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Plant, he's a strange brother. As the saying goes,you can choose your friends but not your family.
He's always very sarcastic as well.
Enjoy your holiday.Sounds like there is plenty to see and do.
Lizzie,your birthday sounds really nice.Lovely photos.
Had a lovely couple of hours socialising this morning with sister in law and her hubby.
Early afternoon hubby needed to go for some diesel,so we went to the cafe in town that we like and ate out.
Weather today wasn't as good as yesterday. its been quite cloudy today.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good pics Lizzie, I'm glad you had a nice birthday.
Nice to eat out Nan2.
A nice lazy day. I did some housework this morning, then decided I couldn't be bothered to go shopping, it will wait until tomorrow. I had a relaxing bath and caught up with The Archers.
Our friends who have recently been to Canada came round this afternoon for a catch up. We are having a couple of days away with them next week so wanted to plan.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Lizzie - it's lovely to see your photos - fancy having a herb garden with so much choice! My little trough of herbs would get lost. I'm so glad you have had a lovely birthday, and I bet that tart was like nectar after dieting for so long.
Nanto - funny how people from the same family can be so different, isn't it. It sounds as though that brother has a chip on his shoulder about something. Still, I'm sure the rest of you have more fun without his sarcastic comments.
Gem - it's good to have a relaxing day. I hope you're planning to go somewhere nice with your friends.
It's been too wet to do anything outside for most of today, but I did several loads of washing, and some of it is still on the airer, drying. I put some in the dryer, though - bedding and towels. The ironing pile has mysteriously grown today.The weather cleared up about tea time, so I took Eva out for a walk, and I beat her in the sniffing competition today - everything smelled so fresh and lovely after the rain.
My friend M came round for coffee this morning, so housework took a back seat - so far back that it didn't happen.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy at least you got the washing done
Lizzie how nice to bring you a tart and The B&B owners to sing happy Birthday to make you feel special
Gem you have such a busy life a lazy day will do you good , a day just for you , shopping can wait im sure your cupboards are not empty ,
How is Henry lately i have been meaning to ask xx
Nanto isnt it nice to just pop out to eat once in a while no planning just go
I cant sleep so i have pottered around ,
Its raining steady ,
We have the Dog Monday & Tuesday this week , DD is in Brum for work those days and SIL is working GS at College ,
Then from Saturday we have him 10 days while they are on holiday
I might make myself a hot drink and go up to bed see if i can catch a few hours .Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good Monday morning, and welcome to the start of another week.
Nanto - I don't know where the "scorcher" story came from - it looks as though it's going to be more of a "dripping wet week"! I hope we get enough dry hours though to keep on top of the weeds after we've worked so hard on the garden!
Oma - I hope you got a few hours sleep eventually. A busy week for you and for DD and family by the sound of it. How is your DD's job going? Is she glad she made the move?
I hope everyone is well - I'll pop back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning ladies.
Nan2 I agree with you. It is WET here! Hopefully nicer as the week goes on.
Oma I hope you got a bit more sleep later. We will have to have our get together after holiday dog sitting is over
Daisy, we are going to Ironbridge. On Wednesday for two nights.
OH is most disappointed. All set to play in an away competition today, to be told the course (near Leeds) is closed as it's too wet. We need some shopping so she will probably go with me, a poor substitute for the golf she was looking forward to!
I am going to see Paul Merton tonight in an improv show at the Opera House. I saw a similar one about 3 years ago. When she heard I had gone by myself my friend H said she would love to go if anything like that came up again. So she is going with me. We booked many months ago.
Have a good Monday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning all. We had a massive storm last night, thunder, lightning and heavy rain. I think more is on its way as it’s very humid with heavy skies here at the moment. Cooper is with me, snoring by my side as usual! He’s not much company as he’s asleep most of the time, he’ll wake up when I’m having lunch though.
Last week I went to the cinema! I saw the new Downton Abbey film with a friend from my knitting/craft group. It was good and I’m pleased I’ve seen it but the films are not a patch on the series. Good to have some loose ends tied up though.
Daisy, there is a Range near us, well worth a visit. There is a big new Lidl, Dunelm, Matalan and Home Bargains too. It’s my go to place for shopping, plenty of free parking as well.
5 weeks to go before DS and family visit! Getting excited now. I still need to clear the upstairs wardrobe for them, as I have some of P’s things still there. DD is going to do that for me and I’ll just keep out of the way. For some reason, it’s more difficult to do that now than much earlier on, but it must be done.
Not much going on here, just plodding on but everyone is well so that’s good. Have a good day everyone. 🌞Last edited by Enfys; 16-05-2022, 11:42 AM."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys I think if you feel upset with clearing Ps stuff out then it’s a good idea your DD does it for you .
I was wondering about the new Downton film , I wasn’t fussed about the first one to be honest I thought it wasn’t as good as the series .
My Nephew was driving back to his Army base and said the thunder and lightning was tremendous and very loud .
Storm is asleep too ,he has had a big lunch now he is full and sleeping it off 😁Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Gem - poor S. There's a course near us (a very posh and expensive one!) which is often closed because it's too wet. They spent a fortune putting drainage in, but it's not much better. It must be so frustrating for the members. Still, at least you will have some company when you're shopping.
Enfys - we had the storm too. I've just realised that's probably why I'm tired today - we were awake for a couple of hours with a frantic, shaking Eva. You must be so excited about DS and family's visit, and it's much better to let DD clear that wardrobe for you. I can understand how you feel - it must be so hard. Well done on your trip to the cinema, even if the film wasn't quite as good as the tv series. I must have a trip out your way then for some retail therapy when things are a little bit less hectic. How's your garden after the storm yesterday?
It was warm but cloudy here, so I put the washing out anyway. Then it rained, but as it hadn't been out long I left it there and the sun came out. I just went to get it in and it had been visited by a large bird who clearly has an upset tum!
Storm must love your house, Oma!
Right, break over. Back to the ironing board."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Gem, sorry OH couldn't get to play golf. Thats the British weather for you.
Enfys, not long until the family visit.
It was dull this morning,so i managed to clean the upstairs windows before the sun came out.
I decided i didn't like the curtains in the back bedroom so changed those.
Otherwise,just been a day of pottering and tidying. I like tidy.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Enfys, how exciting, that family visit getting closer! I think your DD sorting out the rest of P's things is a good idea xx
After a miserable morning here it is quite nice here now!
OH and I went to Tesco to do our shopping this morning. This afternoon she has watched ladies football and I have written up the Minutes from the last meeting.
OH was really looking forward to playing on the new course today, but as Nan2 says, that's British weather for you!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown