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The Daily Drop-in
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Good morning ladies,a nice surprise opening mail to find a sweet card from admin,thanks so much for brightening up my morning.
Oma how lucky to have a new babe in the family I bet everyone is so excited.
I am still feeling pretty rough and have this horrible cough which will just not move I have posted off a home test kit as I am sure it is C19 even though I have had the 2 x jabs I should know by Monday so I am obviously staying indoors for the foreseeable.
I did however have some good news yesterday about the bungalow next door but one (next to Jims) my old neighbour D from where I used to live has been offered it she suffers from Parkinsons and badly needed ground floor the HA have offered it to her and she is delighted as I am,it will be so good to have a good friend so close by she gets the keys on 8th Nov and get moved in as soon as she wants.
Bye for now will catch up soon xxxglammaKeep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Good afternoon.
Had a lot of rain earlier,but the sun is shining now.
I had plenty to do to keep me occupied.Cleaned all downstairs.
Made some corned beef and onion pies for the freezer.
Will put one with mash on in the fridge for tommorow.
Didn't get in the shower till 11.30.
Glamma, lovely that a good friend of yours will be living so close to you.
Hope you feel better soon.
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This gallery has 1 photos.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Glamm, I wouldn’t be surprised if your test comes back positive, you take care. Lovely news about your friend being given a bungalow near to you.
Nanto, lots of baking ready to go in the freezer
I am feeling very sleepy today, although I have got quite a lot done, more in the line of tidying up. Still not much news f my sister, I have got the number of the ward she is in but can’t get a reply. I believe they are carrying out tests. At least they are not discharging her at 1am as they did before.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Glamma, take care. At least you know if the test is positive now you will be towards the end of it.
Lovely news about your friend moving next door.
Wards have less staff at weekends Plant so it's harder to get an answer. I hope you have some news of your sister soon.
It was a lovely sunny afternoon, then started to rain at 6! The colourful sign I made telling people to take a treat and leave some for others is getting soggy and running! It's under cover slightly but the rain is blowing in. Oh well ,I did my best! There will probably be less out tonight anyway.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem we have only had two groups of older children ,
I don't think we will get anymore ,
there are a lot of children's Halloween parties going on I think the parents are taking them there rather than around the doors .
Glamm as Gem said at least if its positive you are a fair way through it xxx
Plant i hope you get through either tonight or tomorrow It must be a worry for you xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
When OH went to feed the neighbours cat just after 6 she said that the sweet bowl was empty. Just then a sweet little boy came up with his mummy. I has to say I was so sorry I was taking everything in as we had no sweets left. I saw a group of teenage boys on bikes taking some when it was still light, and they saw me. I suspect once it was dark and I wasn't there they came back and took them all. The little boy's mum said she had seen teenagers about down the road. I just hope some went to actual children, not nasty greedy little s**s.
Feeling disillusioned. I won't leave any outside any more“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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We brought ours in then we had quite a few knock
Told them all to take a couple each but still left with lots ,
Just as well B likes them all
We had some very polite older ones who when I said take a couple all said no thank you we will just have one .
Some really creative costumes this year , we had three about 12 yrs old dressed as Zombie telly tubbies so funny , wish I had taken pictures .Im not fat just 6ft too small
Originally posted by Gemini View Post
Depending on how much wine you drink Daisy??!Actually I didn't have much to drink because I had promised to take the 'official' photos. I was so pleased that I got a great shot of the birthday boy at the point where he realised the roomful of people were there for him.
The party was a surprise one for him, organised by his wife and one of his DDs. It's been so hard for her keeping it a secret, and had involved a lot of careful planning. She held it at the hotel at the end of our road, and their other DD and GD had come over from the Channel Isles - their first trip off the island for nearly 2 years. But these things never go smoothly and the DD and GD had to abandon their car 15 miles away last night when they got a puncture and come back on the train - with their two dogs. So the birthday boy's wife had to take them back to the car to get it fixed this morning and everyone then had to rush back to get to the hotel for the agreed time. At least after that everyone relaxed and had a lovely time. The weather went from torrential rain to glorious sunshine and back to torrential rain!
We got home in time to put out treats and a lantern - we were too tired to have everyone coming to the door so I'd put a message on our Whats App group to tell the children to help themselves. When we went out later all the treats had gone - and so had the box they were in. I found it eventually under my car - it was very windy.
What a shame if the teenagers nicked all the sweets, Gem. Poor little boy - I hope he got some treats somewhere.
Glamm - I'm sorry to hear you're still suffering with that cough. I hope it isn't Covid, but at least you will get the test results soon. It must have lifted your spirits though when you heard your friend will be moving in next door but one. Jim will be pleased - not one but two lovely ladies as neighbours.
Plant - it sounds as though the hospital are taking your sister's symptoms seriously - and it must ease your worries a bit knowing she is being well cared for. Hopefully there will be people around to answer the phone tomorrow.
Nanto - your freezer must be very well-stocked with delicious home-made pies etc.
OH has a 9 am appointment at the hospital tomorrow, so an early start for us. It's a scan plus injection so we will be longer than usual, but at least first thing the delays haven't built up - and it's easier to park.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning Nan2. I like the little teddy friends. Good morning everyone else.
New week, new month. I can't say its my favourite month, but we have to have it
I hope it goes smoothly and as quickly as possible for you and OH this morning Daisy.
OH has a Rules Meeting at the golf club. A guest speaker is coming to tell the ladies about new rulings in the golfing world. At least they will be in the dry for that event!
No plans for me today apart from the quiz tonight. Not my turn to set it, so I just 'turn up' (on my sofa)
Have a nice Monday, and I hope poorly people feel much better soon, and baby Pond is thriving.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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God morning ladies ,
Daisy hope its not too long at the Hospital but it must be done ,
Gem enjoy a lazy day for a change it will be good for you , your always rushing around xx
Nanto lovely Graphic as usual thank you
I have cleaned my windows in sitting room and front door again , once I took the window stickers off from last night .
Didnt have a good nights sleep last night partly due to my next door neighbour the one with mental health problems
will put it on another thread
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning,thanks so much for the well wishes I still feel poorly but am feeling slightly better,I have requested another course of antibiotics from my Dr I should receive them today sometime,I have also cancelled my eye clinic appointments for this week and will reschedule when I get PCR test result.
bye for now xxglammaKeep Calm,You're Fabulous