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The Daily Drop-in
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Good morning everyone.
Good windy picture there Nan2.
Daisy I hope GD improves every day. If it is glandular fever they feel so poorly. My DD3 had it in her teens. it was the most ill she has ever been.
Brrr, its very cold again!
The winds didn't seem as bad as predicted last night.
We are off to IKEA today. Unlike Oma this is a very rare occurrence for usOur closest is near Leeds.
I hope everyone has a good week.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Monday morning everyone. It's a bit damp and dull here - we're due for rain this morning, but hopefully it will brighten up later.
Nanto - I hope "no plans" mean you can have a nice relaxing day.
Gem - how exciting, a trip to IKEA. Don't tell Oma's B - he will be so disappointed he's missing out!Are you looking for something in particular, or just a browse round?
The hospital have said GD hasn't got glandular fever - they are baffled. She's still weak as a kitten and exhausted, poor girl. She missed out on a planned trip to the panto yesterday. Their other gran was taking them as part of their Christmas present. She took a friend of GD2's instead, and GD2 enjoyed it, but really missed her big sister.
No plans for me, so far. I might try and catch up on some washing - the towel mountain is getting high, nearly as bad as the dog towel heap! Cooper woke us at 6 am and I'm tired - we were late going to bed last night. OH is going to do a bi of shopping - he hasn't been out for a week apart from taking the dogs, but his eye's much better.
I hope everyone is ok.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies ,
Its bright but breezy here ,
Have to wait for man to come and service the stair lift this morning , supposed to come between 8.30 and 12.30 , you can bet its the latter not earlier ,
Its done twice a year , i cant see the point of that often but there you go . I would'nt stop them as it would invalidate the insurance on it .
Daisy Cooper keeping you on your toes
Gem enjoy IKEA , next time I go im going with my DD then we can both have a good look around , not that anything ever changes in IKEA but its fun
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning, we have the storm today, I walked to the gym as I didn't think it safe to bike. My friend was telling me she had BPPD that made her dizzy, I can remember her having it, she said there is one very good fysio in the village and he really knows all about it and how to treat it, I have just phoned and arranged to go on Thursday evening, late for me but no other choice.
I won't be going to the pool as with the gusts of wind it won't be safe, in fact they are telling us to stay home.
Gem, enjoy your visit to Ikea, ours is 10 minutes away on the bike and I hardly ever go.
M, my neighbour came yesterday with a box of veg for me, her DD had a box from a fruit and veg shop in the next village and there was so much in it, she also made parsnip and sweet potato soup, very good it was as well. I was deciding what to do with 2 plants when she came, she went home with them so we did a swop.
Daisy, I do hope that GD soon feels better.xx
Good Morning ladies,I've been reading through the posts for the past few days and kept up with all your new's how busy everyone has been.
The weather here has not been too bad windy overnight but the local radio are forecasting 40/50 mile an hour winds today so I am staying indoors,I was hoping of going out into my garden and brushing up all the dead leaves from the last storm but they can stay put for the time being.
I have been going to my DDs house most days last week to let in workmen she had a list of repairs that needed doing by her HA and with her working all day someone needed to be home for access so whilst there I did a bit of housework for her ironing and washing just makes life a wee bit easier for her.
Daisy Eva sounds full of beans and enjoying being with her playmate do they sleep together well or is Eva territorial with her being there more often,I am going to be looking after my friends Maltese when she goes to a wedding next month she will only be staying overnight but I am looking forward to it she is a sweetheart and very friendly.
I'm off tomorrow for an eye injection hopefully it may be last of many my eyesight is so much better and its back to normal now after the treatment the hospital clinic have been marvelous .
Off now to do a wash and clean the floors after Oliver came in this morning with dirty paws he must learn to wipe his feet !!
Take care everyone xxKeep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Gemini, I hope you find what you are looking for in Ikea.
Lizzie, I hope that physio can help you with that dizziness. Very sensible of you to keep out of that wind. I do envy you your lovely fresh veg and flowers.
Daisy, good news your GD has not got glandular fever, I hope she is feeling better and stronger soon. Is she still being monitored by a medic? What a shame she missed the Panto.
Oma I hate waiting around for work people, don’t seem to be able to get on with jobs I want to do in case they arrive.
