fill it.

                            Gemini, that does sound like flu, if your DD is feeling so poorly if she has tested negative for covid.

                            Daisy, pleased to read the tree is now in situ, and you and J are still friends. You will have to remind me what tree you have chosen.

                            Will pop in later
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good morning, I have been to the hairdressers, decided to go on the bike and got wet!

                              The handyman is a volunteer at the same place I do coffee at, they have a "handyman" team, we pay €3,50 basic then €4 for 30 minutes work, this man fitted my kitchen tap last summer and he is good. There is a gardening team as well for the same price. MY DS2 finds it a fantastic deal, then he hasn't to do it when they are here!!!!

                              Oma, if you move the treats it will be self service for Storm!

                              Gem, I hope DD's are both soon feeling better.

                              I need to get some shopping done, it will be a wet trip.


                                I'm finally back home from "morning coffee" with an old college friend. Another very good mutual friend was able to join us, which was a lovely surprise for me as she only messaged this morning to say she could make it. The three of us together talked non-stop! But we had a lot of catching up to do, and it was great fun. Then I went into town to say hello to DIL2 in the shop. There was a bit of a lull with customers so we were able to have a chat. Then I realised I'd left my phone at my friend's. Fortunately it was only a couple of miles away, so I popped back for it, and finally got home about an hour ago! Needless to say, tidying up round the tree will have to wait till tomorrow!

                                I've had such a lovely week - two mornings spent having coffee with lovely friends. If nothing else the lockdowns make you appreciate such simple pleasures all the more.

                                It's already dull and murky outside, so the tree photo will have to wait until tomorrow.

                                Lizzie - what a good idea for volunteers with practical skills to do handyman jobs like that at such a reasonable price. I hope you didn't get too wet doing your shopping today.

                                Oma - Lizzie has beaten me to it, but I did wonder if moving Storm's treats from the top to the bottom shelf was for your benefit or his!!

                                Nanto - glad you're pleased with your new shoes. We were talking about shoes at coffee this morning and one of the ladies said she always liked Hotter ones as well, and found they were a good fit.

                                Gem - has DD1 tested negative today? How is DD2 - feeling a bit better, I hope. How was your Mum?

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