Bowls this afternoon, we are getting a few new players which is good, Monday is always quieter than Thursday. Baby H is now clear but her parents not. they should be clear by Tues and her mother on Weds. I expect my DD will have her on Weds. We have had some overnight rain, it is bright but windy today.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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I have now at last got an date for the op on my hand but only because I rang the secretaries number and she gave me the number for the admittance clerks. Low and behold I am now booked in for Monday 14th BUT I have to have a Covid test on the Friday before and then isolate which means I will not be able to go with my WI friends to the theatre to see Anton Du-Beke. It is quite an expensive trip but my hand comes first. I hope I can find someone who would like to have my ticket for free. I think I was lucky to get that spot, the next free date was quite a wait she said.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant, it 's such nuisance that the theatre date clashes with your appointment. I agree with the others though, best to get this done with.
Good progress with your eyes Glamma. It will be great if you are done with the injections.
Nan2, it's always nice when family call in isn't it?
Has the storm died down Lizzie? Its been sunny all day here - until it got dark!
Is the stair lift in good working order then Oma?
I hope you haven't done too much today as you were tired Daisy.
We had nice Ikea trip. It wasn't too crowded, we had lunch in the cafe and got the picture shelves and several other things. We came home and had a cuppa then I drove round to DD1's to collect GS1's martial arts stuff for tomorrow. DD usually drops them off but she is still in isolation. I spoke to her briefly from the drive and left some flowers for her. She's not too poorly just tired she says and feeling as if she's recovering from a bad cold.
Quiz tonight with my friends, from the comfort of my sofa
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
The wind hasn't dropped yet, not as bad as it was but I can still hear it. I have had a headache all day, I didn't sleep well really, my leg hurt then the wind kept me awake, one thing I do need is my sleep! My headache has cleared now so feeling better, I have an appointment with the fysio on Thursday evening, my friend had the same and she said he cleared her head in 3 sessions so I hope he can do the same for me, a strange time for me though, 21-15!
My friend was here this afternoon, she is still the top of the list for the apartment, it is a very difficult decision for her to make, she has her own house, that was cleared in her divorce years ago so no mortgage or anything, she has a huge garden, which she loves, she phoned her financial advisor and he didn't think it was a good idea, it is going to cost her so much every month and where she is there are no costs. That is true. She is the one with chronic leukaemia so may get weaker over the years and thinks the apartment will be easier. As she puts it " it is a rich problem"!
Plant, pleased you have an appointment and that they can remove the lump for you.
I have just been sorting clothes out, yet again, I certainly won't need to buy any this summer. I gave the neighbour a new fleece jacket yesterday, she is the autistic one with face cancer, her face has healed so well, unbelievable. She was so pleased and has asked me to go to the restaurant in the village with her for coffee as a thank you, so I will see if I can go this week with her.
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Stair lift was fine but I got the engineers full medical history ,
All I asked was did he want a coffee , he then told me he has cut out coffee and only drinks water during the day because he had kidney stones , then that went on to his diabetes then his thyroid trouble and his reflux problems ,
I wish I hadn’t asked , I felt Ill by time he finished 😂😂😂
Lizzie nice to here your friends face has healed nicely , it’s amazing what they can do ,
Maybe it’s not such a good idea for your other friend financially but if she has the money and she would feel better in the flat why not .
Gem is the IKEA cafe open as normal now ? You did have to book a slot , we didn’t notice when there ,
Nanto nice to have a surprise visit isn’t it 😁
Glamm hope tomorrow is your last eye treatment ,
I was going to clear the leaves in our garden today but it was freezing out ,
Then our neighbour who lost the felting on his shed decided to renew it and needed to be in our garden to get to the side of his shed as it’s up close to our fence and he can’t get. To it in his garden .
My other neighbour with the mental health issues came home today after 9 weeks in hospital , I hope she is ok again and taking her meds .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
We had strong winds predicted again for today, but its not at the moment.
Oma, hope the stair lift man felt better after unloading his medical history.
Hubby out this morning for a couple of hours,so i'll be able to crack on.
Going to dads when hubby when gets back, a few things we need to move.
Dinner prepared.Jacket potatoes with cheese and beans.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.